Oct. 4, 2023

The Introverted Sales Guru: From Shy to Top Closer w/ Kelly Shaw

The Introverted Sales Guru: From Shy to Top Closer w/ Kelly Shaw

Ever been told you won't amount to something and then you do exactly that and more? That's the story of our guest, Kelly, a serial entrepreneur and sales expert who, despite being an introvert, has made waves in the sales world. Kelly is a testament to the power of determination, and in this episode, he shares his transformative journey, from being an introvert to becoming one of the leading salespersons in his field. 

Kelly's story takes us through his early days of struggle, which led him to enroll in different sales and public speaking courses and eventually to his success in turning around a Bayliner boat distributorship from bankruptcy to the best in the world. He goes on to share invaluable insights into the sales world, discussing everything from the different personality styles that make a successful salesperson, the DISC system for understanding customer needs, to the importance of creating an exciting customer experience. 

Towards the end, Kelly emphasizes the power of collaboration and finding the right tribe, speaking candidly about his experiences with taking risks and how it has shaped his life. He also dives into the significance of visualization and goal setting for personal growth and success. If you're in sales, entrepreneur, or just looking for inspiration to push through your limits, don't miss this enlightening conversation with Kelly. So let's get started and let Kelly's experiences guide us on our journey to success."

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