Oct. 24, 2023

Your Best Life – Cultivating Heart-Based Relationships | RR229

Your Best Life – Cultivating Heart-Based Relationships | RR229

What happens when you gather like-hearted people in a community and inspire them to live their best lives? Today, we're diving into the heart of that question with an insightful discussion featuring Chuck Hogan, Managing Partner at Your Best Life - a community born amidst Covid-19 pandemic, helping people enjoy each other and collaborate without judgement or comparison.

In this episode, learn how self-exploration can help you find your best self and live your best life. We also discuss modern masculinity and its role in shaping our identities. Listen as Chuck encourages us to be kinder to ourselves and honor who we are, rather than looking for faults to fix. It's a conversation full of deep insights and wisdom you don't want to miss!

In this episode you will learn:

  • The transformative power of personal development
  • The importance of faith and trust in oneself
  • Co-elevation within the Your Best Life community
  • Building genuine connections and fostering personal growth
  • Embracing personal development and living your best life
  • Exploring Modern Masculinity

Learn more about Chuck:

Email: Chuck@YBLNow.com

Call: 817-751-4037

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chuck-hogan-b8610148

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yourbestlife.community

YBL: https://www.yblnow.com/

A little about me:

I began my career as a teacher, was a corporate trainer for many years, and then found my niche training & supporting business owners, entrepreneurs & sales professionals to network at a world-class level. My passion is working with motivated people, who are coachable and who want to build their businesses through relationship marketing and networking (online & offline). I help my clients create retention strategies, grow through referrals, and create loyal customers by staying connected.

In appreciation for being here, I have a couple of gifts for you.

A LinkedIn Checklist for setting up your fully optimized Profile: https://www.janiceporter.com/linkedin-training.html

An opportunity to test drive the Follow Up system I recommend by sending a FREE greeting card (on me): www.sendacardeverytime.com

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Janice Porter:

Hello, everyone, and welcome to this week's

Janice Porter:

episode of relationships rule. My guest this week is Chuck

Janice Porter:

Hogan. And Chuck comes to us from Texas, the the the big

Janice Porter:

state, we shall say everything's bigger in Texas, right? And

Janice Porter:

first of all, welcome to the show. Chuck.

Chuck Hogan:

Thank you so much for having me on, Janice.

Janice Porter:

My pleasure. Chuck is the managing partner, a

Janice Porter:

managing partner at your best light, and an organization

Janice Porter:

helping people to elevate finance, family fitness and

Janice Porter:

faith, to maximize their best life through mentors

Janice Porter:

strategizing community, and exclusive once in a lifetime

Janice Porter:

experience. His unique background of sales business and

Janice Porter:

relationship building gives him a rare perspective that enables

Janice Porter:

him to successfully guide entrepreneurs, CEOs and other

Janice Porter:

top executives to new heights. And that's a lot very formal and

Janice Porter:

whatever. So I want to just dig right in and say, Okay, so your

Janice Porter:

best life, which is your passion piece, I know, I can tell when

Janice Porter:

I've talked to you before. What exactly is it? Why do I want to

Janice Porter:

be part of it?

Chuck Hogan:

It's a community. And one of the things that we

Chuck Hogan:

started finding Janice, and that in the world of self

Chuck Hogan:

development, self growth, for we want to call it self

Chuck Hogan:

exploration, that there's a couple presuppositions one,

Chuck Hogan:

people are looking for other like minded people. As a

Chuck Hogan:

challenge with this, though, we get into these spaces where the,

Chuck Hogan:

I'll say the draw initially, is that Ooh, did you see that too?

Chuck Hogan:

Oh, I heard that as well. Oh, we can grow and be billionaires

Chuck Hogan:

together. And it's like, okay, so there's this kind of premise

Chuck Hogan:

of that, in some way, shape, or form, you need to improve you

Chuck Hogan:

that you need to grow you and I go, Oh, level one relationship.

Chuck Hogan:

Hmm. All about you. And here's the challenge with that. We are

Chuck Hogan:

our own worst. Advocates. Like we don't advocate for self, we

Chuck Hogan:

actually wait for someone else to give us an external reference

Chuck Hogan:

of, hey, you know, you're amazing. Hey, I just like being

Chuck Hogan:

around you. You are really kind of nice person. It's like, oh,

Chuck Hogan:

well, thank you. And then Didn't you know that before? Like you,

Chuck Hogan:

weren't you always that person. And so we judge self about we're

Chuck Hogan:

waiting for a little frame in order for someone else. So your

Chuck Hogan:

best life was created out of a very simple time. COVID got it.

Chuck Hogan:

anything but simple. And I was like, well, actually not true.

Chuck Hogan:

COVID forced everyone to slow down to reevaluate what was

Chuck Hogan:

really important. You had listed a little thing called time that

Chuck Hogan:

was back on your side. Because you weren't commuting

Chuck Hogan:

unnecessarily. You weren't hanging out with a bunch of

Chuck Hogan:

people. It's like, I've got a lot more net time than I used to

Chuck Hogan:

have. And all of a sudden, Janice, friends of mine, and

Chuck Hogan:

cohorts and business partners, we started collaborating, we're

Chuck Hogan:

like, what do we miss? We miss people. Oh, but it's socially

Chuck Hogan:

responsible to go out and meet with other people. And I go, is

Chuck Hogan:

that really true? Because I'm around my kids all the time and

Chuck Hogan:

not an issue. And I'm around my spouse all the time. And it's

Chuck Hogan:

not an issue. And I said, so if you're around other like minded,

Chuck Hogan:

and this was the key difference, like hearted people. So Whoa,

Chuck Hogan:

whoa, whoa, what's that all about? And I said, Well, here's

Chuck Hogan:

the truth. A lot of communities people get together, and they'll

Chuck Hogan:

go, oh, teach me something. I'm a sponge. I just want to learn.

