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31. Why There Is An Order To Pilates

Did you know that there really is an order to the Pilates exercises? And that knowing the order will make structuring a workout so much easier, whether it's for yourself or a client?

Today I deep dive into the order and why it exists. I talk about why some teachers and clients don't know the order, and how this makes it more difficult to put together a flowing workout with appropriate modifications and variations.

Pilates Teacher Mastermind® - https://www.subkit.com/pilatesteachermastermind
Pilates Mat Mastery - https://fitlynda.com/mat
Strong Bones Pilates Studio - https://lyndalippin.com/strong-bones-online-pilates-studio

Classical Order from Pilatesology - https://pilatesology.com/2022/08/classical-pilates-exercise-order-exercise-lists-sequences/
Andrea Maida's Blog - https://pilatesandrea.com/new-blog

Pilates Profit Lab FB Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/pilatesprofitlab
Strong Bones Pilates FB Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/strongbonespilates

Music by Nerd Salad (https://www.instagram.com/nerdsaladmusic/)
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