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The Importance of a Holistic Approach to Osteoporosis

The Importance of a Holistic Approach to Osteoporosis

I find that people tend to go to extremes when faced with low bone density and fracture risk.

We either ignore it, making no changes and hoping for the best, or we go all in and start to do everything we read online, whether the advice is sound or not.

If you know me at all, you know that my path is more balanced and holistic.

Let's talk about the importance of addressing everything, from exercise to food and supplements, to medications.

Which is what I do in my 6-week Osteoporosis Strength Program, which starts next Monday, January 11.

More on my approach in my free Your Pilates Teacher Group - http://yourpilatesteacher.com

Register for Program - ink in profile or http://lyndalippin.com/osteoporosis

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