We're going to be diving into Ronald Kinsella's new book "Illusions: Smoke and Mirrors of the UFO/ET Paranormal Enigma" let's prepare for a thought-provoking exploration, as he delves into the realm of alien, UFO, and cryptid...
"Dirt Road Tales of Horror" a beastly adventure that plunges you into the heart of the sinister Southeastern United States. Ghosts drift in the moonlit fog, murderers skulk in the dark, nightmares twist reality, and beasts sn...
UfOlogy, the intriguing study of Unidentified Flying Objects, and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, has captivated humanity's curiosity for decades. Are these objects all products of the same extraterrestrial manufacturing plant...
Set out on a thrilling adventure with the fearless explorer of the universe, musician, and award-winning author from Northern Virginia who brought us the gripping book "Tenebris: The Unholy Darkness." This intrepid seeker of ...
Author and Paranormal Investigator Richard Bigg leads an enthralling expedition through the mysterious realm of Eastern Pennsylvania in his captivating book, "Strange Stories from the Skulking Stream Volume One The Hidden Zoo...
Bryan the Writer has many great works that will offer you fantastic tales full of haunting wonders such as monsters, ghosts ,and mysteries that will have you keeping the lights on at night and your head on a swivel. His …
Authors Jim Beard and Josh Pritchett One of the biggest Pop Culture phenomena and elusive being Bigfoot has captured the minds and imaginations of cryptozoologists, researchers, and investigators from around the globe. The bo...
Author Asa Swift has always held a deep fascination with the paranormal, dating back to the 1970's where his interest was influenced by then popular television show Dark Shadows and reading the works of Edgar Allan Poe. A pub...
Our good friend and author J. Denison Reed is doing it once again. With the new prequel in the works, we will get a look at the timeline before the "Bluegrass Battleground" and "Without End." The new novel will introduce …
Science Fiction/Fantasy Author George Allen Miller In the 22nd century, Washington DC has new detective in town. In the new book "Eugene McGillicuddy’s Alien Detective Agency" Our Detective must now travel the entire Milky Wa...
This is an all star episode of Let's Find Out, we will be stirring up a little ancient Rome and a little rasslin. The new book by J.E. Shook "Gluteus Maximus vs Rolland Dyce" is out now, with a whole …
Explorer of the universe, musician, and award winning Northern Virginia author, J.A. Barrios brings you exciting action-adventure, fantasy and horrors in the forms of "Tenebris: The Unholy Darkness" and "Ravings of an Unsettled Mind." And just like us he's a …
Robert Ginsburg is the founder of Forever Family Foundation, author of the books "The Medium Explosion", and "My Life: Here and There." He's currently featured in the Netflix Docuseries "Surviving Death", and he's also the h...
Author Susan Fair: History reports that in 1620, the Pilgrims faced terrible dangers while traveling on the Mayflower for approximately 60 days, and eventually landing on what is now known as America, but that's just the begi...
On this episode of Let's Find Out with Diego. I ran into our friend Michael Thompson once again last year at Snarly Yows Christmas with Krampus event in Charles Town West Virginia. He's an author, illustrator, and master Real...