Chuck Hogan:

I go, huh? I've been part of a lot of I'll say shelf health

Chuck Hogan:

programs. Because the book goes right on the shelf, the binder,

Chuck Hogan:

the whole dissertation, they were an intensive three day. hit

Chuck Hogan:

Florida, the bit of the pedal to the metal and they were just

Chuck Hogan:

going on going it's like, okay, and what changed? Oh, I changed.

Chuck Hogan:

I shifted. I am a new person. It's I got

Chuck Hogan:

great. What do you change?

Chuck Hogan:

Well, my focus is different now, Chuck, so I'm planning I'm

Chuck Hogan:

planning the chain. Oh, so you didn't actually shift. But it's

Chuck Hogan:

an idea and ideology. It's a apotheosis. It's a theory. Well,

Chuck Hogan:

why BL said let's start with the theory. Let's get people

Chuck Hogan:

together. Because there are places on this planet we can

Chuck Hogan:

still travel to. Yes, you have to wear masks on a plane. So we

Chuck Hogan:

opened up year one

Janice Porter:

during COVID. Yes. Scary.

Chuck Hogan:

Okay. Good. You all are psychotic. And I go, Well,

Chuck Hogan:

no, there's a difference. See, we don't look to raise

Chuck Hogan:

standards, we look to have different standards. Why? In

Chuck Hogan:

order to raise a standard, you have to judge the standard that

Chuck Hogan:

you had before. And anytime you judge you lose access to those

Chuck Hogan:

resources. So now you're presupposing that something was

Chuck Hogan:

wrong. It wasn't good enough. And it's like, oh, this is the

Chuck Hogan:

advantage of being a neuro strategist because now you're

Chuck Hogan:

remembering how the brain works. You go. So we're going to create

Chuck Hogan:

a different strategy and a different standard. And the

Chuck Hogan:

standard was we're going to enjoy each other We're going to

Chuck Hogan:

collaborate. So our very first trip was to Costa Rica. We then

Chuck Hogan:

went to Mykonos, the Maldives ash curette. COVID. During

Chuck Hogan:

COVID, we went to Park City, Utah, we've gone to the Maldives

Chuck Hogan:

we have gone. I mean, I know you all are nuts. It's like, no,

Chuck Hogan:

actually, it's setting a different standard. We just got

Chuck Hogan:

back from Rwanda. And with John Gray and his beautiful wife,

Chuck Hogan:

Vicky, on a family trip, which we call her also relationship.

Chuck Hogan:

Why does this become important? We're not looking for

Chuck Hogan:

exceptional. This is the interesting part, we started

Chuck Hogan:

noticing that people are brilliant, beautiful, bright and

Chuck Hogan:

bold in and of themselves. And yet, when we start to look at

Chuck Hogan:

the modalities of a person, and we'll use our hand as an

Chuck Hogan:

example, if I'm working in faith, family, fitness and

Chuck Hogan:

finance, if I'm ailing in any one of these, they're all

Chuck Hogan:

tethered together. So a rising tide raises all ships, but an

Chuck Hogan:

anchor can sync all of them as well. And so we started to

Chuck Hogan:

realize that were a lot of firms were offering coaching or

Chuck Hogan:

strategist services. We shifted. We said you know what, we're

Chuck Hogan:

gonna bring in the best of the best people who are specialists

Chuck Hogan:

in relationship and business and not just talking it they

Chuck Hogan:

actually have built, you know, they're sent to millionaires and

Chuck Hogan:

DECA millionaires and, and they've been married. I've been

Chuck Hogan:

married for 37 years, you know, it's like, so is there an

Chuck Hogan:

example there? Yes. Three beautiful kids. Everyone's

Chuck Hogan:

healthy and happy. Oh, so you're, you're like the

Chuck Hogan:

Huxtables you're like the Brady Bunch. You're like I said, no,

Chuck Hogan:

there are some days were more like married with children. I'm

Chuck Hogan:

like Ted Bundy. Or Al Bundy. Excuse me, O'Neill and Al Bundy.

Chuck Hogan:

And I blended the same guy. Difference. Exactly. Yeah. But

Chuck Hogan:

to your point, your best life is a community. And It specializes

Chuck Hogan:

in faith, family, fitness, and finance. And we started to

Chuck Hogan:

notice that when people were suffering in business, it

Chuck Hogan:

normally wasn't due to the business, it was normally due to

Chuck Hogan:

something that was happening in their personal life and the

Chuck Hogan:

relationships. When people were suffering the relationships, it

Chuck Hogan:

was like, it wasn't just the relationship. It was health and

Chuck Hogan:

vitality or spirituality and faith. And it's like, okay, so

Chuck Hogan:

we brought in the best of the best and all these different

Chuck Hogan:

silos. And there's a lot of crosstalk. There's a lot of

Chuck Hogan:

cross chat, but you don't want to thank you for something. You

Chuck Hogan:

went on our website. And you said, it's so positive. Thank

Chuck Hogan:

you for that. Because the intent is, is that you're going to live

Chuck Hogan:

life. Some people are surviving it. Some people are thriving in

Chuck Hogan:

it. Yeah. Exactly. To live life to the fullest. And to say, I'm

Chuck Hogan:

gonna live my best life, whatever that looks like today.

