June 4, 2020

Picture Perfect Profile–The Key To Your Online Success

Picture Perfect Profile–The Key To Your Online Success

As we restart, enter phase two things are opening up. Finding love during lockdown is a hot topic. According to statistic's 96 percent are dating virtually. I believe the leading photograph is what makes men pause long enough not to swipe left. Your leading photograph is the most carefully considered element of your online success.

In this episode, I discuss how to create that picture-perfect profile! I'm a Master Photographer with almost three decades of experience, and I understand the art and psychology around what makes a successful profile. It all starts with your leading photograph! I noticed that your online profile's appearance "your personal brand" was the direct link and key to your online success.

Today, not only do I talk about the importance of the leading photograph but why It's essential to unlock your potential––imagine, visualize and allow yourself to believe that this is your moment!

Speaker 1:

I'm Kerry Brett, and this is shot at love. The first motivational show around online dating today's topic is the power of the leading photograph. The leading photograph is everything people swipe so fast. You have seconds to grab someone's interest channel your inner John Wayne gather up some true grit because it's time to get back in the saddle.

Speaker 2:

In today's episode. I'm going to teach you how to create that picture. Perfect profile. I'm a master photographer with almost three decades of experience, and I understand the art and psychology around what makes a successful profile. And it all starts with your leading photograph. I noticed that your online profiles appearance, your personal brand was the direct link and the key to your online success. Not only am I going to talk about the importance of the leading photograph, but why it's essential to unlock your potential. Imagine, visualize, and allow yourself to believe that this is your moment. I'm sure a lot of you are feeling like, no, I don't want to get back in the saddle again. It will be too hard. If you're not feeling motivated, I get it. We're living in a world. That's pure chaos, but you can begin this journey to find love. Even if we're living in scary times, I've been feeling down and depressed myself. I started to paint my deck to distract myself. I'm basically Ralph macho, getting my Cobra. Kai on painting, mr. Miyagi's fence, Daniel's done paint the fence. I'm using the pain. I feel for all the suffering in the world and putting into power by creating a deck. I hope I can post on Pinterest. I'm not creating a masterpiece, but the point is I'm creating something. I'm showing up. We're all in this collective conscious shift. Every one of us is transitioning and is tired and drained. What are you going to do with this unique moment? I listened to an excellent podcast this weekend and the podcast is called deliberate and doing it afraid by Jemele. Ready. I highly recommend this episode permission to be raggedy. She also mentioned in the episode that you don't have to be excellent to be worthy. And I love that. She also said you don't have to be bright and shiny all of the time. And most importantly, it's okay for people to see you. When process I was an emotional wreck. When I went on my first date with my boyfriend, I was still working my way through heartbreak, but it didn't matter. He was a good enough person to have some compassion and he could see past my current. I believe people are more compassionate and understanding than ever before. People are fundamentally good. The key to dating is timing. And you never know when that time is. And usually it's never, when you thought, and it always is the most unexpected way. We will allow yourself to climb into the arena. Are you ready to join? Okay. Cupid put this message during the pandemic. It's okay to put yourself out there by not putting yourself out there in a story by campaign us. Here's a quote from the article. Romance is back. According to Melissa Hobley OkCupid's chief marketing officer, who's fabulous and done a fabulous job with their marketing. Her job is to bring people together for dates in a world where it's not physically possible right now. But according to OkCupid, and this was published a month ago, online users were up 30 to 40%, but this part is the most interesting and a vast survey of more than 700,000 OkCupid users. Only 6% are waiting to date when the pandemic is over. So that means 94% of people are on the app hanging out virtually. Right now, there are massive spikes and matching messaging. Video dates increases in conversations, phone calls, zoom calls, you name it. People are connecting after reading that article, I couldn't help to think how many people could be missing opportunities. How many people could be missing something that was potentially right in front of us. We just had to reach out and take it. Do you know what you need to join online, dating a leading photograph, a little will determination, and the willingness to embrace being uncomfortable. Once you can do that, it's freeing and insanely empowering. Nothing is more powerful than taking action. It doesn't matter how you get there. The point is you get there. I think the leading photograph is like a magazine cover. I photograph magazine covers for 27 years and I still do my job is to make people look better than they do. Part of my job criteria is to create beautiful and impactful photographs. To prompt people to pick up the magazine. We want to tug on people's heartstrings and create emotion in Boston. The improper Bostonian magazine was a free publication. People would take the time, bend down and pull a copy out of the box. I would grab people's attention as people quickly glanced at the cover as they walked by the display, a blue improper Bostonian box, as they hustled by on a busy city street, just like people quickly glance. As they quickly swipe. By the more magazines we moved, the more we sold an advertising, the stronger the cover, the more press and money we made, I could make a significant impact and people remembered my covers, which was a great compliment