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April 2, 2023

Achieving Financial Success through Mentality and Understanding w/ Jeevan Matharu

Achieving Financial Success through Mentality and Understanding w/ Jeevan Matharu


Are you ready to take control of your financial future? 

Meet Jeevan Matharu, the expert who teaches the ins and outs of the financial system and how to use it to achieve success.

In this episode of Walk 2 Wealth, Jeevan shares his powerful insights on picking the right career, developing a winning mentality, harnessing the power of optimism, and understanding the role of failure in achieving success. 

From understanding the financial system to creating a winning strategy, Jeevan's insights will give you the tools to take control of your financial future. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from a true financial master. Tune in now and take the first step towards financial success. Listen to Walk 2 Wealth now!

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Walk 2 Wealth Ep 84 - 3:29:23, 2.53 PM

[00:00:00] This is Walk to Wealth, episode 84. The Journey to Wealth is a long walk and some may walk quicker than others, but what good is sprinting to the finish line if you pass out when you cross it? On Walk to Wealth, we enlighten and empower young adults to build wealthy, abundant lives. They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single.

[00:00:23] And your first step starts right now. This is Walk to Wealth with your host, John Mendez.

[00:00:35] Are you ready to take control of your future? Well, if so, I brought on a perfect guest for you today and this episode I talked to GVA Matharo. He's an expert who teaches the ins and outs of the financial system and how to use it to achieve success in this. He shared some of his powerful insights on picking the right career, developing a winning mentality, harnessing the power of optimism, and understanding the role of failure in achieving success.[00:01:00]

[00:01:00] G has achieved so much during his time. He is a 32 year old author and transformational coach. He is a one of these top advisors in 2021 in the Times newspaper. He is top ranked in judo. He's accomplished tons and tons and tons in his life, but it wasn't always this way. I actually came from Fairly Wealth background.

[00:01:20] That's a chart accountant. He has been accountant for businesses such as Shell, Forner, Mason, bp, for some of the large Fortune 100 businesses. And for those who aren't aware, Fox hundred is the UK stock market for the biggest a hundred companies in the uk. So obviously companies that are turning over millions of pounds, they have always had a, an understanding of finance real estate.

[00:01:42] We have obviously properties as a family and understanding how money. To me as an individual, I was quite, quite clever in school. Yeah. I went to private school, obviously funded by my parents because I had the intellect to be able to go there, but I was actually thrown out of private school. For core behavior [00:02:00] can help.

[00:02:00] To fast forward a little bit, it's not just about your ability, it's about your mindset, your mentality, and your focus that's gonna take to that next level because there's no point in being a bra if you do it how to drive. So bust all would slightly to, to ensure that we're not gonna go too deep into the story.

[00:02:18] I had some good jobs, but it came to a point where I've started to realize that it's not just about how clever you are. I'm actually a member of manager as well. If you know what mentor is, it's a society for the top 2% of IQ in the world. Yeah. So you take a test and if you, 30% you obviously get to, for me, Yes, I'm gonna stop 2% of iq, but what mentality do you need to get to the top?

[00:02:43] What daily habits do you need? Yeah. What focus or plan do you have in place in order to get there? Now, to answer your question directly. Yep. How's I brought up and how's my family orientated towards money? We've always been very focused in terms of money. Yeah. [00:03:00] So, yeah, getting the right jobs, et cetera.

[00:03:02] But what I realized is it's not just about looking for those jobs that pay. Indian family, they very bad for this. Doctors sister. Accountant. Lawyer. Yeah. It's about providing value. This is my realization, the more value you you provide, the more income you're gonna bring in. So Amazon Prime example, they didn't go out to think, well, how can we become a multi-billion dollar business?

[00:03:25] They shut about say, well, how can we get products that are good value to customers next? That's the convenience that they're bringing forward. And because of that, that's why they could build such a fantastic business. So for me, I'm now focusing on what value I can bring. So is that rising report, is it providing financial advice?

[00:03:46] Is it the the coaching side, or is it a combination of all of those and me increasing my ability to earn income because yes, would you save money and we can invest money, but where is that money coming from? Does that [00:04:00] make. Yeah. No, that, that makes a lot of sense. And you mentioned a lot of points there, right?

[00:04:04] You had quite the interesting journey. One of number points that really I wanna dig on a little deeper on before we get into today's conversation is you mentioned that you left a private school, you were kicked out, right? And you told me this when we first spoke a while back, and I, I kind of wanted to ask how was that?

[00:04:18] Like for me, I made a decision intentionally to drop outta college. A lot of the times, people, especially like in less fortunate, I guess, communities, it's like we're, we're push the school is the only way out that is the only ticket to make it in this. Right. If you're not good at school, you have no chance.

[00:04:32] Then we're kind of school kind of indoctrinates us to believe that, you know, that failing is a bad thing, that losing is a bad thing, that you have to get straight A's. You have to be the perfect student in order to become or find any level of success in life. And so what was that like being kicked outta private school?

[00:04:49] How did your parents see that? How was that like kind of taking a, a little bit of a untraditional, unconventional like pivot that you had to make earlier on in your years? How was that? Yeah, [00:05:00] so as you said something that my parents weren't very, obviously they funded a lot of money for me to go to top school to try and give me a chance of further success.