Janice Porter:

Okay. Okay. But but I would guess from looking

Janice Porter:

at the website that, you know, it says attention, dreamers,

Janice Porter:

doers, and achievers, how we help you design your best to

Janice Porter:

you. But it looks to me like, I have to have a lot of money to

Janice Porter:

be involved in this community. thing that I've felt. So

Chuck Hogan:

this is this is one of the other tenants of the

Chuck Hogan:

company, we actually made this based on a membership that

Chuck Hogan:

actually helps cultivate your business first. And here's the

Chuck Hogan:

reason why we started I know people go Wait, what? So

Chuck Hogan:

literally, your your membership is for business, strategizing,

Chuck Hogan:

and in all the other modalities, but we literally dive deep in

Chuck Hogan:

your business to find out who you are, what you are good

Chuck Hogan:

services, operations, optimization, we look at cash

Chuck Hogan:

flow culture, we look at the certainty we look at the

Chuck Hogan:

modalities behind production, profitability, products,

Chuck Hogan:

delivery, marketing, and why we do this as we realize that when

Chuck Hogan:

people have capacity, it actually gives them more

Chuck Hogan:

possibilities. So money is not the outcome. It's the

Chuck Hogan:

opportunities that the tool Yeah, for sure. We've had a lot

Chuck Hogan:

of clients, Janice, who have been so relegated to being the

Chuck Hogan:

business operator, like they I can't get out of it can't get

Chuck Hogan:

out of it are often optics are to help them move more towards

Chuck Hogan:

ownership, where now they're getting more net time back,

Chuck Hogan:

right? Being able to scale. And also to start to propagate exit

Chuck Hogan:

strategies for a business or business is we've had several

Chuck Hogan:

members who have done that and they're like going, Oh, my gosh,

Janice Porter:

know what I do. So you have people in the

Janice Porter:

organization who are business consultant, strategist,

Janice Porter:

whatever, like counsel, things like that, who guide and help

Janice Porter:

people in their businesses first

Chuck Hogan:

and Yes, correct. So we have a top tier economist

Chuck Hogan:

and a former head of a national mortgage brokerage firm who was

Chuck Hogan:

so adept with money it's beyond ridiculous. His his calls on

Chuck Hogan:

what's happened economically have been beyond freakishly

Chuck Hogan:

good. I daresay great, but I don't want to jinx it. So I'll

Chuck Hogan:

knock on some wood here. Preston Brown, who is my other part? So

Chuck Hogan:

that's Dean and as Preston Brown is a entrepreneur grew up. Very,

Chuck Hogan:

I'll say humble beginnings. In his trailer park lifestyle as a

Chuck Hogan:

kid, but so much drive so much passion, so learned that he now

Chuck Hogan:

owns 19 companies, and he is well into being a center

Chuck Hogan:

millionaire owns several aircraft and McLaren. I mean,

Chuck Hogan:

he's living. He's very blessed, one of the most brilliant human

Chuck Hogan:

beings I know. And he questions everything, which I love, which

Chuck Hogan:

I love. He's that guy. It's the definitely that guy, and myself

Chuck Hogan:

as well. And then here was what the beautiful part, we actually

Chuck Hogan:

have members who decided to actually become strategists

Chuck Hogan:

within our organization. And because they have this calling,

Chuck Hogan:

they're like, oh, and I've made, you know, hundreds of millions

Chuck Hogan:

of dollars. And now it's time for me to give back. So they

Chuck Hogan:

actually started off as members. And now they've converted over

Chuck Hogan:

to being strategist within our organization as well. It what's

Chuck Hogan:

so brilliant about this is that they know the journey. But yet,

Chuck Hogan:

there's zero judgment in this is what I am so grateful, and

Chuck Hogan:

blessed to talk about is that you can be in a space where

Chuck Hogan:

people can co elevate and grow without measuring wallets, bank

Chuck Hogan:

accounts, lifestyles, happy that all but this looks very robust.

Chuck Hogan:

And I go, it's actually ridiculously affordable. For

Chuck Hogan:

seriously $2,500 A month someone can join and have their business

Chuck Hogan:

scrubbed, looked at get personal strategizing, and consulting.

Chuck Hogan:

And yet, not just in one facet of their life in all facets of

Chuck Hogan:

their life.

Janice Porter:

And some people would, and I'm sure you've heard

Janice Porter:

this, but it when it feels like some people could say, oh, this

Janice Porter:

sounds like a cult.

Chuck Hogan:

Right? And you know what? It bless you for saying

Chuck Hogan:

that? I came from one of those environments? Yes, yes. For many

Chuck Hogan:

years, and and with all due respect, the first four letters

Chuck Hogan:

in the world well in culture, because that's when you go, Oh,

Chuck Hogan:

we're cultivating a culture. And I go, Well, yes, the first four

Chuck Hogan:

letters are called. And so that's not by happenstance, the

Chuck Hogan:

other side of it is, is that I would say, I believe that most

Chuck Hogan:

people are looking and one of the top human needs that we have

Chuck Hogan:

both six human needs, essential needs essential air, water,

Chuck Hogan:

food, shelter, love and connection. Human beings need to

Chuck Hogan:

be connected. In fact, any pediatric nurse will tell you

Chuck Hogan:

that if a child is not loved within the first five minutes of

Chuck Hogan:

birth, then it's called failure to thrive syndrome, they will

Chuck Hogan:

literally expire, they will they will not, we have this essence

Chuck Hogan:

and need that spark. In the six human needs, we have a need for

Chuck Hogan:

I'll say certainty. So security, variety, or uncertainty,

Chuck Hogan:

significance, love and connection, growth and

Chuck Hogan:

contribution. And the last two being spiritual, the only really

Chuck Hogan:

metric that crossover to both in the needs is loving connection,

Chuck Hogan:

and is something that's so systemic to who we are. So why

Chuck Hogan:

do I go there? We decided that there were three tenants that

Chuck Hogan:

needed to be met, in order for y VL. To exist, one, that it

Chuck Hogan:

always had to be value add, it always needed to be able to

Chuck Hogan:

listen to his community and give the value that people needed,

Chuck Hogan:

not what people wanted. There's a huge difference. I agree. The

Chuck Hogan:

second part was is that we made it where if you were in

Chuck Hogan:

relationship, that your spouse could go on any of the trips

Chuck Hogan:

with you, it was not a Oh, you're gonna grow and then try

Chuck Hogan:

and go back home and try and explain to someone and I'm very

Chuck Hogan:

specific with my language, I'm saying going back home, because

Chuck Hogan:

that's what most people did is they would go and elevated and

Chuck Hogan:

then go back home and try and explain it to their spouse

Chuck Hogan:

through there.

Janice Porter:

I've done it. I know it doesn't work.

