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Jan. 15, 2021

Session 13: Your Purpose vs. Your Assignment

Session 13: Your Purpose vs. Your Assignment

Are you currently in a season of your life where you’re asking yourself, “What’s my Purpose?”. Or maybe you’re asking… “Why am I here?” or “Who am I?” Some of you may be asking or have asked, “What am I supposed to be doing right now?” “What’s my next career move?” Or… “What’s the next thing that I’m supposed to be doing?” Every single person at some point in life has asked those questions, and if you haven’t yet, don’t worry… you’ll get there!

But how are we supposed to navigate that? All of those questions have to do with one of two things to which I’d like to call it, “Purpose” or “Assignment”? Because there is a difference! Your purpose is who you are in Christ. And your assignment is how you carry that out based on the season of life God has you. 

Here are some additional resources for you to look at and utilize to help you grow in this particular topic:

o   Session 11: Who Are You? Downloadable Worksheet is available on my landing page at https://letstalkaboutitbymark.ck.page/5af3361b07

o   Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast: “Q&A with Paula Faris: Calling vs. Career” Released October 15th, 2020 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/q-a-with-paula-faris-calling-vs-career/id1070649025?i=1000494832254

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @markkbenton2 Screenshot you listening to the Podcast and share it on your IG story and let me know what you're learning!