Season 5

Sept. 20, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - Dedicated, conscious agents of the anti…

We're finishing up our Bircher talk here, with our discussion of the group's great crusades to keep people from having more rights, because apparently expanding civil, women's, or gay rights played right into the commies' han...

Episode page
Sept. 8, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - Old ladies in tennis shoes derail the D…

We find ourselves falling deeper into the history of the John Birch Society, Robert Welch's baby, and the anti-communist organization that seemed so fringey in the mid-20th century, yet seems so clearly a prologue to Qanon to...

Episode page
Aug. 23, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - The Candyman versus the Commies

As the title suggests, this is the moment where we hand off the story from contemporary Russia to the USA's number one Cold Warrior, a former candy magnate who founded the most successful and influential anti-Communist moveme...

Episode page
Aug. 9, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - The plot to DESTROY Russia. (Not really)

Our second full part on the topic of Putin's Russia, we cover more of that fun-loving gaggle of nationalist extremist conspiracy theorists who run that place these days, and with the help of our intrepid guide, Professor Yabl...

Episode page
July 27, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - Russia collapses into conspiracy

Having finished our dissection of Fed conspiracies, we now move on to consider how the other great world power of the 20th Century ended up becoming a dysfunctional autocracy overwhelmed by conspiracies. We learn what makes R...

Episode page
July 12, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - JP Morgan Sinks the Titanic

(Plus, satanic giants found the Federal Reserve)

Episode page
June 28, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - The Fed the Bitcoin Bros, and the Goldb…

Episode 3! We hope you like hearing Federal reserve conspiracy theories debunked, because boy, that's what you're getting this time. Thrill to the history of monetary policy. Experience the chills of arguing with bitcoin enth...

Episode page
June 14, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - Part 2: Q and the Jekyll Island Conspir…

Second episode! Which means the introduction to this series literally took up an entire episode. Does that mean we're getting better or worse? Hard to say. This time, we're taking on the conspiracist view of what actually tra...

Episode page
May 31, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - Part 1 - Introductions

We're back, bay-bee! For the next umpty-bajillion episodes, we're going to take a new angle to look at Qanon. Why, when we've already done Qanon several times? Because we believe the Qanon conspiracy a sense "eating" ...

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