Chuck Hogan:

Like, this is so painful. And I actually had

Chuck Hogan:

someone call me out on this a couple weeks ago in the chat, I

Chuck Hogan:

have to disagree, brother. And I said, Okay, great. We'll call

Chuck Hogan:

him John said, John, if you want to flight training, intensive

Chuck Hogan:

flight training for four days, four days, you're ready to go

Chuck Hogan:

ahead and take your family out. Solo flying, no issue. You're

Chuck Hogan:

good to go. He goes, No, no, no, no. I said, whoa, whoa, whoa,

Chuck Hogan:

whoa. But you just told me that you he goes, Well, I'm not

Chuck Hogan:

crazy. And I go, Well, is it not crazy to go ahead and take the

Chuck Hogan:

emotional values of your family, their outcomes, their goals,

Chuck Hogan:

their dreams and aspirations? And now you're trying to Guru

Chuck Hogan:

them when you're not done cooking? And he goes, Wow, he

Chuck Hogan:

goes that flight analogy and I go, you're still stuck on the

Chuck Hogan:

flight analogy. I said, Great. I said, so would you be able to

Chuck Hogan:

teach your wife to sit next to you, and now be the pilot as you

Chuck Hogan:

co pilot because you're so diverse. And you've gone through

Chuck Hogan:

every experience of turbulence and engine failure and you go

Chuck Hogan:

no, no, timeout, dude, you're scaring me and I go good.

Chuck Hogan:

Because here's the ticket. It's the journey. And when you get to

Chuck Hogan:

grow together, the family that strives together thrives

Chuck Hogan:

together, you're gonna be hearing the exact same

Chuck Hogan:

information when you get back to the room at night and you're

Chuck Hogan:

comparing notes. It's like, oh my gosh, we're co elevating.

Chuck Hogan:

We're growing. We're getting these distinctions by trusted

Chuck Hogan:


Janice Porter:

Mm hmm.

Chuck Hogan:

It's like oh, so second. This is

Janice Porter:

a little of a sigh. a turn. But I noticed on

Janice Porter:

your website that you had Jim quick as a speaker. Yes.

Janice Porter:

fascinates me. Oh, yeah. So I was just curious in your case,

Chuck Hogan:

that when you brought his name up, Jim is

Chuck Hogan:

someone I absolutely adore. He is He epitomizes what it is to

Chuck Hogan:

meet physiological challenges and mental challenges, and yet

Chuck Hogan:

come away with easy, actionable information that can provide

Chuck Hogan:

insights and distinctions. And so all three of my children have

Chuck Hogan:

read his books, they have done his his homework assignments,

Chuck Hogan:

his home play, as we call it. And it's been brilliant. Jim,

Chuck Hogan:

is, I won't call him a friend, I will just say he's a dear

Chuck Hogan:

console to our community. And we're gonna have him back again.

Chuck Hogan:

In fact, he's, I believe I'm trying to get him scheduled for

Chuck Hogan:

the end of the year. What I love about him is that when you start

Chuck Hogan:

to understand the physiological manifestations as to how your

Chuck Hogan:

brain works, it's kind of like knowing how your car works. You

Chuck Hogan:

don't move a lever over here and go, Oh, I'm making a turn

Chuck Hogan:

signal, you're gonna Wait, isn't that on this side? And they go,

Chuck Hogan:

Oh, semantics, and I go, No, it's like, you pull this lever,

Chuck Hogan:

you get a different action. That's called the shift. You

Chuck Hogan:

know? That's the shifter. So why do I go there? To your point,

Chuck Hogan:

Jim is one of those folks, that is so real. And I can say this,

Chuck Hogan:

and it's a point of contention that I'm so proud of. We have

Chuck Hogan:

had events where our speakers are now members of our

Chuck Hogan:


Janice Porter:

Hmm, that doesn't happen very often. No, that says

Janice Porter:

a lot for sure.

Chuck Hogan:

It does to us, and that there's that trust in that

Chuck Hogan:

integration. And they play full out just like everyone else. So

Chuck Hogan:

someone was asked me they go, oh, so if I'm a speaker at one

Chuck Hogan:

of your events, Chuck, How's it different? I said, Well, there's

Chuck Hogan:

a requirement, you get your your, you know, your speaker's

Chuck Hogan:

fee, and you and your entourage, we fly you out. First class, we

Chuck Hogan:

take care of you said, but we also have a demand that oh, that

Chuck Hogan:

sounds drastic. And I said, I hope so. And that is we need to

Chuck Hogan:

get to know you. So you are going to come to dinner with us.

Chuck Hogan:

You're going to come play with us, you're going to be partake

Chuck Hogan:

of the entire event. And you're going to be a participant when

Chuck Hogan:

you're not on stage. They're like, Shut the front door or

Chuck Hogan:

like no, come on and play with the rest of us. It has been so

Chuck Hogan:

beautiful Janice, to see these people who normally are held way

Chuck Hogan:

up on high, and they fly in, they fly out, they get in to get

Chuck Hogan:

out, you know, they do a gig. Yeah. And we're like, No, you're

Chuck Hogan:

here for an event. You're here for an experience.

Janice Porter:

I love that. I love that. Because it you know,

Janice Porter:

it's funny, you just made me think of something that we put

Janice Porter:

these, the, I'll call it celebrity we put people on a

Janice Porter:

pedestal. They're just, they're just people, they, you know,

Janice Porter:

they maybe have lucked out, they'd been born under a lucky

Janice Porter:

star or they work damn hard to get where they where they are.

Janice Porter:

Or they have some you know, they just hit the market at the right

Janice Porter:

time, whatever it was. They're just people. And if if we treat

Janice Porter:

them that way, then I think they appreciate that. They used to

Janice Porter:

remember when my older daughter was a baby, my parents lived in

Janice Porter:

Beverly Hills. And we used to go down there just before

Janice Porter:

Christmas, and we wheeled stroller through the streets of

Janice Porter:

Beverly Hills. And we'd be looking for celebrities, you

Janice Porter:

know, just for fun, but I would never like you know, gawk at

Janice Porter:

them. Or, you know, I would smile and you know, sometimes it

Janice Porter:

feels like you know them because you come across someone that

Janice Porter:

that you know, from the screen or the television or whatever.

