Dec. 6, 2021

Move Forward & Level Up With Sweat Remix Founder Angela Gentile

Move Forward & Level Up With Sweat Remix Founder Angela Gentile

Today's guest is Angela Gentile, and she's the founder of Sweat Remix and a leader in fitness and wellness. Angela believes that if you can change your mindset and change your body, you can change your life. Her goal is to help you break down the inhibitions that stand between you and your best life. In this week's episode, we look at why we might be stuck and how we can shift from trying to survive, learning to reevaluate and make adjustments so we can thrive. Angela was inspired by loss, and her vision is to bring the Sweat Remix to people across the country who are stuck in jobs, relationships, and situations that are not working from them and are ready to make a change. Angela shares tips around changing a negative mindset, owning our part in our suffering, and why we should start where we are.

Angela's path to fitness evolved; as a high school English teacher when she had a vision for a healthier school community.  With fierce determination, Angela launched TEACH Fitness, a fitness, and wellness program aimed at helping teachers take better care of themselves. At the time, she felt stifled in her job as a teacher, stuck in a cycle of bad relationships, and paralyzed by the sudden loss of her father. As she worked through her anger, frustration, and grief, she developed the #ZenRageHeal process, and Teach fitness became Sweat Remix. Angela has many certifications in exercise, and she's taught at Boston's Equinox and built a fitness community across the country. She's been highlighted in Boston Magazine, Bustle, Boston Voyager, BeWellBoston, and Boston 25 News, to name a few. Her mission is to help bring your issues to the surface so you can be the epic person you're meant to be.

Kerry Brett and Angela Gentile cover a lot of ground and topics include:
How to get motivated when you're stuck in a rut.
How to use movement to heal from trauma and loss.
Why your story can be someone else's survival guide.
Why the best way to honor a loved one you've lost is to move forward and create a beautiful life.
How to move through negative energy with movement and exercise.
Why you should use exercise to create a higher vibration of energy.
Why do we battle with how we think things should be and how we can end our suffering.
How to unpack "how did I get here?"
How to move negative and stale energy .
Why energy attracts more energy.
How to get out of the shame cycle.
How to move our spirit in a positive way.
How to make the conscious effort to shift and move.
How to overcome weight gain while dating because it's not about the weight. It's about the underlying fear around self-worth.
How to overcome limiting beliefs and move through that.
Angela's advice for people pleasers and someone who lives outside themselves.
Why if you come from a scarcity mindset, more of the same will show up.
When you decide that you matter and feel good about yourself, the world will respond to that.

To find out more about Angela Gentile, follow her on Instagram @theangelagentile and @sweatremix and on FaceBook under Sweat Remix. Her website is