[00:05:08] But as you've rightly said there, and something that I actually understood at quite a young age, school is not for everyone. It's a very linear path. So you have to recite this information, write down the answers, and get a little grade, and that means you're super. What school doesn't actually do give you you, which is give you sort of real life understanding of how things work.

[00:05:31] So school teach, as you said, failure's a bad thing. Failure's not a bad thing. Failure's a good thing. The more we fail, the more we succeed in the long run. It teaches us to we shouldn't cheat. And by cheating schools, it means that we shouldn't collaborate and network together to come up with an answer.

[00:05:49] Why do I need to work by myself when I'm, I've got a network here that I can. To come up with the best of dilution because teamwork makes the dream work, doesn't it? And then it also [00:06:00] taught teacher that is the best way to establish youth collaborative. Well, it's, it's not because test. You can memorize something, write down the answer, and that's it.

[00:06:10] Yes, it is a good way to test you, but we need to go and develop skillsets. Now, for me at school, the skills that I didn't really develop was a focus mentality. Me and whether it was my issue or whether it was the teacher's issue is yet to be decided, but what sort of questions was I asking myself as a kid and what were the teacher asking me?

[00:06:34] Were they asking me, well, what do you wanna be when you grow up? What sort of dedication you need to bring to the table? How many hours of work do you need to be doing a day? What does your current daily habits, all of these sort of questions. Instead, it's, well, they were telling you stuff you should revise.

[00:06:50] You should do this, you should do that. That's not the best way to. The optimal pollution of what the best ways question. So yourself as an example, you are, as [00:07:00] we spoke off there, you've got a, you're doing a number of different things and you want to, you speak publicly, you're doing the podcast, you're doing other bits with the really real state license and if you ask yourself the right questions.

[00:07:10] But how could I be a public speaker? Who do I want, need to go in, get in touch with? How do I improve my own speaking skills? How do I start with my first ever? Once you've asked these questions, you can get the answers. So, so yeah, when it comes to school, my parents weren't best pleased. But when you look back on something, and this is where I'm going with this, is at the time you don't always see the bigger picture, but when you look back and you analyze something, it gives you answers that could help you change your position moving forward, and, and that's what's happened.

[00:07:42] Yeah, definitely. Like a lot of the points that you said, especially when we're like networking, The idea that collaborating is bad is something that harms us so much cuz for. Virtually every opportunity I've been able to come across is because I know somebody or because somebody I know knows somebody or somebody I know that knows [00:08:00] somebody, knows somebody.

[00:08:00] It's like it's all network. It's always been a connection and that's definitely played one of the biggest roles. I think another question I, I'm too, I'm interested in is because you're still relatively earlier on in your journey, especially for being in the financial, in the finance, usually that industry is played well.

[00:08:16] A lot of people are a lot older than you are. Probably around close to double your age is usually most of the people that are in the finance industry. Yeah. Like in the banking and stuff like that. In the, in the senior, more higher up positions. So what was it like navigating your way, and I think this is definitely segue into today's conversation, but what was it like navigating your way in your twenties into this industry and making your way to know some of the, the, the top of the crop in your space?

[00:08:42] So for me, Since coming out of university, I went into the accountancy route first of all. Okay. For those who don't know, accounting is basically . There's two types really. One is looking at what happened over the past 12 months a year. Yeah. Or there's more internal accounting where you look at how the business is [00:09:00] operating, where you can save money, the cost centers, et cetera.

[00:09:03] So a lit a little bit of both for, for a period of six months, and I really didn't enjoy it sitting in front of a desk. It was just crunching numbers. . It was a looking at the past predominantly, and it just wasn't something that was, that filled the soul, shall we say. So I thought, okay, well finance, I don't mind finance.

[00:09:22] What other areas are there? And I've started to look through finances, advice, because it's more about investing, it's more about building wealth, and it's more about looking forward and planning rather than looking backwards. Because yes, we do need to look backwards, but I'm more of a forward thinker than a backwards thinker, if that make sense.

[00:09:39] So I decided to take some exams. Worked for a few people or worked at a number of large businesses for a number of years and then decided to take the risk. And again, as we spoke about off air, coming back to mentality, there's two, there's two ways you can look at it. One is you work for someone else, Bravo.

[00:09:55] You get a good solid, yeah, you could have some level of security. Yeah, [00:10:00] but what are you building for yourself? You're building for other people. So I thought, you know what, I'm just gonna start on my. Still fairly early on in the journey, probably two, two years or so in, in the financial advisory space. But I came to the conclusion of, well, a number of things.

[00:10:15] One, if it failed, at least I've learned a few things. Number two, if I fail, I can always go back to the job that I did previously. So what? And third, if I'm going in with an op attitude with the potential of X, Y, and Z happening, I'm gonna be more motivated and inspire to do. If you go into a business venture thinking, well, what if I go broke?

[00:10:37] What if this doesn't work? What if I lose my car? Harass whatever. You are really not gonna start that journey if you go win the mentality. Well, what if I do get all my vehicles come through financially free, build a network, increase my my income, and build job growth people? You're more likely to take that approach and start, start the business.

[00:10:57] So for me, you have to have a [00:11:00] dedication towards, so, And understand what you need to do. So again, coming back to questions. So, okay, if I wanna be a financial advisor, what, what exams do I need to take? Okay, great. What experience do I need? How do I get that experience after a few years? Well, how do I start my own business from there?