Janice Porter:

But when they when they stopped me because my little girl in my

Janice Porter:

stroller was so cute and said something to me. It was just

Janice Porter:

like, I wasn't going to say oh my god, you're so and so you

Janice Porter:

know, and I'm just act like normal. And you go out to eat.

Janice Porter:

And the next table was someone famous, you know, you just have

Janice Porter:

to deal with it. It bring everything down to a people

Janice Porter:

level. And so I love that that's what you were talking about, is

Janice Porter:

not keeping them on a pedestal and allowing everything to flow,

Janice Porter:

which is I think it's really it's really cool.

Chuck Hogan:

Well, it brings us to the last point out of the

Chuck Hogan:

three points and that was there is no guru. There is no one

Chuck Hogan:

person who's more important than this community than anyone else

Chuck Hogan:

are revered. From our event planners to our see oh to my

Chuck Hogan:

business partners and co founders of why VL to every

Chuck Hogan:

member of the community. We put out polls and we ask where do

Chuck Hogan:

you want to go? What do you want to experience? Who would you

Chuck Hogan:

love to hear from and these are the aspirational people that we

Chuck Hogan:

elicit and really work to bring into the environment. But here's

Chuck Hogan:

the interesting part. Oftentimes we go Oh, could you get Oprah?

Chuck Hogan:

Oh, could you get to, you know, Jay Shetty or or Joe Rogan? Or

Chuck Hogan:

it's like, okay, why? Yeah. Why do they go? Oh, because their

Chuck Hogan:

insights, their distinctions, I go, okay, to your point,

Chuck Hogan:

celebrity. And we go, what if there were just a human being

Chuck Hogan:

who's worked really hard? Who has so many distinctions and in

Chuck Hogan:

fact, the sound bites that you're hearing from some of

Chuck Hogan:

those names they're taking from these people? Because they're

Chuck Hogan:

that elevated? I go, why would we get it straight from the

Chuck Hogan:

horse's mouth? And they're like, God, Oh, why wouldn't we are

Chuck Hogan:

like, well, there you go.

Janice Porter:

So, um, so if if people join your community, then

Janice Porter:

it's not all about events, though. You do work with people

Janice Porter:

individually or with family. And then you do community events and

Janice Porter:

trips and things like that. So wants to go goes,

Chuck Hogan:

right. So we actually have four trips a year.

Chuck Hogan:

We're getting back next week. Actually starting the 28th will

Chuck Hogan:

be in Santa Fe for our faith trip. And we have spent Alana

Chuck Hogan:

Newsom, who is an energy worker and faith leader, we have Dr.

Chuck Hogan:

Michael Beckwith, who's coming Reverend Beckwith Oh, yeah. So

Chuck Hogan:

he's actually our keynote speaker. And he'll be hanging

Chuck Hogan:

out with us and having fun and then one of my associates

Chuck Hogan:

Preston Brown, my entrepreneur, yeah. But he is so faith driven.

Chuck Hogan:

And and it's one of those modalities where you go, okay,

Chuck Hogan:

great. So once a quarter, every 90 days, you have an opportunity

Chuck Hogan:

to immerse yourself in different lessons, learnings,

Chuck Hogan:

environments, meals, outings, experiences. We just got back

Chuck Hogan:

from Rwanda, and we did a two day excursion two days out with

Chuck Hogan:

the mountain gorillas of Rwanda. And oh, I have after I'll send

Chuck Hogan:

you a video, Janice, it will

Janice Porter:

is that where cuz we're talking about celebrity is

Janice Porter:

that where Elon has the thing the thing on on Entertainment

Janice Porter:

Tonight yesterday, that's why I thought of it. Their sanctuary

Janice Porter:

isn't it for Yeah,

Chuck Hogan:

we were right there we went to her the sanctuary, we

Chuck Hogan:

checked it all out. And Diane Fauci and, and we went through

Chuck Hogan:

the entire expos a and it's what I will say is interest eight, it

Chuck Hogan:

was never something that was on my bucket list, it would have

Chuck Hogan:

been on my bucket list, so I could check it off. Because it

Chuck Hogan:

was, it was where I would have imagined when I was a little kid

Chuck Hogan:

growing up. As you know, I was born in Japan, my dad's in the

Chuck Hogan:

military, and my mom was a teacher in Japan, and coming

Chuck Hogan:

over to the states and going, Wow, you can be and live and

Chuck Hogan:

have every experience you've ever desired in life.

Janice Porter:

It only requires one thing faith

Chuck Hogan:

faith that you deserve it faith that the world

Chuck Hogan:

is your oyster, and if you choose to not no longer play

Chuck Hogan:

small, and trust yourself, and we all go through the three

Chuck Hogan:

levels of change, we fake it till we make it we face it till

Chuck Hogan:

we make it and then we fake it till we make it

Janice Porter:

just stop there for a second and and let me ask

Janice Porter:

you, because I know that you you started out in the world of

Janice Porter:

personal development and that was that was a big part of of

Janice Porter:

your world, I think for a long time. And so with the big guru

Janice Porter:

and and you were on the stage with them and everything. And I

Janice Porter:

have to think back to you know, I've had experience with

Janice Porter:

personal development courses and the big stage and everybody

Janice Porter:

we're all wrong and exactly the stories you were telling me

Janice Porter:

about coming back and kind of D What do you call it when you

Janice Porter:

know when you have to you have to decompress and you know and

Janice Porter:

get come back to Earth and then all of a sudden you've it's not

Janice Porter:

as clear as it was when you were there and you know you put the

Janice Porter:

book on the shelf like you said that kind of thing. So but but

Janice Porter:

having been immersed in that for so many years, I think Which way

Janice Porter:

did you go did it did did all of that really get inside you to

Janice Porter:

make you get to where you are now and what you're offering

Janice Porter:

which is a better version of you think a better version a

Janice Porter:

different version, a new a new entity of personal development,

Janice Porter:

or do you get did you get what's the word? Kind of jaded by what

Janice Porter:

you saw with people?

