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Nov. 13, 2023

Black Friday = Big Opportunity: How To Craft Your Perfect Holiday Offer

In this behind the scenes look at a God and Gigs 360 membership training, you'll learn embrace Black Friday, authentically engage with your audience,  and enjoy the benefits of increased sales and profitability.

Black Friday - the biggest holiday shopping day - is just for big retailers, right?  

Maybe not! As an independent creative with a unique connection to your audience, Black Friday / Cyber Monday is a prime opportunity for you to tap into the holiday season's buying mindset and make a substantial impact. 

In this behind the scenes look at a God and Gigs 360 membership training, you'll learn embrace Black Friday, authentically engage with your audience,  and enjoy the benefits of increased sales and profitability.  These game-changing insights will forever transform the way you approach making offers to your audience that they will appreciate and purchase!

In this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Boost your Black Friday sales by leveraging your creative skills and strategies.
  • Learn how to add value to your Black Friday offers with exciting bonuses.
  • Discover how to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity with irresistible Black Friday deals.
  • Understand the mindset of your audience during the holiday season and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.
  • Gain confidence in your marketing approach and learn effective strategies to maximize your Black Friday sales.
You don't have to compete with big retailers and crazy discounts. Instead, think of how you can add bonuses and unexpected experiences to your offer that your audience will be grateful for. - Allen C. Paul


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Some people love it and some people hate it, but it's something you can't avoid. I'm talking about Black Friday in the holiday season in America. It has become an unofficial holiday, really an extension and the unofficial beginning of the holiday season. But should you as a creative be involved? Should you be making Black Friday offers?

Should you be adding your voice to all of the sales and the discounts and everything you're hearing about people who are trying to make money during the season? Is there a way that you can do so with integrity and not feeling like you're sleazy or salesy? Well, we're going to talk about that in today's Creative checkup episode of the God and Gig Show. And trust me, no matter where you fall on the Black Friday conversation, you're going to want to listen to this checkup that we took from our God and gigs 360 membership call. So this is a sneak peek into what we do every week in gotten Gigs 360 Gold, which is our premier program for creatives.

Give me just a moment to welcome those of you who are new to God and gigs, and then we'll get into this very important conversation.

Hello and welcome to our show. Thank you so much for making this podcast a part of your creative day. And if you are new to the podcast, thank you for giving us a chance. You found your people and you found your tribe, especially as a musician, a creative, an entrepreneur, anyone inside the arts and entertainment space. If you have a faith focus or a Christian background, and you probably also serve or work around your ministry of your church, but you serve the arts and entertainment space in the mainstream, that means you're in the right place because that's what we help you do to connect the dots between your spiritual life and your creative life by solving temporary creative problems with timeless spiritual principles.

Now, one of the ways that we actually serve our community is in our God and Gigs 360 program. And I wanted to give you a sneak peek of a training that we did just recently on this question of Black Friday. How do we take part in it? How can we profit from it without feeling like we're competing with all these ultra competitive and ultra commercial groups like the targets of the world and the Amazon and everyone else that's presenting these offers? And as creatives, we may feel like we don't belong in that conversation.

Or maybe you feel that you don't have an offer or a product that really could translate into a Black Friday offer. Well, in this training, I told 360, and now I'm going to share with you how you can take part in this and do so the right way, in a way that's effective, profitable, and that fits with your value. So you will not feel sleazy or salesy or anything like that. I'm going to tell you why you actually have to be involved in the conversation when it comes to Black Friday, so that you can present your offers in a way that makes a difference both for you and for your audience. So I'm not going to take any longer.

I want you to hear this training and stay tuned after it so that you can hear how you can also be involved in what we are offering here at gotten gigs for our Black Friday offer. So a little tease there as well. Here's our training, our behind the scenes from the God and gigs 360 vault.

Well, hello there, 360. It is so good to have you here. This was a member all call. So if you're watching this, this is because you have access today to this member call. We want to open up to everybody and want to let you know that this is what happens when you have access to gold.

