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Bigger interviews
Doc is an excellent interviewer. The Anthony Martini episode was one of the best. Great podcast.

Nothing quite like it
Since Doc is a respected professional in the industry and has a working relationship with most of these musicians, he gets to touch topics and ask questions that other interviewers wouldn't think of or wouldn't have the same perspective as someone who had actually been in bands or lived life on the road. It doesn't just seem like a promo or advertisement from the band's label and makes me feel closer to bands in the metal scene. Doc is a deep thinker and will expand upon ideas or topics that are discussed in the show and those discussions are often gifts. As a fellow musician, this podcast really is for us. I sincerely hope he keeps this show going for years and gets to start interviewing bands and musicians in other scenes as well. He's that good.

I absolutely love this podcast.So many guests that have influenced my musical journey

Great stories
I used to see and hangout with Doc in Baltimore,DC and Northern Virginia (Springfield) he was always a smart well spoken guy who was always easy to get along with. So seeing as how a lot of his guest are past tour mates of his, it’s easy for him to get great conversations and stories with a lot of these guest who happen to be musicians from bands I used to listen to from band who have now broken up. Great podcast if you are into hearing the brutal truth about how much hard work the musicians have to put in on the road and to play a good show.

Great podcast from a solid dude.
Doc, love the podcast. I really appreciate your grasp on current events and ensuring that you bring that into your episodes. I was also really stoked to see that you gave money to Caleb Scofield’s family as I did. Dude, could you do something with one of the VOD guys? Thanks so much and all the best to you and Boecklin with Bad Wolves, love that Boecklin dropped a Cave In reference in the inaugural episode.

Great podcast
Excellent podcast very informative with question that aren’t the standard👍🏻

My favorite of all the metal podcasts
My favorite of all the metal podcasts! Doc is a great interviewer. He pulls out the personal and musical stories that you don’t hear anywhere else.

My new jam
I’m new podcast lover. Found a few go tos. Always wanted good one based on my line of work. Great topics, convo and flow. Docs one of the funniest dudes I’ve hung around. Check an episode out!!

Great podcast and doc coyle is the man!!
Great to hear the behind the scenes stuff on my fav bands in my teenage years. Subscribe and listen to every single podcast you won’t regret it and such a good time. Thanks doc and keep up the amazing work you’re doing🤘🏾

Another killer metal podcast
If you like Jasta, you’ll love Ex-Man. 🤘🏻

GOOOD LAWD!!!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 this podcast, yo I love how you break the industry down and expose the things that some people don’t think twice about. Lol my little one loves this podcast too, we listen before bed😴 and she loves The Cranberries and Bad Wolves after hearing your cover!!! Thank you soooo much Doc!!!!

Great Listen
I listen here and there, depending on the guest but I just listened to the Brian Fair episode most recently. That’s a great dude and I could’ve listened for 2 more hours. I also checked out the Ken Susi and Brandan Schieppati episodes. You’re podcast is awesome Doc! Keep it up!

Great interviews
I had the good fortune of meeting Doc when he was on tour with Meytal, so I was curious to hear what he'd have to say on a regular podcast. He didn't disappoint. As an example, take a listen to his recent interview with Eric German...great insight into the music industry.

great podcast!
I whole heartedly enjoy this podcast series. Lots of memories from a fan perspective during this era. This podcast gives another view on the life of the musicians that brought us heavy music.....even discovered a couple bands that I have ignored for years. The Pat Sheridan episode made me a fan of Fit For an Autopsy.

Top-notch Podcast
This is a great podcast. Doc is authentic, funny, and seems to have an appreciation for all types of music. He’s not afraid to ask his guests tough questions and engages in thought-provoking conversation. I’m always looking forward to new episodes, regardless of whether I’m familiar with his guest.

Doc knows what he’s talking about
As my best friend once said to me: “never trust someone in the music business who didn’t try to start a band first.” Doc has walked the walk as a real musician, a hard working go-getter, and a likable and personable guy, which makes him well suited to these conversations with great guests, most of whom he knows from real world experience on the road. Essential.

Easy listening interviews.
This podcast is great, Doc is great, any true metalhead needs to subscribe. Good stuff.

Entertaining and insightful
Very cool insight into the world of a working metal musician, great conversations on not only his career but the other bands and industry people who make it all happen.

Great interview! Great concept!
Great interview with Peter Wichers, And Peter Iwers. Makes me wish I had perused my talent more than I did. Hey Doc, remember that time I let you borrow my 5150 foot switch? Hahaha. Probably not, but that’s cool! Had a blast playing with you guys back then!

Highly Addictive
Doc is amazing! Not only can the dude play great guitar, write awesome music and riffs, but he hosts a really great show (podcast)! His format, the guests and his insight give a terrific and original spin to his show!

First podcast I took the time to listen to it and love it. As a fellow metal music lover, and New Jerisan. Doc you're killing it.

This podcast is a MUST
If you are a metal fan or interested in the workings of the music industry. It is a inside view from someone that was in a full time touring band during the early 2000's who had to make a shift away from being in a full time touring band. His guests share their experiences with all the behind the scenes that go with being in a band or working in the music industry. Also Doc is a great host and has great insights that he shares. Go hit that subscribe button!

One of my favorite podcasts
I find myself listening to each episode 2-3 times because they're so entertaining.

Very cool
Lots of thought is put into each episode. Bravo!

Top notch
I enjoy the interviews Doc does.It gives me insight on the music and musicians that I've heard of and a few I've not heard of keep up the great work!

Starting listing to Podcast because of this one. Loved God Forbid and all your new stuff! Keep these episodes coming they are great!

The Host
Hey guys, Thanks for all the positive feedback and support. I have a ton of great shows coming up. Look forward to sharing them with you all \m/

Great show
Your host, Doc Coyle, presents an interesting look into the music world, primarily the metal community. This show is full of great guests, great stories, and an open mind towards different view points from his own that leads to interesting discussions ranging from music to life to politics. Recommend to anyone interested in music.

A Real Behind The Scenes Look
Do you listen to metal or hardcore? Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes in a band? Do you prefer things straight up and not watered down or fake? Do you just like good conversation? If you answered Yes to any of these questions, this is a podcast for you. Doc is one of the realest people you will ever meet in the music business, and that comes through on every episode. He also has great guests. Subscribe now.

Great show
I'm hoping doc gets all the members of Chimaira or at least Rob Arnold! Either way great show! Subscribe!!