Facts, Logic, and Reasoning

Season 3

July 1, 2023

Monkey branching in your Relationships

In this episode we will discuss monkey branching in your relationships. We will give a definition of monkey branching. What is the difference between rebounding and monkey branching? Why do people monkey branch? Do monkey bra...

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June 24, 2023

The Friend zone. Did you friend zone a potential Wife or Husband

In this episode we will talk about the friend zone. How we may have made a mistake friend zoning someone who was a potential wife or husband. We will discuss why we friend zone people who are good for us. …

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June 17, 2023

Beauty vs Compatibility

In this episode we will discuss what it is to be attractive, What are the differences between men and women pertaining to what they find attractive? Is attractiveness the key to finding love. Do relationships based on looks l...

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June 10, 2023

A Woman"s Perspective. Where are all the Good Men Pt. 2

Due to the popularity of last weeks episode, we are doing a part two but from a woman's perspective. We will discuss what is a definition of a good man. How the Four Pillars of Manhood play a role in …

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June 3, 2023

Where are all the Good Men? Is there a Deficit

In this episode, we will discuss, is there a shortage of good men. We will give a definition of a good man. Is there really a shortage of good men. Are some women a good catch in today's dating market. …

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May 27, 2023

How Toxic Masculinity Affects Men's Health

In this episode we will give a definition of Toxic Masculinity. How does toxic masculinity contribute to your mental health? Why is Toxic Masculinity is physically unhealthy? Why are some women drawn to toxic men, and Lastly,...

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May 20, 2023

Healthy Boundaries vs Unhealthy Boundaries, Do you Know the Difference

In this episode we will discuss What are boundaries, in relationships, Why are boundaries important? We will give a definition of healthy and unhealthy boundaries. In addition we will talk about where unhealthy boundaries com...

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May 13, 2023

What are your Absolute Deal breakers in a Relationship

In this episode we will talk about what are the most common deal breakers for men and women. What are some non-dating related deal breakers? Have you ever ghosted someone once you found out they had an absolute deal breaker? …

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May 6, 2023

How to talk about Money in your Relationship

In this episode we will discuss why is it important to communicate about finances in your relationship. How do you talk about finances with your partner? Why assertive communication is an effective way to communicate when dis...

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April 29, 2023

How Much Should you Spend on a Wedding

In this episode we are discussing how much you should spend on a wedding. How much are you willing to spend for the big day? How much does the average wedding cost? How do you create a wedding budget? How …

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April 22, 2023

Are Situation ship breakups harder than Relationship breakups

In this episode we will discuss why at times, situation ship breakups feel worse than the relationship breakups. Why do we invest so much emotionally in the situation ship? Why do we get into situation ships in the first plac...

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April 15, 2023

Dating After a Divorce

In this episode we will discuss, when should you jump back into the dating market. What has changed since you last went on a date? What should you expect when dating after a divorce? How high should you set your …

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April 8, 2023

Indicators for Economic Success

In this bonus episode we will discuss several different indicators for Economic success. Visit the website and leave a review. www.podpage.com/the-3-13-men-money-and-marriage --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters....

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April 8, 2023

Men, Know Your Net Worth

In this episode we will discuss the importance of your net worth. We will give a definition of net worth and how to calculate it. What is the Average and Median net worth of the American Family? What is the …

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April 1, 2023

Do Corny Guys become Classy Men

In this episode we will discuss do the boys who were called corny in High School, become classy men. The men and women who called you corny, where are they now? Why do we put down others for doing what …

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March 25, 2023

Car payments and Credit Cards

In this episode we will discuss how car payments and credit cards can have a adverse affect on our household and long term wealth. We will go over the attraction of buying a new car over a used car. How …

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March 18, 2023

Men, are you the CFO of your Household

In this episode we will discuss how to manage your household finances. What is the CFO's responsibility in the home? Why is it important to have a CFO in your household? How often should you have a conversation about finances...

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March 11, 2023

How to Overcome Adversity in your Marriage

In this episode we will discuss how to handle adversity in a marriage. First, we will give a definition of Adversity in relationships, Next what you should and should not do when adversity comes into your marriage. How do yo...

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March 10, 2023

I'm a Survivor, How I survived Prostate and Lung Cancer

In this episode we will discuss surviving prostate and lung cancer with our very special guest and cancer survivor Mark Freeman. The episode will talk about the emotions you experience with a cancer diagnosis, how important i...

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March 4, 2023

Do Average Women want Average Men

In this episode we will discuss are average women attracted to average men, we will give a definition of hypergamy, and the role it plays in the modern day dating market. Are we afraid of being average? Why do women …

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Feb. 25, 2023

Why Women Can't Find a Good Man

In this episode we talk about why women are having a hard time finding a good man. I will give a definition of a good man. Are women excluding the Blue Collar Man? We will use the Female Delusional Calculator …

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Feb. 18, 2023

How Having an Education can Lead to a Lasting Marriage

In this episode we will talk about whether you should consider someone's education level when picking a potential spouse. Is education level a predictor of a lasting marriage? What is the salary range for someone who has a de...

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