In this episode of Accessibility Solutions Podcast Season 3, Linda Hunt and Michael Hingson talk about: Michael Hingson's 9/11 Escape: Michael recounts his dramatic escape from the World Trade Center on 9/11 with his guide d…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Katja Lany talk about: The power of maintaining a positive attitude during challenging times. Strategies for adapting to significant life changes and maintaining independence. Shifting from a …
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Theresa Alexander Inman talk about: Challenges parents face with children at risk for developmental delays and milestones. The importance of integrating play and mindfulness in early childhood…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Stina Borth talk about: Transformative Inclusion: Inclusion improves productivity and drives significant change. Mindset Shift: Viewing accommodations as beneficial for business success. Custo…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Monica Vest Wheeler talk about: The challenges faced by family caregivers, include navigating complex medical information and emotional dynamics. The importance of healthcare professionals rec…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Erin Edgar talk about: Transition challenges for disabled adults Estate planning vital Complexities of government benefits The financial strain of disability Importance of understanding govern…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Idan Meir talk about: The inception of RightHear, Idan aimed at transforming public spaces into accessible environments for individuals with spatial orientation challenges, particularly the bl…
In this episode, Linda Hunt talks about: International Women’s Day theme of inspire inclusion Promoting diversity in leadership and decision making Education and awareness to foster inclusion Film industry’s role in represen…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Rich Kozak talk about: The transformative power of inclusive branding Emphasizing authentic language usage Implementing inclusivity from the top down Enhancing brand identity through accessib…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Raja Vaidya talk about; Raja's journey of overcoming his fear of speaking leading to his growth and accomplishments the importance of accepting oneself and embracing individual differences cha…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Drocella Mugorewera talk about; the importance of language diversity in creating inclusive environments. highlighting the need to empower foreign-born individuals by providing opportunities to…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Kyle Ann Robertson talk about; the therapeutic value of journaling, particularly during recovery periods. the power of visualization and its techniques. how prompt cards help in triggering cre…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Deborah Greenhut talk about; The Critical Role of Caregivers Financial Strain and Health Impact The Toll on Family Relationship Advocating for Change And more! Deborah’s Bio: Award-winning aut…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Erin Edgar talk about; Navigating Internet Barriers for Blind and Low-Vision Individuals User Experience with Cloud-Based Services Flexibility and Patience in Adaptation Impacts of Software Ch…
In this episode, Linda Hunt talks about; crucial service of AODA compliance reviews, aiding businesses unsure of their compliance status. AODA requirements are tailored to business size, with distinctions for those having 1-…
In this episode, Linda Hunt talks about; AODA reporting and its significance. AODA compliance requirements for businesses based on their size. The AODA reporting deadline of December 31, 2023. Consequences of non-compliance,…
In this episode, Linda Hunt talks about; Her transition from public sector leadership to adapting after a neurological diagnosis. The role of inclusion culture within organizations for leadership opportunities. Common barrie…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Ingrid Muschta talk about; Debunking myths about hiring individuals with disabilities. The positive impacts of inclusive hiring on productivity and business growth. How businesses can effectiv…
In this episode, Linda Hunt talks about being in the Driver’s Seat and; Her empowering tale of driving from a power wheelchair. The hidden challenges and hefty costs of wheelchair conversion vehicles. Introducing 'Betsy', he…
In this episode, Lucy Marco and Linda Hunt talk about: Lucy's impactful role as the President of the Grand River Council on Aging and her 57 years of diverse experience. The Age-Friendly Movement is a global initiative aimin…
In this episode, Tracy Ordell and Linda Hunt talk about: Tracy's life journey, from being in an institution for children with physical disabilities to advocating for herself and eventually living independently in the communi…
In this episode, Saylor Cooper and Linda Hunt talk about: Saylor's Experience with Disability Overcoming Obstacles: How does Saylor encounter Barriers in Life? The Profitability of Accessibility: How businesses can enhance t…
In this episode, Linda Hunt and Kathryn Johnson talk about The Joy of Obstacles. Kathryn, living with cerebral palsy, shares her inspiring story about defying societal norms, earning 3 degrees, clinching 2 World Championship…
The Accessibility Solutions Podcast Season 2 is now out! This week, Linda Hunt talks about her exciting podcasting journey and the highly anticipated Season 2 of the Accessibility Solutions Podcast. She shares her insights o…