Welcome to EdUp Career Schools
July 10, 2023

3.9 Are Advisors Really Coaches?

The role of an academic advisor has evolved to encompass coaching students on various aspects of their education. While advisors have traditionally helped students select courses and monitor degree progress, many now take a more holistic approach focused on students' overall development. Effective advisors exhibit coaching skills like motivational interviewing, goal-setting, and accountability to empower students to make informed decisions. They create development plans, give feedback, and provide encouragement. However, advisors cannot control student behavior. Their role is to guide students to realize their potential. Advisors enable success through strategic communication and by building trust. 

Shift your advising approach to incorporate coaching techniques like motivational interviewing and strategic goal-setting that empower students to achieve their highest potential

Key Topics of this Podcast:

0:02:18 - Lex's journey in higher education 

0:03:39 - Lex's passion for coaching and advising

0:06:05 - Lex's experience with a student similar to her background

0:08:12 - The importance of effective communication as an advisor

0:09:31 - Qualities of a coach: charisma, concise communication, and vision

0:12:43 - The downside of coaching: inability to control students' actions

0:14:36 - Strategies for supporting students throughout the enrollment process

0:17:13 - Lex's aspirations for her coaching career

0:19:49 - Advice for admissions professionals and individuals seeking personal growth

Key Topics of this Video:

As an advising officer, your job is to give the student the information so that they can enroll and are not supposed to be their therapist.

Memorable Quotes from this Episode

“People rarely advocate for students or express their feelings.”

“Advisors should inform, not counsel students.” 

“Hearing different stories builds empathy.”

“Coaching a first-gen student without support was fulfilling.”

“Students need to open up or they'll disappear from fear.”

“Advising shapes me through students' diverse stories.”

“Some students don't follow through but stay positive.”

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Check out The ED UP Career Schools (The Scoop Podcast): https://www.podpage.com/edup-career-schools-the-scoop/episodes/ 


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