[00:11:18] How do I grow the business death, et cetera, et cetera. So for me, it's all about having plan of action, asking yourself the right questions in order to give your. Kind of action to, to, to, to stick to. So that's, that's what I would say set your goals high as well. There's no point in starting something if your goals are low.

[00:11:39] If you, okay, so let's say you started a martial art today and your goal was to be just to go once a week to maintain your fitness. And there's another guy who started the martial art whose goal was who become world champion within five years. Who's gonna be better off five years, whether the guy becomes a world champion or.

[00:11:58] It's irrelevant [00:12:00] for five years. The guy who the goal of being a world champion is gonna be miles ahead of the guy who just wants to do it once a week to maintain fitness because you'll never exceed your goal. You'll never exceed your goal. So the, the, the role to that is, is okay. So let me ask you right, cuz I know you're in the financial space and you've been setting pretty high goals for yourself and you've been accomplishing a lot of them, right?

[00:12:20] So tell us what is really the financial system and why can't, why doesn't the majority, I know you're in the UK, but even in the US here as well, a lot of people struggle with money and they can't hit their own personal financial goals. They, they seem that money is a bad thing. And so break us down. What really is the financial system?

[00:12:37] How does it work and why? Why would you say is one of the main thing hindering most people from actually putting the financial system to work in their favor? Okay, so there's two, for me. There's two financial systems. One is the standard, the stock market, real estate taxes, savings. That's one part. And the other is the fractional reserve [00:13:00] banking system, the Fed, and how that operates as a, as a system of control.

[00:13:04] So from my understanding, you're talking about the first one? Yeah. Where people have a job, they wanna. Et cetera, et cetera. So really the financial system, if you think about it from, from your perspective and everyone's perspective, in fact, if you want to increase two things, you want to increase your income and you want to increase your capital growth, I think fairs for everyone, they wanna learn more every month and they want to build their nest egg for the future.

[00:13:30] The question is, well, how do you go about doing that? For me, there's a thought side and there's the, the, the more technical side. So the technical side. Stock market, obviously investing into shares, bonds, well, I'll roll this in a bit more detail in a second, but I wanna build the bigger picture First.

[00:13:46] Shares, bonds, real estate, yet other businesses are you gonna take a a proportion of sharks tank, for example, where you're investing into businesses and you're helping them out, or you're gonna invest into a precious metals, gold, [00:14:00] commodities as an a digital as well. The question is for me is how do you get the money to invest in those things in the first place?

[00:14:09] Yes, you can say, well, real estate is gonna make you loads of money, but where do you get the deposit front? Firstly, for me, that comes down to what you are best at in life. Because if you look at the majority of of wealthy individuals, they are very good at what they do. Sports stars, musicians, lawyers, accountants, whoever they are, they are at the higher end of their field or industry.

[00:14:33] They then, because of that, they can accumulate higher levels of. When they accumulate high levels of income, that's when they speak to an advisor who says, okay, well these are the tax allowers that you need to utilize. These are the capital allowances you need to utilize. This loan should invest based on your risk profile.

[00:14:49] You, you can use some bonds, some shares, et cetera, and you should be using real estate. Because many people say, well, yeah, real estate's place to make money, but it's more of a store of value for most [00:15:00] individuals, rather than going out to create. because as a said, unless you've got money to put down to buy a house, how are you going to just make money now?

[00:15:10] Yes. For those that are a hundred percent invested in, in, in property where they have got the capital to invest, they buy one, they, they renovate it, release the equity. Yep. Remortgage it. Or you Even America, don't you, John? Yeah. Yes. So in America is slightly different. You can offset a depreciation against, Your property.

[00:15:33] Whereas in the UK you can't because our properties are appreciating assets and in the states they're not necessarily. But again, that plays deep to someone who specializes in your particular country or industry to understand how applications work. But that assigned it, as I said, I think the main thing is to try and get that primary source of income to then challenge other assets.

[00:15:53] Because if you are earning 10, 15, 20 grand a month, there's your as a podcast host or from the sales of [00:16:00] books or. Any other products or service that you, that you, that you offer, that's when you can actually start using your money wisely. Most of the wealthy clients or individuals I know, they all either have their own business.

[00:16:13] Yeah. Or bought start itiatives, et cetera. Now you mentioned a very good point too, cause right, the top earners. Of the world are all top earners and they're the top of their class in their own respective industries, right? A lot of people always talk about, oh, the top 1%, they're they all, oh, why do they get so much money?

[00:16:30] Is because they're the best at what they do. And you mentioned it earlier, it's like focusing on that one thing and how could we get, become better at that one thing so that we can, because it doesn't matter about the industry, it doesn't matter if you go into engineering or if you get a STEM job or you go into a private.

[00:16:45] right. If you're not good at what you do, your income will always be limited. Yes. Some careers have a lot more earning potential than other careers, but if you're not good at it, you're not gonna get any of the benefits that these people at the top are receiving regardless of whatever industry you're getting you're in.

[00:16:58] It's the people, like you mentioned books [00:17:00] too. I'm pretty sure. JK Rowling watch, she's like the best selling author. Yeah, exactly. And the whole planet. Right. And the gap between her. and the the second bestselling author, it's like night and day. It's not even anything close. Like she makes so much more money compared to virtually everyone else that writes book is not even like, it's not even close.

