March 22, 2024

MINISODE: What Is Your Role In Stopping Human Trafficking?

MINISODE: What Is Your Role In Stopping Human Trafficking?

Danielle Hanlon works with She Is Safe, an anti-trafficking organization that seeks to prevent, rescue and restore women and girls who are stuck in human trafficking across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The question is not IF you are called to do something. It is, "WHAT are you called to do?" We bring our small loaves and fish and God multiplies what we offer him. Throughout history, God often judged entire nations based off how they treated the poor, the vulnerable, and the oppressed. And we will be judged by what we did or did NOT do to the least of these. HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED: 1. VOLUNTEER 2. PRAY 3. GIVE:!/donation/checkout Danielle's Email: 4. ADVOCACY