Voice of the Customer with Corrina Owens - Ep 043 Highlight 1

In this clip: Corrina shares the most important job of a Chief Evangelist - knowing the voice of the customer and understanding your customer. She also shares a problem with the CMO role: it's often more about systems and processes than about customers.

In this episode: Corrina Owens, Chief Evangelist at purple cork, draws from her account-based marketing and demand generation experience with companies like Profisee and Gong to explain how evangelists can work across functions to better serve customer needs.

Hear the customer-turned-team-member story of Corrina joining purple cork and why the Chief Evangelist role made sense for her, the company, and the competition. Learn about her current focus on positioning and the impact of AI on go-to-market strategy.

Quote of the Show: “In the age of AI, creators and evangelists are going to reign supreme. Because it’s the person behind the tools, technologies, frameworks, templates, and playbooks who’s really the secret sauce.”

See or hear all of Episode 043 with Corrina Owens on Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/M5N2jzYOjic
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4NrCP5dQ7XoTYI2ByEptEw
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/043-corrina-owens-purple-cork-from-customer-evangelist/id1652687400?i=1000639878944
Chief Evangelist: https://www.chiefevangelist.com/043-corrina-owens-purple-cork-from-customer-evangelist-to-chief-evangelist/

Chief Evangelist is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at https://ringmaster.com/