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I personally know Juby and Mark so I can honestly say they truly have a heart for God and searching for His truth. Hearing them talk on the podcast, they sound exactly the same off camera too..Very relatable and GENUINE! It’s a safe place to… talk about it. Whatever it is and not be judged. I always walk away feeling refreshed. Love what they do here, keep it up!!!!

Valuable wisdom that will only enhance the love you have for God and others.
Mark and Juby have a genuine thirst and love for God. God has given them wisdom beyond their years. They compliment each other so well. Their teachable humble hearts and love they have for others to know who God is speaks volumes to their desire to share the love of God. The real life experiences, commentary, stories, tips, and wisdom they share is gold to anyone who is willing to improve and grow not only their relationship with their loved ones, believers, unbelievers, friends peers, and most of all…Jesus. This podcast is a investment to your soul.

WOW…. I Love It Here!!!!
Never really was a podcast type of person until now. What an amazing way to spread the love of God in the most real and intimate way. I’m completely blown away. Please don’t stop. Love you both so much And Scream On Eagle (Insider) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😁

Through provoking!
What an amazing Podcast! You’ll want to save them all the episodes for a second listen! Truly encouraging content! Thank you for serving us well!

Authentic. Insightful. Enjoyable!
So many golden nuggets! Be ready to PAUSE, rewind, and nod along in both necessary conviction and encouragement. Love these two and would LOVE to be a fly on the wall for their conversations, so this glimpse is a treat. So grateful they’re willing to share their wisdom, experience, and current challenges with us all!

BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS - S2E2 (interview w/ Mark K. Benton SR.) – Aired Feb 2, 2022
Hi Mark Benton II….the interview with your dad, Mark Benton Sr., was AWESOME! Such a blessing hearing a son & father interview!!! The discussion on mentoring was really helpful with your dad stressing differences between the pains of discipline vs. regret. The entire episode was so COOL, and his final thoughts were filled with gems of wisdom. But my very favorite part was when your dad talked about your mom (his wife), Kim. Full disclosure: my wife and I have been in the same church life group with Mark Sr and Kim since 2016. We’ve grown to love and appreciate them so much. Everything you described by about your dad was true. Mark Sr is so gifted in getting close to people, helping them to share about themselves. I've experienced that myself with him. He’s very special. While listening to the interview, I kept thinking how those skills evident in Mark Sr are also very much reflected in you. It was apparent to me that you have an extraordinary ability to ask the right questions, framing them in ways to bring out deeper aspects of another person's life. I already knew you he great communication skills through listening to your sermons and podcasts. However, the interview today showed another powerful area of ministry for you. I've watched and listened to countless talks and lectures in both scientific research and theology. I have deep interests and involvement in both. While these are incredibly fruitful, a deeper dimension is gained when an expert in a field is interviewed by a skilled host. This is my long way of saying that I encourage you to continue blessing others through your teaching, but also to consider occasionally (or frequently) to conduct interviews with esteemed guests. In helping to shape what is communicated by knowledgeable guests, you'd be providing greater clarity for a broader spectrum of listeners. This coupling of greater accessibility with gems of wisdom will be a tremendous contribution to His Kingdom. I was fully blessed by the interview today with you and your dad. It highlighted the incredible wisdom of your dad, touched briefly on the special attributes of your dear mom, and reflected your wonderful gift and potential impact as an interviewer. Hope to hear more interviews by you.

Whoa, incredible podcast.
I have always enjoyed learning from Pastor Mark. When he speaks, wisdom and understanding flow. I never walk away wondering what I learned about but I walk away wanting to apply what I learned to my life to grow deeper in certain areas. Pastor Mark and Juby are a power couple. They both speak wisdom and makes you think deeper about where you are and where you want to be as well as bringing laughter and joy to your heart. I really appreciate this podcast and all the food for the soul that you get. It is one of my favorites to listen and learn from. You won’t regret listening.

Amazing podcast!
I first listened to the Mental Health episode and loved Mark & his guests perspective on how to have conversations about something that needs to be conversation more often. Highly recommend for anyone that wants a good listen!

Great podcast/ resonating with my soul
Reflection and understanding.. clarity and willingness to be open. I love listening to this podcast. It’s soothing, light hearted and hits me right in my soul. I was always a spiritual person. I believe in God but because my parent’s past I never went to church. As an adult, I’ve found my relationship with God at 33. Building that relationship with my daughter as well and she loves learning and listening to the readings. We’re learning to love, worship and have the guidance through prayer. Thank you for your guidance and allowing me to open my heart fully! It’s been such an amazing experience.

Great podcast
Reflection and understanding.. clarity and willingness to be open. I love listening to this podcast.

Life Changing Content
This podcast has been such a blessing in my life. I hear the perfect message at the exact time I feel God tugging on my heart. Mark is an absolutely incredible communicator, devoted follower of Christ and is so passionate about this podcast. It is an absolute honor and a privilege to call this man a friend. If you want to listen to some life changing, thought provoking material, check this podcast out!

