Dec. 1, 2022

Solfeggio 528Hz + Alpha Binaural Beats To Boost Creativity

Solfeggio 528Hz + Alpha Binaural Beats To Boost Creativity

The Solfeggio Frequency 528Hz meditation music stimulates the healing of the third chakra - the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is followed by the good benefits of increased energy and positivity.

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The Meditation Life Skills Podcast

It is believed that the Gregorian monks utilized a frequency of 528 hertz while they chanted in meditation, and this frequency, known as the Solfeggio frequency, is used in meditation music today. The most helpful frequency, 528 Hz, is utilized for miraculous change and transformation.

Recently, neuroscientists have discovered a link between an increase in alpha brain waves and an increase in alpha brain waves caused by either electrical stimulation or the practice of mindfulness and meditation. Even if you only listen to the music for five minutes at a time, listening to music with a frequency of 528 Hz can lessen the amount of stress experienced by the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system.

Alpha waves predominate in the brain when thoughts are calmly and steadily flowing, as well as in some meditation states. The power of now, being now, and being in the moment is what Alpha is all about. The brain is said to be in the alpha state when it is at rest. Alpha waves help with total mental coordination as well as tranquility, attentiveness, integrating the mind and body, and learning.

When one sound frequency is played in one ear and another sound frequency is played in the opposite ear, a two-tone effect is created in the middle of the brain that is really perceived as a single tone. This phenomenon is referred to as "binaural beats." This creates what's known as a "entrainment" effect in the brain, which, depending on the frequency, can have a number of different effects. strives to present meditation concepts that connect east and west, tradition and science in a non-sectarian way, from multiple traditions, without promoting any particular technique or method.

One important principle I try to accomplish is to take complex ideas about meditation and the not-so-well understood meditation principles and help you understand how they can fit into your life.

To your success in meditation!

Don Weyant

Don Weyant/Founder

NOTE: Listen to these meditation episodes as much as you want in a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down. For best results, we strongly suggest listening with headphones.

***This work is not meant to replace medical or counseling guidance from a qualified practitioner. Please get professional care if you suffer from a physical or mental disease.