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Oct. 12, 2023

100. Pilates Mat - The Roll Up

100. Pilates Mat - The Roll Up

Today let's deep dive into The Roll Up - spine articulation in sagital plane with flexion starting from the top of the spine. The Roll Up is certainly challenging and very useful for teaching body and spine mechanics.

In the full studio there are tons of places to practice the roll up - cadillac/tower, barrels, short box, wall. I also offer modifications and variations.

Find me:
Website - https://lyndalippin.com
Pilates Teacher Mastermind® -  https://lyndalippin.com/pilates-teacher-mastermind
Strong Bones Pilates™ Online Classes - https://lyndalippin.com/strong-bones-online-pilates-studio
IG - https://instagram.com/lyndalippin
YouTube - https://youtube.com/lyndalippinpilates
LinkedIn - https://linkedin.com/in/lyndalippin
Email - lynda [at] lyndalippin.com

Music by Nerd Salad
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