[00:17:17] So it's like how could you strive to become the best world class kind of like you are in your areas, but in whatever we wanted to do. Whether that's podcasting, like what I'm focused on right now, whether that may be you have a hair salon business you got going on, or maybe that might be you got, you started up.

[00:17:33] Whatever industry you're in, if you're not the top of, you're the top of the top in your own industry, you'll never be able to make the income. You know that you need to have to like build out the life that you wanna live, especially if you want to live a more, I guess, lavish, luxurious lifestyle. You're definitely gonna have to climb the ranks in your own, in your own field first before you kind of get out into making any kind of real income.

[00:17:56] Well, this is it, and if you think. And this is what my first book is actually about. It's [00:18:00] becoming a person of value. Shouldn't chase money people. It's like Jim Rain said once a, a frustration is looking for an above average job with above average pay without being an above average person. You get, you see it all the time, oh, I want a hundred grand job, let me check on read or Indeed or Total Jobs.

[00:18:17] But can you deliver that value? Could you even hold that job? Yeah, you wanna be a ceo, you wouldn't know what the fuck to do. We have to, as individuals work kind of earn value in those skillsets before we even start to look at the finance side. Because as you said, even if you're a hairdresser, hairdresser's making a lot of money, it's, you are a good one and you caught a good, you caught good hair.

[00:18:41] It's a, it's a consistent income for life. Assuming the people live near you still and they haven't moved away, they'll come to you every month, every single month, every single month is regular inco. And coming back to that, actually that's something that we didn't quite. Regular income is better than capital Gross.[00:19:00]

[00:19:00] Regular income is what separates the money from the boys. That's why some crypto models work very well. If you look at businesses, encryption models or people coming back for additional services, that's when the revenue grows, uh, a very high rate rather than capital. Capital value buying and selling cars.

[00:19:17] It's not a, it's not a, a business model where this continual one client is gonna pay continual income. It's a one. It's the one I've found up to. So I feel that even Podcasty as an example. Yeah. And you mentioned growing income wouldn't, you've got your your products out there on YouTube. And on Spotify it's gonna continue, continue to get the news and get hits and that's where that income comes from long term because it's not about creating time for money.

[00:19:43] Yeah, you do. It's about creating value. Yeah. I was gonna mention too, you mentioned subscription models and like the beauty of that is that it's, it's consistent and it's predict. The thing that sucks about entrepreneurship is that usually it's the complete opposite, especially when starting out, it's the furthest thing [00:20:00] from predictable.

[00:20:00] And when you're like that, especially if you don't have any reserves built up, you're only one month away, one bad month away from everything going to shambles and everything hitting the floor and being crumbled. So if you can start, find a way to start building that, that early on, and that's something that I, I started pretty recently, one back, so we're recording this now in December.

[00:20:18] So I just released my subscription. I kind of did like, like a small kind of like low key release, and then I'm gonna announce it again for when I do my virtual summit and then get people to get there because like with the subscription model. Yeah, it's not a lot of money, but it's something that I can predict and that starts helping me leverage out editing that's gonna start helping me leveraging out social media marketing that's gonna start leveraging out to hopefully get to one point where I can hire a VA to handle inbound and outreaches, right?

[00:20:47] And like little stuff like that so I can focus on my top 1% of activities, which is getting behind the microphone and the camera and having great interviews with people like you. And then also being a guest on other shows to have great interviews as a guest. Okay. That's. Podcasting. [00:21:00] That's where you get, that's the breadwinner is interviewing an amazing guest and being interviewed.

[00:21:04] That's the main two things. It's like as that starts, is that gonna make me rich? No, but that's gonna leverage my time. Which is so much more important than starting off cuz then you could focus a lot of your time now that you gained back from all the stuff you leveraged out on higher dollar producing activities.

[00:21:20] And now I'm gonna be able to put that into further developing out my. And getting my, so right now, at this point in time, I don't have an real offer to sell. Right now I deal with the social media marketing thing, but I don't really wanna do that anymore. And then with real estate, that's not where my heart is.

[00:21:34] So it's like I'm kind of taking a hit on money right now. Because I'm trying to figure out what is it really that I really want to, cause one of the things too is if you can't stand behind whatever you're offering, whatever you're selling, whatever it may be, whether that's financial advice or whether that's, as you've been talking about hairdressers a lot, whether that's cutting hair.

[00:21:51] If you can't stand behind the work that you do, it's gonna be real hard for you to go out there and get clients. It's like right now he's like, I'm building out the top of my funnel right [00:22:00] now, and like the more like low ticket stuff so that I figure out what it. That I really wanna sell. And when I have that big time offer, I spent all this time cultivating, creating an audience of listeners and, and, uh, people that really support what I got going.

[00:22:14] It's gonna be a lot easier to roll out. And once I start doing a lot of these, these virtual summits, that's gonna put me in the eyes of a lot of people as an authority figure and as a credible thought leader in this podcasting industry and in the, the personal finance space. So that's gonna help me put out, you know, I mean, I do have something, but the subscription model that's just gonna keep me afloat for the time being.

[00:22:34] And then with the, the, the, the big offers, that's gonna be what brings the money in. And that's where the majority of my revenue, once I start promoting it, it's gonna be coming in. Well, this is it. It's a couple of things that you said there. I think absolutely One is that you want to focus on your major activities.

