Haunted History Chronicles

Curl up and enjoy discovering the history and ghostly events that surround different places, locations and people.

“There are more things in heaven and earth… than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Hamlet

Recent Episodes

July 26, 2024

The Last Experiment: Thomas Bradford's Quest For Proof With Sarah Blake

Thomas Bradford, a spiritualist in early 20th century Detroit, sought to prove the existence of an afterlife through a unique and tragic experiment. Partnering with fellow spiritualist Ruth Doran, Bradford devised a plan whe…
July 19, 2024

The Lady In The Bay Window: A True Story Of A Haunted Sheffield Home

In today's episode we delve into "The Lady in the Bay Window," a true ghostly tale by William, who turned his experiences into a bestselling book. After his mum's cancer diagnosis, William channelled his energy into writing,…
July 12, 2024

Maurice Barbanell's Life And Legacy In Spiritualism With Dr. Nick Richbell

Maurice Barbanell (1902-1981) was a pivotal figure in spiritualism, renowned as the founder and editor of "Psychic News," a leading spiritualist publication. His work promoted the spiritualist movement, emphasising the reali…
July 5, 2024

A Demon-Haunted Land: Post-WWII Germany's Surge of Supernatural Events With Monica Black

In today’s episode we delve into the remarkable rise of supernatural phenomena in post-World War II Germany, a period marked by the extraordinary popularity of faith healers like Bruno Gröning and a wave of witchcraft accusa…
June 28, 2024

Beyond the Veil: Afterlife Beliefs and Ghosts in Antiquity With Joshua Mark

In this spine-chilling episode, we delve into ghostly encounters and afterlife beliefs across ancient civilisations! Journey with us through Mesopotamia’s restless spirits, Egypt’s elaborate rituals for the dead, and Rome’s …
June 21, 2024

Legends and Lore: The Supernatural Side of Hampton Roads With WTCW Paranormal

In this episode, we sit down with William Abbitt from WTCW Paranormal, a paranormal investigator who has explored the eerie corners of Hampton Roads, Virginia. William shares some of his experiences from haunted locations su…

Recent Blog Posts

Aimee Semple McPherson: Evangelist, Media Pioneer, and Icon of Faith Healing in 20th-Century America

Aimee Elizabeth Semple McPherson, widely known as Sister Aimee, was a charismatic Pentecostal evangelist and a prominent figure in American religious history during the early to mid-20th century. Her life and ministry were marked by pioneering the u…

Granville Oral Roberts

Granville Oral Roberts (January 24, 1918 – December 15, 2009) was a name synonymous with the rise of charismatic Christianity in the United States. As a televangelist, faith healer, and pioneer of the Prosperity Gospel, Roberts’ career s…

Bruno Gröning: The Controversial Mystic Who Healed with Faith

In the chaotic aftermath of World War II, Germany was gripped by stories of miraculous healings attributed to a mysterious figure, Bruno Bernhard Gröning. Born in 1906 in Danzig, Gröning rose to prominence in the late 1940s as a faith heal…

About the Host

Michelle Profile Photo


Host, author and producer

Hi I’m Michelle.
Teacher, podcaster, history and paranormal enthusiast and woman who wears many hats and spins many plates including dog whisperer- as you will often find Archie my dog- joining me during podcast recordings where he promptly falls asleep clearly not as enthusiastic about the subject as I am. It does mean his dulcet snoring can often be heard gently in the background- his contribution as occasional co- host needs a little work.
I live in Oxford in the United Kingdom and I love travelling and exploring historical sites throughout the UK for its history and haunted activity. One of the best gifts I ever received was English Heritage vouchers to use to explore various different historical sites. I had the best summer that year. (For friends and family possibly reading this please note that hint for future gift ideas!)
I started this podcast as an adventure through some of my passions. It has been immensely exciting getting to know lots of other people around the world who have these same common interests. I’ve been humbled by the encouragement and support from strangers and people who have become new friends! I truly could not do this without you.
This isn’t something I have done before and I’m learning everything as I go along - from equipment, to editing, to even creating this website. I’m loving it though- it’s a lot of work - but worth every second. Thank you for being patient as I learn and improve along the way. I have big dreams of where to take this podcast and community I hope we build here. If you wish to support that dream and this c… Read More