A true gift to us listeners!
I just listened to the 1 year anniversary podcast episode --and it has me covered in chills!!! I have found myself in this space of wanting to step away from working in tech, and get myself out of this grind culture and do something that's more fulfilling - FOR ME. This episode touched on so many of the various layers that comes with the fear of taking that kind of leap. The concept of learning to shift who's expectation to value more by asking, if God is for us who could be against us? Reflecting on how life could be different if we believe that God put a certain desire and dream in your heart? And when Mark said, the biggest barrier to me doing anything was me, I finished the sentence and my mind exploded 🤯 I'm grateful to Mark for sharing his journey with the world, and what an incredible experience to have this episode be so relatable to so many on their own journey, whatever that may look like. LOVED this so much and Juby guiding the conversation was pure magic. All I can say is THANK YOU!!! ❤️

God is present!
I am so thankful each and every message that I have gotten to listen too. Each one has had me thinking, reevaluating, and wanting more for my life and the lives of the people who surround me daily. Thank you for lost to God and sharing it with us. I pray for you and you beautiful wife to continue in Gods will!!! I love you both🥰 Thank you, Karen T Hayes

Thank you for having honest conversations! The topics you discuss are timely & encouraging. Keep letting the Lord use you. You are making a difference! 🔥🔥🔥 The POWER of Consistency was powerful! Thank you for the wisdom and encouragement you shared during this episode. So good!!!! 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾 Thank you for the BONUS episode! ❤️‍🔥 CONGRATULATIONS on a FULL year of GREAT content!!!!! 🥳👏🏾 I look forward to listening to the more I’m sure is coming!! AWESOME!! 🔥👊🏾

A disciple of Christ
I know this man personally so understand that. Either way, my review is based on this man’s ability to reason and engage. I love his heart for the Lord and his heart for truth. His content has blessed me

What’s My Role?
Great, great podcast! Motivates you to reflect on your role and reminds you to point everything back to Jesus! With real life examples and meaningful content.

Practical, Honest, and Extremely Relevant
Pastor Mark is great at keeping things simple to break down, tackles topics that need addressed in today’s society and has a great heart to be full of the love of Jesus! A great podcast all around.

Thank you for having honest conversations! The topics you discuss are timely & encouraging. Keep letting the Lord use you. You are making a difference! 🔥🔥🔥 The POWER of Consistency was powerful! Thank you for the wisdom and encouragement you shared during this episode. So good!!!! 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾 Thank you for the BONUS episode! ❤️‍🔥

The best of the best. Well worth every second.
Every discussion, every topic, every time, I have no doubt that Mark has spent years working to embody everything he shares through this podcast. You can’t fake it, and he surely does not. I wholeheartedly trust his leadership and look forward to many, many more episodes! I’m a fan for life!

I am utterly amazed and encouraged by these podcasts. Mark gives practical examples of Christain living., taking our faith to a closer intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. I would encourage anyone that is looking for biblical truth to listen to his messages of the Gospel.

Absolutely love this podcast. Has truly helped me understand how the power of god and Jesus has a huge impact on life. 5 stars all day.

Great Show!
I’ve had the pleasure of attending school with Mark and it is safe to say that he has a gift. God has called him to communicate the Bible and he’s doing just that. This podcast will feed listeners with words of encouragement. This podcast’s Christ-centeredness will enrich the hearts of its listeners. Highly recommend!

Thank you for having honest conversations! The topics you discuss are timely & encouraging. Keep letting the Lord use you. You are making a difference! 🔥🔥🔥

Mark Benton is the same man that you hear on his podcast as he is in real life. He’s insightful, humble, caring, encouraging and energetic. His episodes are there to encourage others not make his name great. I’ve hung around Mark at the Chaplain school in both formal and informal settings. He is a magnet for insights and relationships. I would strongly recommend you listening to his podcasts to help better you in your walk with the Lord and in life.

Great Content
This episode is a well put together overview of good communication skills along with some more targeted options for people who like to communicate in different ways. Mark challenges us to be ourselves while not sacrificing our integrity!

This is fun to listen to and has great perspectives during a very confusing time. I appreciate the practical application and honesty. Mark has wisdom beyond his years! A must subscribe for anyone looking to grow!

Marks heart for Jesus and his people is beautiful! Very insightful and we (whole family) love listening.

Inspirational and insightful!!! Mark and his team do a great job!

Activating change
It takes intentional action to actualize change in one’s life. This discussion said it all. People struggle with making meaningful changes in their lives because they are stuck in pretense. Only through brokenness and selflessness that true change in godly living can be achieved. Great job guys🙏🏾 Looking forward to the next episode .

The title of this podcast says it all! Practical, impactful and thought provoking. This podcast is timely for the day and age we’re living in. It’s essential that we have conversations on topics that we would normally shy away from and this podcast creates a safe space place for that. Well done!!