May 18, 2022

Examining yourself with the founder of GTD & the Miraculous Living Institute, Wendy Darling

Examining yourself with the founder of GTD & the Miraculous Living Institute, Wendy Darling

Dawn is joined by the founder of Go The Distance Consulting and the Miraculous Living Institute, best-selling author of The Miracle That Is Your Life, and expert coach and speaker, Wendy Darling. Join an insightful episode of the Wake Up To Real Love podcast as Dawn and Wendy discuss unlocking your natural skills, how to overcome old patterns, and how to ‘wave your magic wand’ to turn your dreams into reality and create the life and love you want.




  • Understanding that your skills are a gift and they are a natural part of who you are and part of what makes you special and unique is so important to living a high quality, productive and profitable life.


  • Many people don't take the time to examine what's going on inside of themselves and they end up going through life on autopilot. Often this means not living your own life and doing things according to what your parents or others think you should do and what’s been installed into you.


  • If you don't work on your mind you risk defaulting back into old patterns. Brain training is about strengthening your neuro-pathways and creating new ones of strengthening existing ones at a higher vibration.



“Women were not necessarily supporting each other as much and I wanted that to shift because I saw all of us having more of an opportunity if we came together and worked together.”

“How do people wake up to recognize what's more authentic for themselves?”

“Typically we only become reflective when something negative has happened that has us question what we really want.”

“Waving your magic wand and really getting into your heart and your heart's desires about how you want to be living and experiencing your life.”





Dawn Rishárd, M.A. with 20 years as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Marriage and Family Systems, I empower people to release the past, open their hearts, and receive the love they desire. I have a soft spot to help women struggling in their marriages as I did. As an Intuitive Healer, I help unlock Self Love, Clarity, and Connection, despite the challenges. I am an expert at restoring people's intimacy in life and love, partnered or not.

Wendy Darling is the co-founder of Go The Distance Consulting (GTD) and The Miraculous Living Institute, committed to you achieving your results with over 38 years of experience as a management and organizational development consultant, corporate influencer, expert speaker, master healer, and coach.

Wendy blends her psychology management and organizational development experience with her unique healing gifts and processes and to what is now The Miraculous Living Method, a comprehensive system that creates permanent change. She is also the international best-selling author of The Miracle That Is Your Life.

Connect with Wendy on LinkedIn, Facebook, and at






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