Aug. 11, 2022

Obsessed with Understanding Parental Alienation and The Aftermath of A Bad Divorce ft. G. Mick Smith and Kindra Beck

Obsessed with Understanding Parental Alienation and The Aftermath of A Bad Divorce ft. G. Mick Smith and Kindra Beck
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When a marriage breaks down, it can be hard on everyone involved. But, when children are caught in the middle, it can be even more challenging. Parental alienation is a form of emotional abuse that can happen during a divorce. It occurs when one parent tries to turn the child against the other parent.

It can be hard to know what to do when your child is being alienated from you. You may feel like you are walking on eggshells all the time. Or you may feel like you are exhausting all your options to try to reach your child. In addition, this can have a profound and lasting impact on the child, leading to emotional damage that can last well into adulthood. 

If you are going through a divorce, it is essential to be aware of parental alienation and its potential effects on your children. In this episode, we will explore, together with our guests Kindra Beck and G. Mick Smith, the realities of parental alienation. Kindra and Mick have seen firsthand the devastating effects of parental alienation. 

Kindra, a proud mom of two boys, is a legislative pioneer trying to change the landscape of parental alienation in addition to being a life coach, motivational speaker, and an experienced marketer and sales leader. Mick plays at the intersection of education, training, and technology. He is the author of 'Burning America: In The Best Interest Of The Children?', a fictional account that delves into the dark trenches of the custody industry in American villages.

What You Will Learn From This Episode

02:55 - What G. Mick Smith is obsessed with

07:04 - Kindra’s struggle with parental alienation

14:29 - How parental alienation can affect children

20:16 - Mick’s child custody battle 

23:26 - The court system and thinking about what's best for your child

26:27 - Grappling with the effects of parental alienation

31:41 - Helping yourself get through the pain and effects

Resources Mentioned

Connect with G. Mick Smith

Connect with Kindra Beck

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