Jan. 16, 2023

Take Your Transformation and Break Through Limitations with Raja Vaidya

Take Your Transformation and Break Through Limitations with Raja Vaidya

If you're struggling with your confidence and feeling uncomfortable with your limitations, you got to learn to play with it. Here is an episode to shift your mind to stay out of your comfort zone!

It's a pleasure to have Raja Vaidya as our guest today, a speaker, author, and entrepreneur. He is a Founder and CEO at Victory Mindset Academy. Raja believes that it is never too late to grow.

Listen to us talk about pushing through fear and limitations toward making progress, and having that lifelong pursuit of happiness. Raja expresses how important it is to break through the walls that hinder business people to achieve their greatest success. Raja also talks about leadership that serves as a great factor for success. Tune in as he shares some tips on how to create an engaging speech and his speaking journey as he overcomes some limitations.

During this episode, Raja mentioned this as his must-read book …

→ Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Be sure to connect with Kayvon after the show …

Raja’s Website: https://victorymindsetacademy.com/

Attend Podapalooza: https://www.collaboratorsunite.com/podapalooza 


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Until next time, keep moving forward!

Chuck Anderson

Investor + Marketing Consultant

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