Mental Health Episodes

March 31, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy 1 & 2 w. Fangirl Jeanne

It is about good dads and bad dads; present dads and absent dads; biological dads and adoptive dads. Join us as we discuss Marvel dads and daddies, space losers, mediocre white dude heroes, and Guardians of the Galaxy with Fangirl …

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Jan. 6, 2021

Teachable Moments, Trauma, and why "Bean Dad" struck a nerve

We meant to take this week off but then a thing happened. Musician, podcaster and public personality John Roderick struck a collective nerve by telling a story about his daughter, beans, and a can opener. In doing so he became …

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Dec. 30, 2020

Moonstruck with Madame Clairevoyant

We are joined by Claire Comstock-Gay (AKA Madame Clairevoyant) for a discussion about the cuckoo-bananas masterpiece that is Moonstruck. Fate! Stars! Chaos! Love! Lust! 80s New York! Men are wolves and they are afraid of death. This one has it …

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Nov. 11, 2020

The Royal Tenenbaums w. Rachel Varona Cote

We usually tease the episode with some pithy switcheroo about how the movie is about one thing, but is it possible that there are some dad issues to unpack? But this is a movie that refers to an entire family …

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Oct. 28, 2020

Robot Daddies and Terminator 2 [with Michael Hobbes!]

Terminator 2 is about a boy, his mom, and a killer robot, sure, but is it possible that a movie about a surrogate cyborg father has some daddy issues to unpack? Join Sarah, Alex and Michael Hobbes as we discuss …

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Oct. 7, 2020

Self-Absorption, Dad and The Squid and the Whale

It’s a cult classic about 1980s Brooklyn intellectuals falling apart at the seams, sure, but Sarah and Alex sort through The Squid and the Whale’s many dad themes and issues. What happens when mom and dad decide to go their …

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