[00:22:51] So this is an example I use that a lot of people don't really get. Let's say you, you're gonna mow your own lawn in the garden and you could pay someone to, [00:23:00] to mow the lawn for you for, for 10 pounds an hour, but you decide to mow the lawn yourself. Yep. And you will save that 10 pounds or $10 won't you?

[00:23:09] Because you are not paying someone else to. The problem is, is you wasted the hour and that hour you could have made $20. So if you'd have done that activity, as you said, your major activity, and you'd made $20, you could still pay the guy to do your lawn $10 and you've still made $10. So you'd both made $10 in the hour, as opposed to you saving $10, you've not made anything, you've just not spent.

[00:23:36] So as you said, when you get yourself to a business level, You start to delegate the smaller tasks out so you can focus more time on the activities that are gonna bring in and generate wealth. And you see that with all businesses, all individuals, entrepreneurs, whoever you want, maximum time in maximum revenue generating opportunities.

[00:23:58] That's the first thing. The second [00:24:00] thing you said, I think it's fine as well, is you, we have to look at what we enjoy doing. If your heart's not with something, Cannot give the value, as we talked about, that you sh, that you, that deserves to be given because you don't love it. You are, when it's not just about passing either, because you've got to be good at something.

[00:24:19] There's things that I'm passionate about that I would never be paid for football. I'm, I'm okay at football, but could I be a professional football player in life because I've not good enough. I've not got the physical ability as well as the interest or the vendor to scale the stuff that I'm good at, that I don't love necessarily.

[00:24:37] So where can we find the balance between things we are good at naturally and we enjoy? That's where we're gonna find most success in terms of income later on. And yes, initially you might not, you might not create income initially, and that's where you might need a part-time job too. But long term, that's where you're gonna create the real wealth.

[00:24:57] Lionel Messi, Roger Federer, [00:25:00] you think they went out thinking, oh, I'm gonna become a millionaire claim, but we also this. No, they loved it. They were really good. Said they decided, take the risk with, with football and tennis, if you don't make it, you're not going make any money. Yeah. But they took the risk because they loved it and they enjoyed it, and now they're multimillion ads.

[00:25:19] So again, in your, in our, in our own lives, we have to ask, well, what is worth pursuing? Uh, the risk of everything else? Because the biggest risk is taking no risks because there's no upside. If you don't take any risks and you work united far for the rest of your. Yes, you are never gonna be broke assuming you keep your job, but you're never gonna be rich either because you are looking at taking no risk and no reward.

[00:25:42] For me, I would focus, take risk, and get the reward because even if you don't get the reward, there are other rewards. You've lurked something, you developed a person. You might have created some acquaintances. Yeah, some network. Yeah. You might have to learn things that don't work. [00:26:00] You could always go back to your old.

[00:26:02] Let's same only thing. It's not what happens, it's how you look at things. That's, uh, look at, look at things is enforcing. Yeah. So we need to, as individuals look at the positive outcomes that can happen rather than be pessimistic about the issues that could arise. And that's what's gonna give us the best chunks of success longer term.

[00:26:21] Yeah. You mentioned two really good points there. Right? And it, it reminded me of something I learned in microeconomics back when I was in. . And so economic cost versus like opportunity cost is one thing and it, it kind of ties a little bit into the lawn, the lawnmower situation. And both the risk, the thing that you said, the risk, like the economic cost would be something like $10 an hour, right?

[00:26:38] That's so much money that you would be paying, hiring out someone else to do your lawn. But the opportunity cost is that if your time is valued at $20 per hour, like let's say you have a sales job and I don't know, you sell cell phones, would I, you a telesales. , and so you're selling cell phones and in an hour you could make $20 for yourself.

[00:26:57] Then not only are you wasting your [00:27:00] time by doing a lawn, you're losing 20 bucks an hour, and let's say you can mow the lawn and make it a really nice lawn in five hours. That's about. Five times 20. You just lost a hundred hours right there. A hundred dollars right there. Whereas you can hire the guy who's actually a professional in this field.

[00:27:17] You might have to pay him 20 bucks, but he'll get it done in an hour. So now not only did you waste time, you also wait the potential profit that you could have been putting back into your pocket. And that's a whole part like with entrepreneurship, and it ties right into playing risk. It's not that you're saving money or making more money by taking that nine to five, the opportunity cost that you're losing out.

[00:27:40] By not running out on the business, far exceeds and outweighs whatever security that they convince you that you have. At your nine to five because it was something that we're experiencing right now. Currently, it's like all the job losses, like at Meta and Twitter and all these Zillow and all these big companies are dropping people [00:28:00] left and right, like flies because the way the eco, the economy is, and no one predicted that.

[00:28:04] I mean, they have a secure job. They probably have the degrees. They probably were fed the, the lies they ate, the lies of getting degrees. He's gonna be secure and he's gonna have a stable job and stuff like that. But it's like a lot of these people, they say, The, the most millionaires are in the cemetery because most people die before they ever actually move forward their, with their dreams into play or actually act on the idea that they're supposed to act on and taking that risk.

[00:28:29] It's not about, yes, you might go 10,000, 20, 40, $50,000 in debt. You might go close, borderline bankrupt, trying to start a business and get it going the first couple years or two. But the opportunity cost it. It's actually not that high because of the grand scheme of thinking. If you can get it going, the life that it'll provide for you, the amount of money you'll be able to make in long term, the amount of people you'll be able to help in the long term are just gonna far, is gonna far, you're gonna have so much more money.