Chuck Hogan:

The answer's yes. Oh, let me explain. So part of

Chuck Hogan:

it is, is I was involved in environment for about 22 years

Chuck Hogan:

and a long time. It is a long time and my functionality within

Chuck Hogan:

that space was in servant leadership. So what do we mean

Chuck Hogan:

by that, as someone who goes up through the ranks, you're

Chuck Hogan:

literally a volunteer, that they will compensate by putting you

Chuck Hogan:

up in a hotel, giving you a stipend for food, and flying you

Chuck Hogan:

in. And but for that, you're on between 20 and 22 hours a day.

Chuck Hogan:

And so literally, you're putting in two full workdays. Let me

Chuck Hogan:

rephrase that. I don't know if everyone else did. I know what I

Chuck Hogan:

was doing.

Janice Porter:

Staff, you were volunteer? That is correct. And

Janice Porter:

why I knew people who did that kind of thing. Okay. Yeah. Okay.

Janice Porter:


Chuck Hogan:

then you get invited to become part of what I

Chuck Hogan:

will call their leadership team and their trainer body. And it's

Chuck Hogan:

all beautiful. I mean, the intention is great. The

Chuck Hogan:

challenge becomes when you start to realize that everything has a

Chuck Hogan:

discretionary value. So what do I mean by that? If I donate an

Chuck Hogan:

hour of my time, and this is where it gets a little sketchy

Chuck Hogan:

for people, Janice, most people don't know what they're worth an

Chuck Hogan:

hour. Even in their businesses, they have no clue, right? And so

Chuck Hogan:

but they do know this, if they left for two weeks and came back

Chuck Hogan:

like, oh, eBay, oh my gosh, oh, there's so much going on. Oh,

Chuck Hogan:

this is crazy. Oh, you know, I need a vacation from my

Chuck Hogan:

vacation. And why do I go there, I started realizing that the

Chuck Hogan:

currency that I was paying in was me. Skill set time

Chuck Hogan:

intention. I spent 22 years cultivating

Janice Porter:

this dream. Well, being away,

Chuck Hogan:

contributing and serving towards it. Yeah. But at

Chuck Hogan:

the same token, sharpening me because metal sharpens metal. So

Chuck Hogan:

when I started looking at it going skill sets were sharp and

Chuck Hogan:

improved. And there was a reason why they trust you in that

Chuck Hogan:

environment. Where it got sketchy was when I decided to no

Chuck Hogan:

longer dim my light when I actually started to listen and

Chuck Hogan:

be very clear that all the things that were being said from

Chuck Hogan:

stage, apply to everybody else, but not me. So the minute I

Chuck Hogan:

decided to stop playing small the minute I started to co

Chuck Hogan:

elevate myself, the minute I started to collaborate with

Chuck Hogan:

other people who were like minded and like hearted, my life

Chuck Hogan:

took a different trajectory. And I was asked, well, I will be

Chuck Hogan:

quite blunt about this. My status was revoked. And it was

Chuck Hogan:

like seeing

Janice Porter:

Are you saying that, that in all the time that

Janice Porter:

you did all of that volunteers, servant leadership that you were

Janice Porter:

perhaps searching and feeling less than, in a way? Well,

Chuck Hogan:

filling up on one level. So the world has anyone

Chuck Hogan:

who knows me knows I'm a love bug, like I love helping people

Chuck Hogan:

move through it grow through what they're going through. And

Chuck Hogan:

on the other side of that, so that's why the Lord the

Chuck Hogan:

universe, put me on this planet was to help people and I go,

Chuck Hogan:

okay, so does that mean that you have to be impoverished to do

Chuck Hogan:

it? Does that mean that you have to give up the rest of your

Chuck Hogan:

income stream in order to do this, right? The average person

Chuck Hogan:

that for a while, while I listen, I was living it because

Chuck Hogan:

I had a challenge. Bless you, I had a challenge. And the

Chuck Hogan:

challenge was, it was beautiful thing. I was flattered by it. I

Chuck Hogan:

was invited to about 13 events a year. And that was actually

Chuck Hogan:

running programs and helping in in some instance speaking on

Chuck Hogan:

stage and then opening up and you know, getting 15,000 people

Chuck Hogan:

stayed induced to, you know, be ready to for an event. And so it

Chuck Hogan:

was very flattering. But it wasn't about me it was about

Chuck Hogan:

being in service. And where it started to take a toll was I was

Chuck Hogan:

like, uh, my wife's not here. She's at home. My kids aren't

Chuck Hogan:

here. They're at home. Anyone who's ever met me knows I'm a

Chuck Hogan:

servant leader. But they also know I'm a family man first. And

Chuck Hogan:

so I started realizing that I was giving up more and more and

Chuck Hogan:

more and not living congruently here I am telling other people

Chuck Hogan:

that my family and I deserve the best of me and not what's left

Chuck Hogan:

of me. And what are they getting? What's left of me? It's

Chuck Hogan:

like, oh, oh, this is not congruent. Something, you know,

Chuck Hogan:

I got it. I have to take out the garbage. But I'm sorry, I lost

Chuck Hogan:

your volume for some reason.

Janice Porter:

There you go. So as soon as the light bulb went

Janice Porter:

on for you, and things got it, it shifted and then everything

Janice Porter:

changed because you ended up having to leave and start things

Janice Porter:

differently for yourself and you went into I think executive

Janice Porter:

search at that time, right? Well, we

Chuck Hogan:

did. So what happened was is that we actually

Chuck Hogan:

started EY BL first we actually, we did and what happened was his

Chuck Hogan:

my two partners in crime we got together. And they asked me this

Chuck Hogan:

very poignant question. They said, Who do you need to be? And

Chuck Hogan:

I was like, What do you mean? I am who I am they know who you

Chuck Hogan:

have aspirations. Are you fulfilled living at this level?

