We're going to be diving into Ronald Kinsella's new book "Illusions: Smoke and Mirrors of the UFO/ET Paranormal Enigma" let's prepare for a thought-provoking exploration, as he delves into the realm of alien, UFO, and cryptid...
UfOlogy, the intriguing study of Unidentified Flying Objects, and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, has captivated humanity's curiosity for decades. Are these objects all products of the same extraterrestrial manufacturing plant...
Philip Kinsella is a UFO witness, author and researcher diving deep into UFOs, consciousness, and the mysterious afterlife. Fueled by a captivating alien abduction experience in 1989, he has fearlessly delved into the enigmat...
The Full Disclosure NOW Conference is not just any event; it is a groundbreaking experience set to take place from July 15th through the 18th at the Sirata Beach Resort in St. Pete Beach, Florida. This conference serves as a …
On this bonus episode of Let's Find Out: We're going to use the wayback machines and take a look at something that occured on episode 19, where I had a great conversation with Marie aka Marie's UFOS. From the very …
On this episode of let's find out: It has been reported that at least 10,000 UFO sightings are reported each year. Why are they visiting us so often? Our guests have decades of research and study in ancient history, UFOlogy,...
Author and UFO witness Nomar Slevik's journey began with a UFO encounter at the age of 4, that has lead him to be fascinated by all things paranormal ever since that moment. This experience and his passion to research, invest...