April 4, 2023

Leadership and Maverick Thinking with Guest Author Garry Hall | Beyond the Pen Podcast

Leadership and Maverick Thinking with Guest Author Garry Hall | Beyond the Pen Podcast
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Beyond the Pen

Episode Description:

Join us on Beyond the Pen as we sit down with retired Rear Admiral Garry Hall, author of Navigating Leadership, for an insightful and entertaining conversation about the importance of risk-taking, fostering diverse relationships, and the power of teamwork.

From his journey as a Navy helicopter pilot to becoming a leadership expert, Garry shares his wit, wisdom, and personal anecdotes, revealing the secrets to maintaining a long-lasting marriage and the power of humor in diffusing tense situations.

Discover the power of the P.A.C.T. - Passion, Accountability, Commitment, and Traits/Traditions - and learn how these principles have shaped Garry's personal and professional life, providing valuable insights on leadership, goal-setting, and self-improvement. Tune in to hear from the next maverick of leadership, Mr. Garry Hall.


Introduction [00:00:00] The host introduces the guest, retired Rear Admiral Garry Hall, and gives a brief background on his career.

Garry's Introduction [00:01:13] Garry introduces himself and talks about his background, including his time in the U.S. Navy and his book "Navigating Leadership."

The Importance of a Team in Writing a Book [00:02:37] Garry discusses the importance of having a team to write a quality book and acknowledges the host's contribution to his book.

Growing up in New York [00:04:36], Garry talks about his experiences growing up in a diverse neighborhood in New York and how it influenced his ability to connect with people from different backgrounds throughout his career.

The Ground School Engineering Exam Story [00:07:13] Garry shares a story about a risky leadership experience he h his roommate in flight school and how it changed his outlook on leadership.

Lessons in Humility and Priorities [00:10:54] The importance of humility understanding others as a leader, and how Rear Admiral Hall's priorities changed throughout his career and marriage.

Being Mentally Present [00:17:21] The importance of being mentally present when you are physically present and how it can affect relationships with loved ones.

Using Humor to Diffuse Tense Situations [00:19:50] Rear Admiral Hall's experience using humor to diffuse a tense situation with a three-star admiral and the importance of having a quick wit as a leader.

Leadership Success Story [00:21:29] Rear Admiral Garry Hall shares his experience of how passion, accountability, commitment, traits, and behaviors led to his helicopter detachment being recognized as the number one detachment in the Navy.

Character Creation [00:26:04] The host presents a fictional character, Jess Wildcat, who wants to be a great leader but is a toxic leader. Rear Admiral Garry Hall suggests five major things a leader needs to have: creating a document on who they are, being responsible, setting goals, being balanced, and taking a self-assessment.

Tips for Emerging Leaders [00:30:17] Rear Admiral Garry Hall gives tips for emerging leaders, including showing up on time, being clean of body, mind, and uniform, having a happy appearance, and pursuing goals with passion and commitment.

Writing Kryptonite [00:32:31] Garry Hall talks about his writing process and how distractions are his kryptonite.

Inspiring Quote [00:34:23] Garry Hall shares a quote from his late friend that inspires him to take opportunities when they arise.

Future Projects [00:35:28] Garry Hall discusses his future projects, including a new book called "Navigating Marriage" and continuing his podcast.

Self-Promotion [00:37:35] Garry Hall shares where listeners can find him, including his podcast and website for his book "Navigating Leadership."