Chuck Hogan:

And I was like, well, it meets some of my needs, but not all of

Chuck Hogan:

my needs. And they go, Well, what would need to shift they

Chuck Hogan:

go, they'll, if you could dream and develop this, what would it

Chuck Hogan:

look like? And exactly what I described you with Ydl? Yeah,

Chuck Hogan:

just services, the environment, the people, the camaraderie, and

Chuck Hogan:

this was an important facet to that we cap it at 100 members.

Chuck Hogan:

Now that means that the member and then they can have their

Chuck Hogan:

spouse so roughly 200 People in this environment? Why is that

Chuck Hogan:

important? We started to see some other environments that had

Chuck Hogan:

oh my gosh, 700 1000 people? Well, number one, no one can put

Chuck Hogan:

on an event where you get to have that many people

Chuck Hogan:

consistently. Number two, it starts to become very cliquey.

Chuck Hogan:

The people with the most money are hate it they got it was that

Chuck Hogan:

the only thing I said no, that the you know, the fakers. So

Chuck Hogan:

they're making it they have a tendency to collaborate

Chuck Hogan:

together. And it said, I just said, so what we started looking

Chuck Hogan:

at was how do we instill a sense of community. And we said by

Chuck Hogan:

number one, everyone goes through an interview process, it

Chuck Hogan:

doesn't make a difference if you can afford the membership or

Chuck Hogan:

not. Number two, we're going to tell you, if it's worth it for

Chuck Hogan:

you. We have an initial call, we say, what do you need? How do

Chuck Hogan:

you need to feel most often? And we start to go down that road.

Chuck Hogan:

And then we started to see okay, well, we can see why this is

Chuck Hogan:

uncomfortable. We can see why the kids that you brought in the

Chuck Hogan:

business and generational you know, communication gaps, and

Chuck Hogan:

yada yada, yada and all of a sudden it's like, holy smokes.

Chuck Hogan:

And quite frankly, Janice, we've had people who've we've turned

Chuck Hogan:

away from the environment that they wanted to come in in

Chuck Hogan:

illicit solicit grandstand. And we're like going, this is not

Chuck Hogan:

the space for you.

Janice Porter:

Yeah, view, is it global.

Chuck Hogan:

It is global. We, we initially start off in

Chuck Hogan:

cottonelle. United States, and now we have members that are

Chuck Hogan:

overseas as well. And, and it's growing through word of mouth

Chuck Hogan:

referral, we have not marketed online, we have not put this out

Chuck Hogan:

and prognosticated to everyone. And there's a reason for that,

Chuck Hogan:

too. We actually believe that like attracts like, and that

Chuck Hogan:

when you're resonating a certain frequency, people come to you,

Chuck Hogan:

it has been amazing to see the people that have gone, you know,

Chuck Hogan:

that is so different. Because they've been involved with so

Chuck Hogan:

many different like my shoe you, you've called in so many

Chuck Hogan:

different environments. And there's a formula for all say,

Chuck Hogan:

creating codependency. Yeah, yeah, that's good point. Yeah.

Chuck Hogan:

And we have chosen to eliminate codependency and cultivate

Chuck Hogan:


Janice Porter:

So I'm going to shift again, because we have to

Janice Porter:

wrap up a little bit. But, but But it's interesting, and I find

Janice Porter:

what you're doing fascinating. And and I because I'm such a

Janice Porter:

person that loves people and relationships, I can see the

Janice Porter:

value of something like this. Is there a just out of curiosity?

Janice Porter:

Is there an age preference that seems to happen? No.

Chuck Hogan:

Oh, is that that's been the crazy part. In fact, we

Chuck Hogan:

have a couple of different programs, we actually have a

Chuck Hogan:

weekly or a monthly program, which is called the seventh

Chuck Hogan:

degree, which is for aspirational business folks who

Chuck Hogan:

are just starting off in their businesses. And when you

Chuck Hogan:

remember why well you get everything. So that's that's one

Chuck Hogan:

thing. The other thing is we do a weekly speaker spotlight, we

Chuck Hogan:

just had one this morning, and we use those four pillars of

Chuck Hogan:

focal information to bring on different people to share

Chuck Hogan:

insights, distinctions and faith, family fitness and

Chuck Hogan:

finance. And those are attended as well by the community. For

Chuck Hogan:

us, it's about sharing information that can move

Chuck Hogan:

everyone forward. But

Janice Porter:

it but it's not like some elder older people,

Janice Porter:

some younger people or in disease are a blended

Chuck Hogan:

community. We have folks that have newborns we have

Chuck Hogan:

folks that have great grandkids. Okay. Okay. That's cool. That's

Chuck Hogan:

the brain trust, because you're getting distinctions now.

Janice Porter:

Yeah. So I like to ask my my, my guests one

Janice Porter:

question. And we'll wrap up, maybe with one more little one

Janice Porter:

after that. And that is about my favorite word curiosity. So I

Janice Porter:

think I'm curious So it is kind of a cornerstone for me. And I'd

Janice Porter:

like to know two things. One, do you think it's innate? Or

Janice Porter:

learned? And part two, what are you most curious about these

Janice Porter:


Chuck Hogan:

Thank you. Good, brilliant question. By the way,

Chuck Hogan:

