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Pilates Teachers - Serving vs. Selling

Today I unpack something that seems to confuse many Pilates teachers (as well as folks in other professions) - the difference between Serving and Selling.

I recently had some Zoom sessions with people who were in my free Pilates Profit Lab Workshop a few weeks ago, and they all commented on how much they learned over the course of the week.

In fact, most folks who move forward in their Pilates businesses with just the content I teach for free end up being busier and making more money.

As one person put it, "I had never called myself an entrepreneur before, or really thought about working on business at all. Now I realize I have to put my big girl pants on and deal with my business, so I can teach Pilates and make some good money."

And every time I serve the Pilates community by teaching my free workshops, I get more Pilates teachers in my programs.

Not by selling to them, but by serving them so well, and with such great information, that they really want to continue working with me more closely.

Serving your clients is the key, not how you sell to them.

Do that, and your results will speak for themselves and show in your bottom line!

If you enjoy my content, please consider supporting me with a donation https://ko-fi.com/lyndalippinpilates - Thank you!

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