June 22, 2021

The Silent Speak in Sales and Negotiations

The Silent Speak in Sales and Negotiations

WHAT YOU DO SPEAKS SO LOUDLY, I CAN'T HEAR A WORD YOU ARE SAYING.  Can your read the signs?  Listen to Patrick and Andy discuss with HINDSIGHT, the spoken and unspoken language of sales and negotiations.

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then body language is like a novel of information to support and direct sales activities, negotiation strategies, and long term growth.  Knowing the rules, cues, and clues of what is being done along with what is being said can make the difference in reaching profit objectives, sales goals, signing "the big deal", or giving up and not knowing why you lost.

Learn from these experts, how to read what you see, and monetize what you know and don't know. 

Leave your customers with a sense of satisfaction that they have finally dealt with a sales professional that really listens to their needs, really "gets" what's being askes, and because of that, can put together a great, long term customer experience.

Want more growth as a professional?  SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATION WITH ME: https://calendly.com/pksolutionsgroup

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HINDSIGHT is 20:20 vision, and that is exactly what you can expect during your listen...a PODVERSATION filled with 30 plus years of sales and life wisdom, experience, and bottom line results.

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