I believe that we all have an innate curiosity, that we, by

Chuck Hogan:

our very nature, have been given the grace and gift of having

Chuck Hogan:

these different modalities of kinesthetic, auditory, visual,

Chuck Hogan:

olfactory, and gustatory. And these are all to feed our

Chuck Hogan:

sensory experience. But as human beings that are driven by

Chuck Hogan:

emotions and feelings, everything that we do,

Chuck Hogan:

everything we experience is to elicit emotions. And so my focus

Chuck Hogan:

now is really understanding. And in point of fact, I don't ask

Chuck Hogan:

people how they're doing. When you play this back, you'll see

Chuck Hogan:

if we've even if it came up in this conversation, as people are

Chuck Hogan:

feeling. And the difference in the distinction in a word is

Chuck Hogan:

that when you ask someone how they're doing, you're gonna get

Chuck Hogan:

a cognitive response, right? Feeling, it's really going to

Chuck Hogan:

the core essence of who they are and where they're living at that

Chuck Hogan:

time. When I think one

Janice Porter:

more piece to that would be, as well wait to

Janice Porter:

hear what they actually say and listen to their answer. To one

Janice Porter:

of the, and because often, you know, when someone asks that

Janice Porter:

question of you either question, how are you doing? Or how are

Janice Porter:

you feeling? And you actually answer them? They don't know

Janice Porter:

what to do with that. No, right. So there you go. Okay. And so

Janice Porter:

what are you curious about these days?

Chuck Hogan:

You know, I am curious about it. I've been

Chuck Hogan:

asked to write a book on this. So we'll see if this actually

Chuck Hogan:

comes to fruition. Modern masculinity.

Janice Porter:

Oh, interesting. Okay. Yeah, I can see that for

Janice Porter:


Chuck Hogan:

Feminine perspective. Yes. Oh, to ask

Chuck Hogan:

your father as an example, who his role models were as far as

Chuck Hogan:

masculine and masculinity. He might say Spencer, Tracy

Chuck Hogan:

Humphrey Bogart, you know, Rock Hudson, before he came out after

Chuck Hogan:

he came out. If I were to ask my father in his generation, he

Chuck Hogan:

might go Tom Selleck. Sylvester Stallone, you know, Rocky

Chuck Hogan:

Balboa? Who else? Are some of the athletes at the time to like

Janice Porter:

Ross Garvey, Simpson? Oh, yeah.

Chuck Hogan:

Those were the star Joe name at the time. My

Chuck Hogan:

generation is kind of a strange one. Because there's, I say when

Chuck Hogan:

you look at masculinity, like we grew up during the time of

Chuck Hogan:

action movies, and so you go John Claude Van Damme. Arnold

Chuck Hogan:


Janice Porter:

Vin Diesel. Well, he has I guess he's worn out.

Janice Porter:


Chuck Hogan:

Right. Or at the time because it was so

Chuck Hogan:

revolutionary, like Baywatch. So David Hasselhoff and you're like

Chuck Hogan:

God, like really as like a when it first came out, everyone was

Chuck Hogan:

glued to the television set. Especially when he was a night

Chuck Hogan:

writer. So why do I go there for my son? Millennials xennials.

Chuck Hogan:

Look at it from the standpoint of worthy causes. And they go

Chuck Hogan:

Oh, Ilan, Maya and Rannells. Yeah. The people that are

Chuck Hogan:

influencing and changing the world and taking mammoth action,

Chuck Hogan:

and it's like, and they're doing their forces for good. It's not

Chuck Hogan:

just the money that comes with it. And what they're seeing is

Chuck Hogan:

that with worthy causes, you can make a ton of money. You know,

Chuck Hogan:

who takes on the automotive industry? Well, Elon, and by the

Chuck Hogan:

way, NASA at the same time. Yeah. Okay.

Janice Porter:

Yeah, he's an he's an enigma, though. Really?

Janice Porter:

He is.

Chuck Hogan:

You really is. And? And that's where you go? Is he

Chuck Hogan:

insane? Or ingenious? Yeah, I know. I go. Probably a little.

Janice Porter:

Yeah, exactly. A bit of both. Yeah. So lots of

Janice Porter:

fun, we could can carry on this conversation for a long time. So

Janice Porter:

I like that idea of that book. I think it's interesting. It's

Janice Porter:

funny, I thought you were gonna say that one of their role

Janice Porter:

models was somebody who had like, transitioned or something,

Janice Porter:

because that's happening now to all the time, right, you know,

Janice Porter:

so who knows? And, and there's some actually really interesting

Janice Porter:

role models there, too, you know, yeah. So we'll, we'll save

Janice Porter:

that for another time. So thank you. Thank you so much for being

Janice Porter:

on the show. Thank you for sharing about you and your

Janice Porter:

community. And I guess one last thought, What would you like to

Janice Porter:

leave with my audience as maybe it could be a business thought

Janice Porter:

or just, you know, philosophical thought for

Chuck Hogan:

a prefer to go philosophical and that is, be a

Chuck Hogan:

little kinder to yourself today. In the pursuit of change and

Chuck Hogan:

self improvement, we oftentimes are finding fault so that way we

Chuck Hogan:

can move towards something that we Can Fix. And I'll just

Chuck Hogan:

propose, what if you're not broken? What if by you just

Chuck Hogan:

living in this beautiful space of who you are, and honoring

Chuck Hogan:

those around you and yourself, that you can grow, to where you

Chuck Hogan:

deserve the best of you, and so as your family and not what's

Chuck Hogan:

left to view it's something that changed my life about 20 years

Chuck Hogan:

ago. And I can tell you, that when it comes up, and I get Uber

Chuck Hogan:

busy, and we all do, slow down, just slow down, take a moment

Chuck Hogan:

and breathe. And ask yourself how you need to feel most often

Chuck Hogan:

today. And dedicate your time and your intention to that for

Chuck Hogan:

just that day and see how you feel at the end of the day.

Janice Porter:

Nice. Thank you. Thank you, Chuck. Thank you for

Janice Porter:

being here. Thank you to my audience for listening. If you

Janice Porter:

like what you heard, please check out your best life.com

Janice Porter:

Write your best No, I will put it in the show notes. It's why

Janice Porter:

be l now.com. And and please leave a review and let us know

Janice Porter:

that what you thought thanks again and stay connected and be

Janice Porter:
