We are Celebrating 4 years on Air!
Feb. 24, 2022

E143: Melissa Bernstein - Make your Soul Sing

E143: Melissa Bernstein - Make your Soul Sing

As the co-founder of one of the most beloved and wildly successful Toy companies in America, Melissa Bernstein seemed to “have it all”, a doting husband and business Partner Doug, six high-achieving children, and wealth beyond anything she could have ever imagined possible. Yet, like many of us, she struggled to find her true purpose and meaning. This is an episode about having the courage to embark in your inner journey while holding on to your own lifeline so that like her, you can also turn darkness into light and make your Soul Sing!

Melissa Bernstein, mother of six, married +30 years, and founder of toy company Melissa & Doug, has struggled with existential anxiety and depression throughout her life. Although her toys have touched millions of children, Melissa longs to connect with people in a more direct and personal way. She reveals her journey in LIFELINES, her first book, which she wrote to help others who are also suffering. Melissa’s mission is to help other seekers on their journey inward so they too can transform darkness into light. 

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