to me. What leading photograph will you put forward? So you become as memorable as a magazine cover in the world of podcasting. Your podcast cover is your credibility. It's your calling card. A well-designed cover is an important part in building an audience. How do you stand out in a world where there's lots of podcasts? It's the same as the competitive world of online dating. There are lots of people up there just like lots of podcasts. I knew the importance of the cover. Art. Every detail was well thought out. What makes a strong and memorable image is that perfect amount of detail. Just like when you bake a cake, if your portrait is damn now, perfect, then it will stand out above the rest. What makes your chances of having success online? Greater? Even if I had the most valuable information and I could change your life. If I had a cheesy, awful podcast cover, chances are you probably wouldn't listen. And the same goes for the leading photograph in real estate. The photographs of your home must be the best. It's crucial to highlight all of the curb appeal and charm. The better the overall photographic package equals more eyes on the home, more traffic at the open house and the higher, the chance someone will fall in love with your home. Ultimately buying it in sales, the heart buys and the mind justifies so many relationships have obstacles. They need to overcome to make it work. Let's say you live further away than someone would prefer, but if you have a fabulous leading photograph, they will walk across the earth to be with you. There's no pretty way to say this, but the world of online dating is a competitive market and you are in the business to sell yourself. The leading photograph is everything. If you want to be successful in life, sometimes you need a team for certain things. I have a sound engineer and a podcast editor. I hired a professional so I can sound so I can sound the best I can while taping each episode. If my producer needed a portrait of himself, he wouldn't try to take it himself on his iPhone. I've established that the leading photograph makes men pause long enough not to swipe left. Now it's time to answer all the questions I think you have. I'm going to tell you my professional opinion of what looks best. Should your images realistic. Yes, but that's what the secondary images are for. Not the leading photograph. We are playing to win and we need to suck them in and an instant. So let them like you and match you. Then they can think about whether they want to take it further later after viewing your real photographs. The split second is everything. The basis of online dating is to swipe right at record speed. Did you know the average attention span in the United States is eight seconds. And if you have add like me, it's probably milliseconds. This swipe is a limited space and limited timeframe. This is why you need to carefully consider what you put up. The main photograph is the most thoughtfully considered element in your online success. So here are my suggestions when creating the leading photograph. So now for this week's Tinder tips, number one, invest in hair and makeup. So I'm big for hair and makeup, but if you can't afford it, don't let that hold you back and hiring a professional. Because getting that professionally done portrait of yourself for online dating is truly crucial. I've had plenty of photographs taken of myself, where I've done my hair and makeup, and it's totally fine. But if you can swing it, I would say, invest in hair and makeup. Get these professional services done before the shoot come to the studio camera ready. I will be lighting you with the best glamour light available in the industry. And retouching will be our best friend. Some examples of retouching are removing wrinkles, stray hairs. I can make you a pair, thinner whitened, teeth, removal of redness and eyes. The retouching enhancement is endless, but I make sure you look natural at the same time. It's impossible for you not to look your absolute beautiful best. Once I photograph you. Number two, bring at least three tops that you feel best in. Don't bring all black, bring a few different colors and I'll tell you what we'll photograph best during the shoot. We're going to try lots of poses and there'll be multiple clothing changes. I'm going to show you everything. I'm shooting on the back of my camera in order to gain your trust. You'll see immediately that I have your back. I was you and those feelings are blueprinted in my mind. I'm extremely passionate about setting you up for success and finding the one number three, play of your assets. I'm going to highlight your best features. If you have amazing hair, then it's going to be a Pantene commercial. If have killer eyes and you feel like you have a weak chin, double chin, bad teeth, then the eyes will have it. It's going to be Bette Davis, time. Number four, bring lip gloss, lots of lip gloss lip gloss is a tool I use to make you appear more youthful, invest in all types of hair products. Our hair takes a big hit during this time because of stress. I also strongly suggest skin products that will improve your looks. The best lip gloss I have found is the one that I used from beauty counter. And the color that I use is called pone. Number five, bring your a game. This is a time for you, a time to look your best. So maybe it's time to do something you wouldn't normally do. Get those hair extensions, start working out or detox at hot yoga, do anything and everything in your power to refresh and start over this photo. Shoot can be the first day of the new you for once in your life. All these decisions about where your life is headed is up to you. I hope you found some of my tips helpful this week. This is what shot at love is here for, to help.

Speaker 1:

Do you find luck? Keep up the commitment to yourself and commit to helping someone else by sharing this podcast. Remember to stay safe and stay tuned for more episodes, if you would like more information or would like to book a session at my studio, my website is Carrie Brett, lifestyle, portraits.com or DME uncarrier underscore Brett on Instagram. I'm Carrie Brett. We'll see you next time.[inaudible].