You get these member calls where you get access to everything that we're sharing in our group. Our members connect together, and this is what we do here in our member calls. But I'm going to turn this into just a training just for today. And I'm going to share with you why you need to be ready for your Black Friday offers. Now, as a creative, as a musician, as an artist, you might be saying, this is more for people who are in the retail space.

This is more for people who are selling products and they're going to be doing their Black Friday sales. And everybody starts getting ready for Christmas and you may not think this is for you. Let me explain why it is for all of us to think about Black Friday as an opportunity for you to share with your audience. Here's the number one thing. You don't have to be a big retailer, a Walmart.

You don't have to be a target. You don't have to think like that. Where you're doing these crazy sales, a thousand percent off or whatever, for your Black Friday offer. The first thing to remember is that everybody is thinking about buying and getting presents for Christmas and or the holidays during this year. We're all in a buying mood.

We're all thinking about our budget. We're all in this mode of what am I going to do that's special, that's different. So your audience, no matter what you're doing, whether it's in coaching, whether it's creating whatever you're doing, your people, your audience, the people around you are thinking about spending money, including you. By the way, all of us, we get in this mode where either we're getting wish lists together or we're thinking about what we're going to spend this year. So if you haven't been planning already, the rest of your audience is thinking like this.

So it's not pushy, it's not salesy to actually enter their atmosphere and say, hey, here's what I'm doing. Because we all expect for everyone to have some kind of offer something that's going to make it a little more attractive for them to engage with you in commerce and buy from you this time of year. So don't feel weird or guilty or salesy about this at all. Here's the second thing to think about. It doesn't have to be, as I mentioned, 1000% off.

It doesn't have to be a sale on something you do, especially if you're doing things like services or gigs or things like that. You don't need to discount your prices in order to get people's attention. What's even a better way to do this is to think of how you can create bonuses or things that are unexpected experiences or things that people would be grateful to get on top of something that you already offer. So let's say it's something in terms of your music. Well, can you add a bonus song that you've never shared?

Let's say it's something in terms of your coaching. Can you add bonus materials? Can you add something to your Black Friday idea, sale, offer, whatever it is that adds more to the table versus trying to get them to buy in at a discount, which may not serve you well. And I don't want you to think again that you're competing with everybody that's making sales and making Black Friday sales discounts. Now here at gotten gigs, we probably will do some type of discount, but that's because we have longer offers.

So I can give a discount on like a yearly subscription or something like that because it's a cash flow question and I can decide I'd rather have the upfront cost than the monthly cost. So it's a trade off that I can afford because it's not necessarily going to be something that takes off my bottom line in the long run. But for you, you may not want to do a discount at all, which is okay. But again, take off the pressure of thinking. You have to compete with the targets and with all the sales and all the Amazon things of the world.

You don't have to think that way. Think about what your creative audience is looking at, thinking about what could you offer for them that they would be grateful for? An opportunity to support you, one which is oftentimes what they would love to do, but do that in the context of their budget, in the context of the holidays, in the context of something that benefits them. And think of number three. This is a very important point, is to think of in terms of making it a really special offer for the holidays.

And this means you can't do something that you do all the time. You can't do something that you do throughout the year. It does have to be something that we call scarcity. You have to create some scarcity and be honest and say, hey, this is not going to be offered any other time other than Black Friday and or the week before or whatever you want to call it, the week up, Cyber Monday. There's so many different versions of this.

Right? But the key is it does have to be special. You cannot simply say, oh, well, it's going to be a special song, a special concert, a special thing, and then turn it right around and then offer it again next week because everybody will realize, oh, well, it was just a ploy. They were just trying to get me to buy, but they really weren't making it just for the Black Friday sale. They were really just making it where they wanted me to buy, and I didn't really care when it was or they didn't really care what it was.

So really be honest about the scarcity of it. And again, that's okay. Don't think that it's somehow being a bait and switch when you tell people that it's only available for a certain time and then you jack the price back up or you take away the bonus on Monday or Tuesday following Black Friday. That's the nature of this thing. People often don't move or get any kind of motivation to take you up on these types of things until you are very clear that you are not going to offer it past a certain date.

