Oct. 11, 2021

Unique Leaders: Christopher Hussey

Unique Leaders: Christopher Hussey

Megan speaks with Christopher about how his diagnosis of cancer pushed him toward success instead of the alternative of giving up on the future.

Christopher was born in Florida. He is a fan of the beach and the water. Before they moved to the beach he grew up in a modest life. He lived in a small home with his large family. He left to go off into the militaryas a Marine, at the age of 17. He went to Japan for 4 years and loved it. Surprising he was a lead singer for a country band singing at a Harley Convention in Japan. He ended up getting a large bump and flew back to the US and found he cancer at the age of 21. He learned a rough life lesson during this time. You can go from the top to the bottom in life very quickly.He was stationed in Georgia and he was told to get well. The Marines paid for him to get well. The problem was he was not the type of personto sit on his hands. He loved to dance and loved music so he went to the local dance hall and offered to be the DJ. They let him show his skill that night and he was hired. He could have taken advantage of the check he was getting form the military but hetook the opportunity to make more income. He felt like the universe knew that he would leave the Marines and he needed a transition point.Through this he learned that some days you won’t be able to function, but you just have to get the people who support to rally around you and move through it. After he healed from cancer, he moved back home with his parents. With the military when you retire on medical leave, you get to apply to go to college. He applied for Belmont University in Nashville, TN. So he moved and found a house near the college. He met his best friend there. His friend played the guitar and he sang. It was a great time. He ended up getting a scholarship with Arista Records, one of the biggest record companies. He learned so much during thistime. There was many times when what he wanted was a “no” and since he was open and decided that he would go around the obstacles he was able to have many amazing opportunities.He soon found himself in a tight place where he needed money to pay for his house. He ended up finding an ad for a country dance teacher. He applied for this job and he was hired. During the time he learned so much about sales from the consultant that was there at the studio, who was there to help dance studios make millions everyyear. There were so many get lessons he learned from and he uses those to this day in his marketing and sales coaching business.

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