March 20, 2024

Elevating Compassion Today With Ali Horriyat

Elevating Compassion Today With Ali Horriyat

Earning a huge amount of money and amassing numerous possessions will never give you genuine satisfaction in life. Instead of focusing on your material wealth, you will find deeper meaning by elevating and prioritizing compassion to the world. In this episode, Corinna Bellizzi sits down with Ali Horriyat, Founder of Compassiviste, to share how he killed his life of hypocrisy to start living a purpose-driven life. Ali talks about escaping the addicting money-making culture and beginning his mission to add value to other people’s lives instead of zeroes. He also explains how to harness the power of collective impact to raise awareness about the biggest social issues of today, putting compassion and humanity above financial priorities.


About Guest:

Compassiviste’s Founder Ali Horriyat left the lucrative, profit-driven world of finance in 2016 to devote himself to his vision of a society where compassion, empathy, and social impact are at the heart of our actions. In 2020, he launched Compassiviste to spread this vision. Born in Dubai, he attended schools in the UAE, France and Switzerland before pursuing his higher education in Canada. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in economics, political science, philosophy, business, international relations and conflict resolution, and religion. Ali is the author of 12 books, including collections of essays and poetry, with themes ranging from racism and capitalism to spirituality, love and compassion. He believes that humans must “love always, and always love.”


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