April 1, 2023



This month sees the podcast celebrate a HUGE milestone of 100 episodes. 

To celebrate this marker I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the journey thus far and give some special shout outs to episodes and moments along the way.

I also want to share with you ways that you can get involved over the coming month as part of the celebration and continue to support the podcast in the process.

And so, with the upcoming 100th episode I have a challenge that I need all of your help with- because at the end of the day the podcast is a team of ME and YOU


If you listen on apple podcasts (or have the ability to) please listen to an episode there and leave a review. If we can reach 100 reviews on Apple for our 100th episode celebration then I will be looking to set up some live question and answer calls as well as some other events as a means of celebrating hitting the challenge target by the end of April.  


As part of the celebration I will also be offering a fantastic way to gain lots of additional content as well as provide an opportunity to support the podcast to continue for another 100 episodes (and beyond) hopefully. For the months of May, June and July if you sign up on any tier on Patreon then not only will you gain the catalogue of existing materials for that tier but you will also for those selected months receive a short daily podcast. Hundreds of podcasts to enjoy on the way to work, whilst cooking dinner or before you fall asleep and available from just £1.

By signing up now you will know that your support is going directly to helping the podcast to continue to grow ANgaining a wealth of existing and upcoming material. 

Haunted History Chronicles Patreon

Other Ways To Support The Podcast



Like many new creators the podcast was launched during the pandemic with the first material being put out in October of 2020.

I think for many people all over the world podcasts, videos and other content helped some of us to keep busy whilst sometimes it felt like the world around us was changing day by day.

The podcast for me was very much more than that though. Without going into too much detail I had been through a difficult time and had honestly lost my voice and confidence. Being able to talk about things I was interested in was a huge way of starting to get back to who I was. Being able to talk with guests and others interested was something not easy for me- anxiety can be crippling and that was very much where I was. Doing the podcast continues to help me every single day overcome some of the anxious, nervous moments that can take hold. The podcast really is a space for me to be creative, to learn and to engage with so many incredible people. It is not just me- it never has been- it is everyone who has been part of the story. 

I could not do what I do without everyone who listens and supports the show. I could not do what I do without incredible guests and friends I have made along the way. 

I wanted to share some of the special people and moments I really do treasure. 

The very first interview I ever had was with Courtney from The Ghoul Guide. It was a first for both of us. I had never done anything like that before. I was beyond nervous and just making those calls to chat and record was a huge step for me. Courtney is one of those very special people who can make you feel at ease. Talking with her was fun, it was engrossing because her passion just oozes. She cares profoundly about the paranormal and the connections she makes. That first interview will forever have a special place for me. It was the beginning of connecting and sharing other people and locations that can often be overlooked or not heard. Courtney has been a guest of more than once now as well as a writer here on the blog. If you want to feel like you are talking with a friend, talking with a passionate and enthusiastic investigator as well as someone who cares about the history of a location then I encourage you to find Courtney's platforms and take a listen to her episodes- especially that first one about Rolling Hills.

Links For Courtney

I also want to give a special thank you to my Great Aunt Maude (Karin Beasant) who has also been with the podcast since those early days. Karin is an incredible investigator who not only runs the South Bristol Paranormal Team but is also one of the paranormal team at The Jamaica Inn. Her knowledge and passion for what she does inspires me every day. She is a true friend to the podcast and to me and is always so generous  with her time. She is also someone that cares about highlighting work being done out there by others and locations of interest. Thank you for helping to bring to people listening investigators and locations that are fascinating and inspirational. Thank you for always being a positive model for people within this community. 

Look out for an incredible update and deeper dive into The Jamaica Inn at the end of April to celebrate the 100th episode. 

Links to The Jamaica Inn

Links To South Bristol Paranormal

I never thought that the podcast would open other experiences and opportunities for me.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that it would enable me to do something else that I love which is to write. Writing was something I have enjoyed doing since I was a small child and always hoped to do more and more of. I have already explained that my experiences before starting the podcast and throughout the last couple of years have been tricky at times. To hand over my words to someone else to read is very daunting but something I am very proud of. I am so appreciative to the people who have helped me to love writing again and given me a space to share my writing voice. From the very first piece I submitted to Amanda Woomer and to anyone else afterwards who has been part of my writing journey, thank you from the bottom of my heart for seeing something in what I have to say and for believing in me too. Please give some of these amazing creators and writers some love... independent creators work SO hard and they are fabulous. Below is a link which shares where you can find some of my writing and those curators and writers who have been part of that journey. Go take a read, follow them, read them, be inspired by them and never give up on your dreams.

Links to Writers and Curators

It has been a joy and privilege to get to know and highlight so many incredible individuals along this journey. From researchers, writers and investigators like Courtney, Richard Sugg, Haunted History BC, Erin Egnatz and Rachel Hayward who have contributed their own words and writing. To every single guest who has spoken with the passion and integrity that they do (sometimes coming back more than once to chat with me like Sarah Blake and of which their are too many to list but I appreciate you all for trusting me in some way) I encourage you to get to know these incredible teams, researchers, podcasters, writers, managers and locations further. 

Links To All Guests


In December of 2022 I was stunned to appear in a write up of the best paranormal podcasts of 2022 alongside incredible creators. 

Haunted History Chronicles is a record to some of these unique places around the world with historic... Read more at https://www.higgypop.com/news/top-paranormal-podcasts-2022/

I am truly blessed. I have been lucky to be part of so many conversations and stories...

Thank you for listening to them!