Aug. 4, 2020

Could radical self acceptance offers' hope, even when we think we are dying

Could radical self acceptance offers' hope, even when we think we are dying

How could this be possible and yet it is..

I bet you are shaking your head right now because this may challenge you to the core of your being. But psychology says that resisting accepting is to rebel against the core of who we are. Self acceptance is not asking us to set aside anything, instead be aware of our strengths and weaknesses even in the face of crisis. Self acceptance is a down-to-earth, practical evaluation of talents, capabilities, deficiencies (baggage), self worth and our past behaviors and choices that have potentially contributed to our circumstances today.

Self acceptance is not about judging ourselves, rather it asks us to be kind, to fearlessly accept what we dread, are anxious of, what we worry about; rather step into forgiveness, to remain positive and not to give up no matter what you face. Radical self acceptance asks us to believe in ourselves beyond anything else.

What it does for us, when we accept our situation, is we gain and embrace all aspects of our self. Why this is important is that it frees up energy, letting go of the burdens and heaviness that comes along with judgment, fear, hurt, sadness, guilt, anger. Shifting that energy towards a greater cause, to let our mind, body and soul heal. Positive energy, rather than stress hormones and chemicals rushing through our blood stream and accessing every single cell in our body. If we can agree that sugar is bad, then consider that negative thoughts as sugar on steroids. And it reeks havoc in our bodies. The things about it is, we can control that! But let us take a deeper look at another angle

Samuel Hahnemann once said, it is not the part that is sick, it is the man. In fact the national institute of health states that human sickness is an interoceptive response to inflammation associated with psychological, emotional and behavioral disturbances. Many include spiritual disturbances as well. Meaning that thoughts and how we create and engage in our thoughts play an incredible role in our well-being.

Dr. Bernie Seigal, Love, medicine and miracles encourages us to focus our mind for healing. Harness the power of our subconscious mind, and use the most successful technique we all have, the power of visualization, relaxation in the form of quieting the mind and removing distraction from all parts of our awareness. Block out the continuous external stimulation that has become our mental diet, through intentional relaxation, hypnosis or meditation. He gives us the simplicity of the process, a quiet room and a recorded or guided visualization.

Meditation has been recognized as the absence of listening, taking control of our mind, so the mind enters a state of peace, aware of ourselves, separate from our thoughts and body, without judgement and allowing each moment to unfold around us.

Where hypnosis opens the conversation is healing, with it's ability to enable a calm altered state of consciousness where guided behavior change can take place. Knowing that a doctor's number one impediment to overcoming a health concern, is a persons difficulty in achieving behavioral change. But if we were willing to adopt radical self acceptance, many things may then be primed for change. 

Realbuzz offers us 10 ways or a step by step guide to creating calm. 1. progressive relaxation techniques are a must. 2. Chocolate that is high in magnesium helps us to relax. 3.Have an action plan to minimize worry. 4. Engage in healthy sex. 5. hot and cold therapy, encourages us to go the spa! 6. Be realistic, listen to music, exercise regularly, eat more foods that contain tryptophan and lastly create a brain dump routine. Tune into one of my meditations here. Healing Energy meditation



#myfreedomdomday #whatdoesfreedommeantoyou #mindyourfreedom Adele's bio: I strive to live the best life possible. I am a survivor of a plane that crashed and flipped in water. That experience of drowning and how I made my escape forever change my belief in what is possible. I became obsessed with neuroscience. Wanting to understand the power of the mind. If my mind could source information locked deep within my mind, while starved of oxygen. I wanted to know how to access and use that same mind power everyday.  My experience became the driving force of my life purpose.  The stuff I now know to be true

I consciously live my values. Being clear about what I do and don't want. Making value based choices to ensure I love the life I wake-up to every day

I thrive on learning, growing and expanding my awareness so I can embrace all that life has to offer. This deep desire of learning enabled a degree in natural medicine, coaching certificate and Trainers certification in N.L.P. and more.

My clients are successful professionals looking for or going through change. They are tired, want to be listened to and are seeking a personalized caring approach.

So, if you are tired of repeating old patterns of behavior or feeling stuck, tune in here. If you experience uncomfortable or imbalanced feelings in your body, this flavorful podcast may resonate

Maybe you are waking up feeling dis-satisfied in the morning? Or exhausted, living under stress or maybe you are exploring new beginnings. One that fulfills your inner purpose. Then you have found your safe haven

As an N.L.P. trainer, I create perceptual shifts needed to reach your vision. And N.L.P. teaches and provide life skills for a beautiful future. Plus it installs the neuro-networking necessary for transformation

My multi-dynamic and personalized approach includes a deep sense of intuition, natural medicine, neuroscience, integrity and care

Clients report that they feel happier, sleep more soundly and experience feelings of deep satisfaction knowing they are living the purposeful life they have been wanting

Natural health: Improving and balancing your body, mind and soul

NLP Trainer: empowerment, behavioral change, accelerate and motivate learning, install excellence, improve communication and removing stress

Service: Deeply devoted to creating the environment where you can move towards a life you desire and deserve