People actually need deadlines. How many of you, including me, don't do something until there's a deadline? You need the pressure. You're going to procrastinate. And people don't want to move until they're challenged and said, hey, this is only for people who want to take action on this.

And if you're not one of those people and you're not ready for this particular offer or this thing that I'm offering, or this thing that I've created for you. It's cool. But you have to give people stakes. There has to be a winner and a loser. And the people who lose are the people who wait past Good Friday.

Black Friday. I guess it is technically a good Friday, but totally a different holiday. So this is my challenge to all of you in 360, okay? This includes all of you that are watching this replay. This is actually our first great challenge.

We did a challenge for October, but let's do a challenge for novEmber. I'm challenging all of you to come up with a Black Friday offer. Again, it could be a bonus. It could be a special concert that you want to do tickets to, but you're going to do like a special deal for the tickets. It could be a book that you already have out, but then you're going to do it either at a discount or you're going to add a special bonus or maybe even like a special coaching call or a special event that you do on top of that.

Again, brainstorm. Use this forum to come up with the ideas that you can share with each other to come up with your Black Friday offer. But again, I want this creative community know that God has given you gifting and given you opportunities and given you this opportunity to share what you give and what you create and for people to sow back into you, but you got to put it out there. The Bible says, cast your bread upon the waters. You got to cast it out.

Can't be scared and you can't be worried about all the noise of all the other people who are selling things and sharing things because you are not them. You're not target. This is not your battle to try to get past all of the marketing machine. If you speak directly to the people that you serve, that you share your stuff with, that you create for you speak their language, you're very honest with them and you're saying, hey, I want to offer you this because I know that this is something that you would love and it's the time of year for giving. So I'm going to make a special offer for you.

Go ahead and put it out there and just see what happens. And again, you got to take advantage of the fact that everybody's thinking about buying, but you got to get ahead of the game, which is why this week you got to come up with something. Okay, so this is the challenge for everybody in 360. Again, this is an open all call. So this means for everybody, including gold.

And those of you who are not in gold, by the way, the challenge. For those of you who are not in gold, I am going to be making a special offer for you as well to join golD. And yes, this is me playing the same game that I'm telling you to play. Think of ways that you can encourage people who are already in your audience to say, hey, you've been sitting on the fence. Maybe it's time for you to do this.

And I'm going to make it extremely easy for you because keep saying Good Friday. Black Friday is the time that everybody's buying, and I want to make it super easy and affordable and or give you special bonuses right about this time. So, yes, this is a little thing in your ear to remind you that if you're not in gold, you could be experiencing this with the rest of our group every two weeks. And I'm going to make it super easy for you. So check that out when it comes up.

For first, leading up to Black Friday and then Black Friday itself, I'm going to give you two opportunities to do that. But for those of you who are already in gold and everybody else, you should already be thinking of what's my Black Friday offer? And think of it again in terms of what can I do that's special, what can I do that is scarce, that isn't going to be offered any other time, that is going to be not necessarily a discount, not necessarily something that means that I'm going to make less money, but something I'm going to be very clear with my audience is only available for a short time. And something that, again, that makes me, gives me another opportunity to connect with my audience in a special way.

Well, my friend, I hope you now have the confidence to step forward in these sales opportunities, whether it be Black Friday, small business Saturday, Cyber Monday, whatever it is, where you can step in and offer your creative products, your services, your gifts and your talents, and profit from them in the right way because you know how to frame it, how to package it, and how to step forward with confidence for your creative audience. And yes, God and gigs is practicing what we preach. I am definitely going to put a Black Friday offer even in these show notes. But of course, like I mentioned, it will only be for a limited time when you're listening. So hopefully you're going to catch this at the time that it's offered.

Check the link in the show notes for what we're going to share for our own Black Friday promotion. But until next time, no matter what you do during this holiday, make sure that you continue to become the creative that you were created to be. God bless you and I'll see you next episode. Thanks for joining us here at the God and gigs Show. Please leave us a review on iTunes, like our Facebook page, or visit godandgigs.com and tell us what you thought of this show.

We'll be back soon. In the meantime, go create something amazing.