Dec. 23, 2021

Connecting Heads, Hearts & Holidays - Leah Gartner

Connecting Heads, Hearts & Holidays - Leah Gartner
So this is a re-run of an episode that I put out this time last year. I want to share it - because I think it is such valuable content to hear at this time of the year when families typically get together over the holiday period. This can be a difficult time for many families - including my own - and Leah helps us to normalise triggers and helps us prepare to handle them differently - by first becoming aware of your part - and being comfortable with uncomfortable feelings. And before we kick off with that conversation - I want to just jump on and say that my instagram account has been hacked and everything has been deleted. I am hoping to get my handle back - but have set up a temporary one - dr.bodymindsoul in the meantime - so please follow in case this becomes my only account. And please share as much content that you can with family and friends that you think are interested in learning more about truly holistic healthcare from doctors, healers, researchers and seekers. So with no further ado - I hope enjoy this episode and take something away to support your heads and hearts over the holidays. I will reconnect with you all in the new year - with new podcast episodes, research reviews and seeker stories. And I honestly can’t wait to share it all! To keep updated with all the IG drama that is unfolding - sign up to my mailing list. To get your hands on this and all the inside goss - either check out my website - or click the link on my NEW instagram account dr.bodymindsoul. So with that - I hope you all have a very merry Xmas - whichever form that takes for you. So many blessings. Jude x