[00:28:54] Then, then you'll really know what to do with, especially if you're people focused. Zig Z says, if you help enough people get what they want, [00:29:00] eventually you'll get what you want. Right? But if you don't take that risk to start the business and start helping other people, you'll forever live a mediocre life.

[00:29:07] And a lot of people say it's fine. It's, it's not fine. Because not only are you letting yourself down, the future you down, you're also letting down all the people that you could have potentially helped, right? Because it's not also about opportunity cost in terms of how much money you could have made for yourself.

[00:29:21] It's how many people you could. , and if you could help one person that helps, another person, that helps another person, you never know, you could be three, four, maybe five connections away from helping out the next person. That changes the world. Although it may not be directly, you still helped out. And if you never, if you didn't do what you had to do in order to take that risk, you're all the people that you probably would've been able to help and touch and the lives you've been able would've been able to touch in the future.

[00:29:47] You're pretty much letting them down without ever realiz. Yeah. I think the thing is, there's, there's a lot of things that you said there at all. I plan touch on as many of those points as, as, as possible. They can't, not everyone can run their own business because if you've got your own [00:30:00] business, you need employee to work for your business.

[00:30:03] So there's, there's dichotomy. Not everyone is ambitious. Not everyone has the ability to actually start these businesses. So, so it is about what you want and what's okay for you, because for some people, they just want that life of nine to five. Come home, see the. Nice, stable job. Don't have to work too hard.

[00:30:21] Nice and easy. Easy. That's fine. Those people, that's absolutely great. That's what they want. But you as a, as someone who starts a business, this is another reason why you probably want to start the business's because you want to great the, well see you, but also put food on the table for a hundred different families because they have someone who works for you and you are creating roles for everyone around you.

[00:30:43] We need to elevate everyone, not just elevate ourselves, as you said about the Zig sla. You have to give something in order to get something. And you said the, the the lawn example people, it's a mentality thing. People don't wanna spend money on the right people. [00:31:00] Oh, I don't wanna spend money on that much for a haircut or that much for Ed, his this guy's opinion, or for a coach or whatever else, it's gonna be an investor.

[00:31:09] That's Stephan attitude because you don't understand the value they're gonna bring to you. They, these people would not be in business unless they created that. Because even if you're gonna pay a thousand half something, you should be getting 5,000 pounds worth of value back. Yeah. I'm not saying it's five to one necessarily, but that's just a new example.

[00:31:28] You also mentioned the go route and there's a prime example. Peter Jones, I think you have Sharks tanks there in the States, don't you? Sharks Tank John? Yes. Yeah, in the UK we have Dragon. Yeah. Shark Tank. Yeah. That's something that the entrepreneurship were like Kevin o Larry and Mark Cuban and everyone

[00:31:45] Mark Cuban. Yeah. So in the UK we have the Dragon Stare. Now there's a gentleman on there called Peter Jones. He made 200 million, 250 million pounds, lost it all, went broke, flat broke, and made it all back because yes, they took away his money [00:32:00] because he went bankrupt. But what they couldn't take away from him is drive his determination, his network, his his resource, resourceful.

[00:32:08] What he's learned over the, over the course of that time. So he did it all again. And that's what we as individuals need to work realize, is that either if we fail, we can, the failure, I dunno who actually gave this phrase, but failure is the chance to do something again this time more intelligently. I dunno if it was the Isaac or someone, but when we do something, we can do it next time more intelligently and that's, Hey, who is?

[00:32:30] Yeah, we'll ne we will never succeed first time. If you succeed first time in something, it means that. Undertaking a goal that's too low for you Because I can succeed today. I could say, oh, my today is to walk to the shot. Do bread come? I can succeed every day for one. But that's a shit goal, isn't it? Just to be able to be able to up and get some bread.

[00:32:50] My can be, I wanna speak 10 new clients today. Okay. Spoke to three. Okay. Yeah. Not as good as 10, but still we're making progress in the right direction. [00:33:00] Then again, coming back to what I said earlier, we, we all have inherent. It's a video I actually posted on my Instagram page today. There's different types of intelligence.

[00:33:09] C station intelligence, there's linguistic intelligence, there's like physical intelligence. There's in interpersonal, interpersonal intelligence, there's musical intelligence. What type of intelligence do you have? Few are someone who doesn't have linguistic intelligence and and not very good at talking.

[00:33:26] You might be on the autism scale, whatever it's gonna be. You're probably better off not going down that route of public speak. But you might be, again, we use that example, you're a bit autistic, you can do Ruby's cubes. You might have that mathematical, mathematical logical brain that you might be really good at coding or grad or something along those lines.

[00:33:45] So we need to have a matchup between what our abilities are and what we are gonna do for, for a job. Because look, I'm not very good musically. I love music. I love listening to music, and I know what a good. But I can't really play an instrument. I can't really [00:34:00] sing. So you thought I said to myself, I want to be a professional singer.

[00:34:03] Yes. I'm all for limiting beliefs. If you think like that, it's never gonna happen. Yeah. I get all that. But you also have to have some realism there because I could say I wanna be a professional sprinter, but I'm not six foot four and I'm not of like African descent. If you look at history, all a hundred meters, sprinters are all as described.

