Man-Kind Project
May 17, 2023

Guiding Along The Wild Edge - The Oli France Interview

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The Bear Essentials Podcast

Today's guest, speaker and adventurer, Oli France, joins the show to discuss guiding along the wild edge.

Expedition Leader:

Oli is a British adventurer, expedition leader and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, specialising in leading groups through the world's wildest places, from Iraq to Somalia, DR Congo to Socotra, Siberia to Tajikistan. He has experience across the wild corners of five continents.

Oli has led hundreds of clients from industry-leading business figures and avid world-travelers to former CIA officers, terminal cancer patients and young people embarking on their very first adventure. Now, you are invited to join him.


A qualified Winter Mountain Leader with a degree in Outdoor Leadership, Oli has visited 70 countries, and has climbed mountains in half of those, including Mont Blanc, Halgurd, the highest mountain in Iraq, and Nyiragongo, a vast active volcano in DR Congo.

Oli maintains a 100% safety record, ensured through effective risk-planning and management. He has over a decade of first-hand experience operating in hostile places. The job is never complete until everyone is home safe.

Pushing Boundaries:

Oli’s personal adventures have taken him through deserts, jungles, mountains, and war-torn regions. He has faced spies, interrogators, minefields and arrest, along with avalanches, earthquakes and meningitis, all while attempting to complete challenging journeys in remote corners of the world.

In winter 2016, Oli travelled solo from Hong Kong to Istanbul along the 8000-mile mountainous spine of Asia, climbing fourteen mountains, in a journey documented in his first book: The Trail of the Mountain Folk.

In March 2020, Oli completed a solo 405-mile journey across the frozen length of Lake Baikal, Siberia, the world's largest freshwater lake, while dragging a 60kg sled, becoming one of only a handful of people to do so alone.

Follow Oli:


Official Website - Wild Edge

From Your Host:

"I am on a journey to be the best version of myself and want to ensure others don't travel alone. Join me as I look to interview experts in areas of mindset, motivation and fitness to help guide us on our journeys." ~Charles Wallace

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