June 21, 2022

Leading With Loneliness? Change Your Energy & Be A Magnet For Love With Celebrity Energy Healer Annie Parker

Leading With Loneliness? Change Your Energy & Be A Magnet For Love With Celebrity Energy Healer Annie Parker

Are you leading with loneliness? Let’s find out! Today’s guest is Annie Parker. She’s a Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, and Intuitive Healer, who helps you clear blocks from the past so you can be a magnet for love. In this week’s episode, she’ll teach you how to regain your power, close that door on an ex and make room for your future and use your intuition when dating to attract the love you deserve.

Remove feelings of lack and loneliness because sometimes, when swiping, it feels like you have many options, but there’s a difference between perceived options and a real authentic connection. It all depends on your mindset and energy when dating, how you feel about yourself, and what’s truly possible for you. 

Annie Parker is a Reiki Master, Theta Healer, and Shamanic Practitioner that focuses on cord-cutting, soul retrieval, and chakra clearing so you can break through the generational patterns and trauma of the past and move into the life and love that you desire. She focuses on clearing any resentments and ties from past relationships so you can make room for new love. She’s part of the Single in the City Mod Squad on Clubhouse and in August will be hosting and joining Matchmaker Laura Bilotta in the live workshop “Become a Magnet for Love.”

Kerry Brett and Annie Parker cover a lot of ground. Topics include:
*How you can take your power back and take your pain from a breakup and turn it into something positive.
*Why it’s so important to clear all of the resentments from a former relationship.
*How to avoid dating for potential.
*How to get your mind and energy on the same page.
*How to release energies that don’t serve you anymore.
*How to cut cords with ourselves and our perceived failures.
*How to trust yourself and listen to your intuition.
*How to drop the energetic shield in front of our hearts so you can be a magnetic from love.
*Why the energy around money and love is one of the same energetic.
*Why people have trouble receiving money, compliments or love and how to open up the heart space so you can give and receive.
*Why getting your energy aligned helps you listen to your intuition.
*How to avoid having your emotions overrun your intuition and look at what is really happening.
*How to avoid leading with loneliness and approach dating from a place of abundance.
*Your energy around dating always comes down to how you feel about yourself.
*Any time you question someone – if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no!
*People must have the same values; you don’t have to like the same things, but you must have the same values. If you’re clear about what you want, then the trash will take itself out.
*How to work on having good energy about yourself. When you feel good and look good, you’ll get noticed.

Follow @msannieparker on Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook and Twitter or sign up for Annie Parker and Laura Bilotta’s live workshop “Become a Magnet for Love” on August 4th. Find out more about her energy work & readings on www.msannieparker.com.