Caloroga Shark Media


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Love it! Respectful and Informative
Informative, timely and interesting. The coverage of The Queen’s death has been very respectful and informative. Love this podcast and highly recommend it.

Fast RF Daily
I am so interested in the RF. I absolutely love this host, and hearing updates in this quick podcast. I’ve listened daily for a long time now, and really like it. It’s to the point, and not filled with fluff or commentary and dissection. I don’t need someone to explain it to me. Just tell me what’s up, and quickly. If I want “more”, I can go online and do my own research. It’s perfect!

Too many ads
The haters are Sugars who live to defend meghan at all costs. The host does absolutely nothing disrespectful or wrong as far as she’s concerned. (Sugars are insane.) Love the show but it’s all of 5 minutes - there are more ads than show. Come on guys!

Wonderful, real time news!
This is a wonderful show. I appreciate that Mr. Francis gives us the most up to date information in real time!

Love it! Respectful and Informative
Informative, timely and interesting. The coverage of The Queen’s death has been very respectful and informative. Love this podcast and highly recommend it.

I just listened to a few episodes of this podcast and I agree with your point of view especially regarding the way certain people plays the role of victim which is sickening.

Mark’s narration is always on point
Ive been a long time listener and love how He narrates well. The running time of this podcast is something I also look forward to, *goodtimes*

Love it!
Informative, timely and interesting. Love this podcast!

N Michele
Very Intriguing! I’m hooked

Love it!
Informative, timely and interesting. Love this podcast!

Bringing the Snark When it’s called for
Deeply respectful of the queen and other working royals doing good things but not afraid to bring the snark when calling out less stellar behavior of the aristocracy makes this my favorite podcast about royalty

Short, succinct and dry like a good martini.

The One “You know who” is NOT mentioned
Great episode! —and by the way Kate IS great 😊. Also, what an outstanding woman the queen is—much respect to the royal family. History, tradition and future service and duty.

Harry and Meghan
Great podcast. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. They report warts too. What exactly do Harry and Meghan hope to achieve with these additional claims of racism? Do they want the Queen to abdicate and make Meghan Queen? What do they really want? Sympathy? money? I don’t get it. All families say unkind things. If you say yours doesn’t you are lying Or no one has told you. I can’t divorce my grandma for not liking my husband I can only love her and time will tell who is right and who is wrong.

A bit of a chuckle
I like it, it’s fun, VERY tongue in cheek, so you must have a sense of humor about the Royals, ALL of them, to be able to handle listening (that rules out H & M as they take themselves way too seriously & just sue everyone or accuse them of bias if even the slightest eyebrow is raised at their behavior). I think it’s meant to be taken with a grain of salt, but still passes on facts in a minimal, humorous style.

Source of joy
This podcast brings me an absurd amount of joy. It has just the right amount of snark vs decorum, and it is short so I can listen to it on quick drives or in the shower (yes, you frequently shower with me, Mark Frances.) I would also love some longer in-depth episodes. Every day I get giddy anticipating the next episode, and if I realize it’s an episode-less weekend, a single solitary tear slides slowly down my cheek. Keep up the good work!

Informative, and the running jokes are entertaining

Best Royal Podcast On
It is brillant. All the other ones are like a gushing fan club. This one is brief and looks at the Royal Family with a gimlet eye. It also takes the piss out of everyone without being snarky. Ok. A little but all in good fun as only the Brits could do. Fair warning you must love true British humour and not the stuff that is put on for Americans. The moderator is truly wonderful especially when he does different intonations when quoting other people.

Short and fun!
Love the irreverent rundown of the daily news. Very amusing and impartial. As for the ads, gotta pay the bills! Fast forward 30 seconds.

Fun podcast for crown fans
I like your dry style and that you quote republic/graham smith rather than keeping it one sided. Fun and entertaining for american fans of the crown to get royal gossip without the usual syncophantism.

Enjoyable podcast. Brief, informative, and entertaining.

Your daily dose of British royal gossip and news
This podcast is informative and fun. The host and producer are clever and make each episode stand by itself. There’s a snarky bit of humor here and there, but overall, they remain very respectful to the role of Queen and the royal family. As a US fan of the royals with family ties to the UK, it is nice to hear about all the goings on across the pond. You know how some people can imagine Morgan Freeman narrating their life’s story? Well, I can now imagine the host of Palace Intrigue, Mark Francis, narrating my life in 4 minute snipets.

Love this daily brief
Love this podcast! All these authors need to donate a percentage point of all the profits they’ve made from so-called stories about Harry & Meghan to the various charities that the couple support.

Entertaining Royal news! However they definitely have a bias toward loving Harry and Meghan and throwing shade at those who criticize them. I like Harry and Meghan but they have made some major slip ups lately and there is more to their negative press than just media bias. I would like the podcast more if they were more balanced and told both sides of the story.