[00:34:23] Yeah. So we have to take a, an. Realistic view of what we are and how we can get the best out of the, the cards that we've been dealt. If you get dealt a pair of rocket ACEs or you get pair two and three in a poker, a poker hand, you have to play your hand accord inly. You don't play your two and three as if you had a pair of ACEs yet.

[00:34:47] You have to play the hand that you can give it. Yeah, no, it's a, it's a very interest. It's interesting how the world works, right? Because a lot of people spend so much time trying to look at other people's hands that they don't realize that the the hand in front of them. And [00:35:00] that's the problem. What I see with a lot of people, especially people who are in less fortunate positions, they spend so much time looking at the hands, other people are dealt.

[00:35:07] They don't realize that the cards that they have are, are actually work. They're weight in gold. Because if someone's further along in life than you, and let's say they had it easy, they were born into welds. Most of the time they're not gonna have that same struggle story. Right. And if you know anything about entrepreneurship, they tell us all the time or or sales, they always say facts tell, story sell.

[00:35:29] It's the story that people want to hear. It's why we watch movies. It's why we read fictional books. It's why we listen to all these Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson, all these chop entre. They all have an extremely compelling story. Like, so it's like if you're not in a fortunate position and you're, you have, let's say you don't have any atheist or kings or jacks or queens or whatever, like do you have the most basic deck?

[00:35:52] I don't really understand poker, but let's say you have the most trash hand at face value that you could have. But if you play that deck to the best [00:36:00] of your ability, one thing that you'll have is you'll have a story and stories and hard times build character, right? And that charact. It's something that's gonna take you so much further than most other things in life.

[00:36:14] I think the biggest thing that people should do is, is have this self awareness to realize and reflect that. Like, Hey, what am I good at? Or what do I have the aptitude to be good at? You mentioned it too, like if. . Like for example, I'm, for me personally, I'm not getting into singing either. I, I can't think.

[00:36:28] I, I'll be straight up and it's not a limiting belief, it's not being a pessimistic person. It's just having that sense of realism like, hey, this is not in a career path that I would excel in. And for me, like American football for example, it's, I had an opportunity to play college ball. I've had a couple D, division two and division three.

[00:36:46] but I knew in the back of my head, I have no chance of going to the n l. So it's like, for me, when I made that decision to go to school, football wasn't one of the, the, the factors that I looked into when making that decision. Cause I knew that I was being realistic and this is [00:37:00] something that I could do at the highest level.

[00:37:02] I was like, might as well enjoy when I last and, and that's what I decided to do. I left in high school and then I went to college based off my a. And so if we have take that time to self reflect and look into what we're good at and what do we have the aptitude to kind of get better at and excel at, that definitely will help a lot of people.

[00:37:19] And not even just in in their finances, but in or in their business, but even in their personal life with their friendships, with their relationships and their spiritual life, things like that. It would help them in every area because it's like that sense of real. That's what kind of keeps you, I don't know the word that I'm looking for.

[00:37:34] That's what kind of keeps you in check, I guess, with the real world because especially for people that tend to be like hyper optimistic that think they can do everything, there's some truth behind that, but then there's also, optimism can only get you so far and, and sometimes you need to have a sip of reality so that you could stay in check and so that you can continue moving forward on the right path and not a delusional path.

[00:37:56] Yeah. Hundred percent. I think everyone's [00:38:00] jealous of something you've got or I've got Because look, you've got your own podcast show. Someone else doesn't have one. And they want that and, and they're jealous of that. So we need to have gratitude for the card that we have got and the current situation we are.

[00:38:13] But going back to your point, yes, that was talked about, we can only play the hands that we've got. So everyone's like, well, I want to be this big, uh, podcast host, Joe Rogan. Okay, cool. When he started his podcast. Where you start from the same position as he, as he was. He had been a, a comedian he did on the U ffc.

[00:38:34] He's more like to be know loads of people on that side of things. I think he's been on a few other TV programs as well. Him said, so what

[00:38:43] I'll get John on, I'll get Steve on, I'll get Paul on, I'll get Richard on and that she's mates, he can text something, come on the show, and then when they've. They, they friends who know friends and they can grow from there. And obviously he's very good at hosting the show as well. So if you're starting a podcast [00:39:00] today and you haven't gone outta their work, you need to have a realistic approach from where you are starting with your hand, how to play the next best move.

[00:39:09] Not how do I get to BJ Rogan's level because as I said, you are not starting from that royal flush of hands yet. And that's, that's, I think that's really, really important in order to. To build your best life. And again, like you said as well, every area of life we need to improve on because yes, we need to find our main breadwinner, but we also need to be in the best physical shape, spiritual place.

[00:39:30] We need to be able to communicate the best ability, we need to actually have the good social life as well. We need to be attracted to the opposite sex. We need to be able to set goals and motivate ourselves and styro films on a daily basis. There's so many different aspects to life that are finance part of your, your.

[00:39:48] Podcast approach. We need to understand how Financeers work, how to do invest. I just say how to once we've got those level of funds, and especially as a man, I think we need to understand all [00:40:00] those areas to be able to be our best self. For women, it's a little bit different. For women, it's um, whether we like it or not most to it, yes, they can have be good at things, but, but most is harmful.

