April 28, 2023

S4E9: How To Cultivate Contentment In The In Between Spaces

S4E9: How To Cultivate Contentment In The In Between Spaces
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Do you feel as if you're in an in-between space right now? You've come a long way, but you're not where you want to be yet? Do you ever struggle with FOMO & feel a lack of purpose in the everyday grind? Cassie Goossen has been set free from a mindset The mundane tasks of changing diapers, potty training, and You can have huge dreams for the future and receive many prophetic words, but your focus cannot be stuck in a future destination that does not exist yet. There is beauty, purpose, and importance in the present. Right now is a very beautiful place to be. The grass is not greener on the other side. The grass is greener where you water it.

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Find Cassie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cassiegoossen/


Where Are You, God? by John Bevere - https://store.messengerinternational.org/products/god-where-are-you

I Dream Big by Havilah Cunnington - https://havilahcunnington.com/books

Every Moment Holy - https://www.everymomentholy.com/