Nov. 29, 2022

A Passionate Prequel to the Classics with Guest Author Alice McVeigh

A Passionate Prequel to the Classics with Guest Author Alice McVeigh
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Beyond the Pen

In This Episode

Have you ever considered creating fan fiction for your favorite book series? Or maybe experiment with a well-known character's backstory to answer the question, what if? Well, this week's guest author, Alice McVeigh, did just that to one of Jane Austen's most infamous villainous characters, Lady Susan. In Susan - A Jane Austen Prequel, Alice shows us that not all villains start evil initially but are gradually changed over time. Her love of Jane Austen is so overwhelming and unprecedented; you can hear it in her voice during our interview. So come with us as we glimpse into the what-if of Lady Susan's childhood with author Alice McVeigh on Beyond the Pen.

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