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Enlightening about the Heavy Music Industry
Love this show, talking to all kinds of current and former members of all kinds of bands. Doc is a great host, and is very natural with the interviews. Also a great resource if you are interested in the heavier band lifestyle and what is dealt with in that world. Great to hear from former members of great bands and to see what they are up to, as well as hearing about new projects. Thanks Doc, the show is awesome! \m/

Great music podcast
Doc nails all the music related topics very well and with super knowledgeable guests because friends, doh. Usually tied to metal topics but if you're a fan of any kind of metal this is a no brainer if you wanna learn more from the great world of metal the great people behind it.

Great Podcast
Great the idea of interviewing ex-band members

Stay woke
Slept on God Forbid, slept on Doc Coyle's podcast. If you're a fan of JRE The E-Men is a great listen/recommendation to your podcast world

Amazing podcast
Stumbled upon this podcast on the second episode and have been listening to it regularly since. Super informative insight into the life of a touring musician along with some great stories. One of the best music based podcasts out there!

Great podcast
Sick podcast! The music industry is rough, and people need to know how rough it is! Support your favorite bands!

Being in on the inside
It's great hearing the side of the musicians story and looking back at the last and learning from. Growth is something we all can relate to and this podcast will give you the behind the scenes story. Great work Doc! Doc is the perfect man for this job with his strong knowledge in the music scene and business. Very entertaining and REAL. Can't wait for more to come.

Great trips down memory lanes
Not only do you get a lot of insight and perspective on how bands either break up or why people leave but it's great hearing the stories of making certain albums or going on tours we all attended in the past. Makes me miss my younger days where going to concerts was one of the top 1 or 2 priorities I had in life.

What a great podcast showcasing modern musicians which was lacking in this new talk-era. So glad Doc created this as his blogs are fantastic and he has transferred that great energy to this show.

Macho Warrior Randy Hogan
Great stuff for the MetalHead. Do an interview with ex Light This City members.

Insight from Within
Doc Coyle has great insight for the music industry and life. Funny and informative. Plus he's learning as he goes along. Only way to go is up from here. Great stuff

Funny and insightful
An awesome podcast with an inside look into the music business and bands life and journey. Doc Coyle is funny and charismatic and an amazing interviewer. Well spoken and well versed in the business and has great stories every show! Like Doc says Mamba Out!

Gitter episode was nice !

Great Show, Great Musician!
Keep up the great work! Loved the episode with Phil from ATR!

Good for Doc
I, for one, support Doc's transition.

Doc Coyle is a 5 star guy. 5 stars.
LOVE!!! Will recommend this to any musician or music fan. It's like vital information for your everyday life. Look forward to future shows. Best podcast out now.

Well thought out. Impressive.
Proud of you Doc! I love you. Dallas

Stuff you always wanted to know...
It is very interesting to hear musicians that I know of and respect talk about the struggles of bigger bands. It really peals back the layers and allows me to see the musician and their most honest state; a human just trying to do what they love. Good work - keep it up!

Very insightful & fun
Doc's got a great way of connecting with his guests and delving into what you want to know about their past bands and what's going on with them now. Comedy sprinkled in keeps it fun and interesting. Can't wait for the next episode.

Great idea.
Very interesting and easy to listen too. I am exceited to see where the show goes from here.

Great show
Great work done by Doc Coyle!

I miss God Forbid.
I look forward to future episodes. This show is off to a great start.

Inside scoop on musician life
Great behind the scenes stories of contemporary artists.