Oct. 3, 2022

Monday, October 3, 2022

Monday, October 3, 2022

Today's Quote: Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. - Michael Jordan

Today's Narrative: The ironic thing about today's quote is that we know so much more about the nature of Michael Jordan (the man) now than we did when he was an active player and...

Today's Quote: Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. - Michael Jordan

Today's Narrative: The ironic thing about today's quote is that we know so much more about the nature of Michael Jordan (the man) now than we did when he was an active player and giving quotes like this. His work ethic was legendary, and there was no reason not to try to emulate it other than lacking in otherworldly athletic abilities. We later learned that the luster of 'Best Player Ever' waned, and the notion of 'Pretty Terrible Human' started to grow. It turns out Jordan had the most fun making other people look like clowns. But not just on the court but with friends, family, and seemingly random people on the street. We fell for a marketed image, and since I was a kid when Jordan reigned, I'm okay with that. But I am also okay now that I know a little better than messengers, and messages, are not as pure as they are presented.

Today's Question: Are The Activities You Take Pleasure In Fun For Everyone?

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