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63. Words Matter - The Language of Pilates

I recently had a client ask me about the "Superman" exercise on the reformer. This worried me, as there is no exercise by that name. There are a few things I thought of - swimming prep on the long box and swan.

So I went on YouTube and searched, and saw so many scary things! The only actual Pilates exercise I saw was the Long Stretch, incorrectly named Superman.

There is a specific language to Pilates - Joe named the exercises, the apparatus, and certain cues and principles. And when we don't use the specific language, it can confuse our clients and possibly lead to injury.

Pilates Teacher Mastermind® VIP - https://lyndalippin.com/pilates-teacher-mastermind
Andrea Maida - https://pilatesandrea.com/
Lesley Powell - https://www.movementsafoot.com/

Find me:
Website - https://lyndalippin.com
Instagram - https://instagram.com/lyndalippin
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LinkedIn - https://linkedin.com/in/lyndalippin

Music by Nerd Salad (https://www.instagram.com/nerdsaladmusic/)
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