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116. Blended Workouts Gone Wrong

Somehow every workout class today is selling itself as blended - HIIT cardio, strength training, and mobility work all in one. Unfortunately, this approach waters down the effectiveness of each class of work, and is unsustainable.

If you exercise daily, as many of the people who attend my Pilates classes do, please separate your workouts. I promise that yu'll feel a difference in all the best ways.

FASTer Way to Fat Loss - https://www.fasterwaytofatloss.com/?aid=lyndalippin
Bombshell Pilates - https://bombshellpilates.com

Find me:
Website - https://lyndalippin.com (https://lyndalippin.com/)
Pilates Teacher Mastermind® -  https://lyndalippin.com/pilates-teacher-mastermind
Strong Bones Pilates™ Online Classes - https://lyndalippin.com/strong-bones-online-pilates-studio
IG - https://instagram.com/lyndalippin
YouTube - https://youtube.com/lyndalippinpilates
LinkedIn - https://linkedin.com/in/lyndalippin
Email - lynda [at] lyndalippin.com (mailto:lynda@lyndalippin.com)

Music by Nerd Salad (https://www.instagram.com/nerdsaladmusic/)
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