Emotional Release Therapy Trainings


July 28, 2019

#22 - Vitamin D Knowledge Bomb, Ketchup Product Review & Guest Steph Gaudreau | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Knowledge bomb: Vitamin D. Where do we find it? What are the benefits? How do we optimize it? Product review: High fructose corn syrup and its detrimental effects. Ketchup quality worst to best. Special guest: Steph Gaud…
July 21, 2019

#21 - Liver Knowledge Bomb, Chips Product Review & Guest Dr. Diane Fong | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Knowledge Bomb: Liver health: How does it work, how do we protect our liver and give it more love. Product Review: Tortilla chips Special guest: Dr. Diane Fong (@naturalstartmedicine) joins the show to drop a diversity of…
July 14, 2019

#20 - Fasting Knowledge Bomb, Chocolate Product Review & Guest Gwen Dittmar | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Knowledge Bomb: Fasting: Is it the real deal? What are the benefits? Should I be fasting? Product Review: Chocolate quality Special guest: Gwen Dittmar is a breath coach who has transformed lives by teaching people the imp…
July 8, 2019

#19 - Caffeine Knowledge Bomb, Coffee Product Review & Guest Dr. Jen Esquer | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Knowledge Bomb: Coffee, is it good or bad for me? Product review: Best and worst coffee brands and what to look for. Special Guest: Jen Esquer PT, DPT joins the show to talk about how we can all better our relationship wi…
July 1, 2019

#18 - Hand Sanitizer Product Review & Audience Q&A | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Product Review: Hand Sanitizer Show segment: Dr. G answers Q & A ‘s from Instagram. Heal Thy Self is a show based on empowerment. Empowerment of you, the viewer such that you can be your highest self on every level. Throug…
June 23, 2019

#17 - Brain Health Knowledge Bomb & Guest Dustin Watten | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Knowledge Bomb: Brain Health Dustin Watten @dustinwatten joins the show to share some of his expansive knowledge. Dustin is a persistent seeker of knowledge and educated in numerous techniques and philosophies which can bet…
June 16, 2019

#16 - Toxins, Household Cleaner Product Review & Guest Dr. Patrick Fox | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Knowledge Bomb: Toxins Product Review: Household Cleaner Dr. Patrick Fox (@drpatrickfox) came over from Seattle to join the show. We are grateful to hear him go in depth about Lyme disease. He goes into details about where…
June 9, 2019

#15 - Practitioners, Cookware Product Review & Guest Kanchan Koya | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Kanchan Koya PhD (chiefspicemama) joins the show to drop some knowledge on all things therapeutic culinary spices. She shares with us her incredible journey from BioTek to empowering people to healing through food. We learn …
June 2, 2019

#14 - Mold Knowledge Bomb & Guest Mark Levy | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

The mold show: Today’s special show is around all things mold. We dive deep into what it is, where it is found, and how it affects us. Mold can be debilitating as much and it is insidious. We are empowering everyone to le…
May 26, 2019

#13 - Organic Food, Laundry Detergent Product Review & Guest Dr. Steven Lin | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Functional dentist Steven Lin (@drstevenlin) blows us away with the way he ties in oral health and breathing to overall health and healing. We learn about why we are having so many issues with our health and how to address i…
May 20, 2019

#12 - Moving into a New Home, Air Filters Product Review & Guest Maria Marlowe | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Nutritionist extraordinaire and author of The Real Food Grocery Guide, Maria Marlowe (@mariamarlowe) joins the show to share with us the power of whole food. We dive deep into understanding how therapeutic food can be in hea…
May 13, 2019

#11 - Supplements, Olive Oil Product Review, & Guest Alyssa Love | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Alyssa Love @iam.alyssalove blows our mind with her teachings. She transforms the way we look at menstrual cycles and empowers the audience to better align with natural rhythms. She also challenges us to open our perspective…
May 5, 2019

#10 - Artificial Food Coloring Knowledge Bomb, Crackers Product Review, & Audience Q&A | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Knowledge Bomb: Why is food coloring still a thing? How it disrupts health... especially in children. Product Review: Crackers Q&A: Questions submitted by the instagram audience are answered. Everything from detox t…
April 28, 2019

#09 - Breast Cancer Prevention Knowledge Bomb, Sunscreen Product Review, & Guest Jacquelyn Umof | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Knowledge bomb: How to prevent breast cancer. Product Review: Sunscreen Our special guest this week is yoga/fitness/motivational extraordinaire Jacquelyn Umof (@actionjacquelyn https://www.instagram.com/actionjacquel…
April 22, 2019

#08 - Arsenic Knowledge Bomb, Deodorant Product Review, & Guest Dr. Jolene Brighten | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Knowledge Bomb: Arsenic where it is found and how it disrupts our health. Product review: Deodorant. Dr. Jolene Brighten (@drjolenebrighten - www.instagram.com/drjolenebrighten) stops by to blow our minds about the …
April 15, 2019

#07 - The Danger of Dairy, Vegan Cheese Product Review, & Guest Dr Vivian Chen | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Knowledge Bomb: The illusion of dairy as a health food Product review: Non dairy cheeses Special Guest Dr. Vivian Chen (@plateful.health https://www.instagram.com/plateful.he... ) joins us to drop some awesome knowledge. …
April 8, 2019

#06 - BPA, Non-Dairy Yogurt Product Reviews, & Guest Trish Ferrer | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Knowledge bomb: What is BPA? Where is it found? Why is it detrimental to health? Product review: Non-dairy yogurts. Special guest: Trish Ferrer (@plantsandbalance) joins the show to teach us about what Naturopathic medic…
April 1, 2019

#05 - Toothpaste Product Review & A Discussion on Spiritual Health

Knowledge Bomb: Fluoride Product Review: Toothpaste Discussion on how our mental well being affects our physical health. A show based on empowerment. Empowerment of you, the viewer such that you can be your highest self o…
March 25, 2019

#04 - The Dangers of Dioxin, Tampon product reviews, & Guest Organic Olivia

Knowledge bomb: Tampon toxicity Product review: Tampons Special guest: Organic olivia (@organic_olivia) brings her expertise and passion on all things herbs, chinese medicine, and spirituality. Leaving us captivated to eve…
March 18, 2019

#03 - Alt. Milk Reviews, Guests James & Dahlia Marin

Knowledge Bomb: What to do after a cancer diagnosis. Product Review: Alternative milks Special Guest: Husband and wife registered dietitian duo, James and Dahlia Marin of @marriedtohealth join us to cover all things hea…
March 11, 2019

#02 - Monsanto, Mold, and Oatmeal Product Review

Knowledge Bomb: The dangers of glyphosate and what we can do. Product Review: Oatmeal Special guest: Dr. Jess Peatross (@dr.jess.md) is a leading Board Certified Functional MD with a passion for empowering people to be their…
March 3, 2019

#01 - Amalgam Fillings & Snack Bar Reviews

A show based on empowerment. Empowerment of you, the viewer such that you can be your highest self on every level. Through knowledge we will be giving you the information you need to make informed decisions. We lead you to w…