[00:40:10] Where is looks and communication ability, it just is. That's just how, how the world is. And man, it's a bit. Because we all know a very good looking girl. Laughs are easy for them. Yeah. For men, it's more about substance and so again, that's a realistic approach. Why you, you male or female? Okay. What do you need to do to get the best, the best out of your soul?

[00:40:31] Okay. I need to be better looking. I need to be better skill wise at this. Okay? If we've established that, what do you need to do every day in order to get there? Because it takes time to actually implement an established. and that calls them daily, daily habits, daily goals, and, and, and being disciplined in that area.

[00:40:48] Yeah. You mentioned a pretty good point, like that dichotomy, right? Like men and women and it's, it's, it's a, it is a ying and a yang, right? Because we have skills that were naturally born [00:41:00] with that compliment the, the another, right? And whether you believe, whatever faith you believe in, like, but in the Bible, right, when you know God created Eve, it's, it was to compli.

[00:41:10] Adam, it wasn't to have another Adam to Adams, right? Cause that would be, that would serve no use. While I have two of the same people. It's to serve the areas that he lacked. Right? Because as men, there's certain things. We have a natural attitude and like for example, we're a lot bigger. We tend to be a lot stronger, more athletic, right?

[00:41:24] That there's a reason for that. Because someone has to protect, provide you build the shelter to hunt the wolves, hunt the tigers, hunt. . But then one area that we lack tremendously is in the social realm, right? Women are, are, tend to be a lot more, you know, adapt to social environment and making connections and that empathy and feeling people out and that intuition that they, you know, like that they have built into them, that they could just, hell what's going on without even having to hear anything.

[00:41:51] They just kind of know like little things like that. And it's like there's certain skills that I just said. people spend too much time looking at other people's hand, like we mentioned that. And it's as, it's not just in the [00:42:00] business world, it's also men versus women and a lot of stuff they're trying to portray onto men and women now.

[00:42:04] And it's like, yep, be comfortable in the role. And with the skills that you've been blessed with, how can you make those, take those to the higher level? How can you play those to the best of your ability? It's not about looking at. , you know what the other person has or what do I have? Or Oh, why can he do that?

[00:42:19] Cuz I'm, and he's a guy and I'm a girl. Or why can she do that? But I'm gonna do it. It's like there's certain things we have to have that, certain realism that like, that's just the way life is. And if you go at life complaining that about why life isn't fair, you're missing the point of life. You're too busy.

[00:42:35] You need, you need to spend more time practicing gratitude. You need to spend more. Focusing on the things that you do have and the things that you have been blessed with, and the skills that you have been able to cultivate, that you could probably turn into a fortune if you spent some more time to hone it and spent less time looking at everyone else's deck.

[00:42:53] And so like, what skills do you have that you're, you're naturally good at? For example, like if you're a dude [00:43:00] in, in most cases like you, and you mentioned too about providing a substance. There's a a saying too, The only things in this world I love unconditionally are woman, babies and dogs. That's it, man is, it's based on the value we bring into the world.

[00:43:17] Right? That's it. And so it's like you, that's Chris. You sit and complain a little bit, huh? Was Chris, Rob said that. I think that's it. The comedian. Yeah. Yeah. And so like I, I think it was, yeah, I think I'd seen it in a Facebook video one time, but it's like, . So it's like as a man, right, it's do I sit here and complain because the world isn't fair, or do I make something of the things I've been able to be blessed with, whatever it may be.

[00:43:43] And so it's like, for me, I know that there's certain things that would, I like to be loved unconditionally. Of course, who wouldn't? But it's like if I could provide, if I could fulfill my role to the highest ability, I won't have [00:44:00] everything I need. And then, I will have more than, I'll have the perfect marriage.

[00:44:04] I will have the perfect family, I will have the perfect brother. But it's all about, and kinda I think a's general theme that kind of just been playing out throughout this conversation is about like taking that risk, right? Taking that leap of faith into the unknown a little bit. and yeah, you might get torched to death, but if you could rise from the ashes, kind of like the story of the Phoenix, it's, it's, it'll be all worth it in the grand scheme of things.

[00:44:26] So it's like not complaining about, oh, why, why can't I be love unconditioned? Why am I not a woman or a baby or dog? Or it's like, well, how can I just, this is the system. This is a game, whatever it is, how can I play it to the best of their ability to achieve the highest rewards possible? Well, I don't actually know the story.

[00:44:43] Acres of diamonds, whereby there was a gentleman who had a. and he wanted to sell the farm to go out and find diamonds. Now he comes searching everywhere for diamonds. And what actually happened is that the farm that he sold underneath had the biggest diamond mind in the [00:45:00] world. Mm-hmm. . So what that basically shows a historically moral door is look in your own backyard.

[00:45:05] There is diamonds there before you go looking elsewhere. And yeah, you can come back to the male or female or, or skill sets or gifts or whatever. Yes. The, the world is trying to say, men can be women and women can be men, et cetera. But if we look at, yes, there are exceptions, but if you look at the grand scheme of things, the strongest male is stronger than every other female.

[00:45:26] The the best female has got, like you said, certain things that are better than all males. Yeah. Intuition or whatever it's gonna be. And for women, this is why we know looks are important. Women are even attractive to other. Women say, oh, she's a attract. She's beautiful. Men don't really say that about other men.

[00:45:44] No one wants to see if you go out to a really nice ballroom dinner. Men are not allowed to wear shorts. If you go to a casino, men are not allowed to wear shorts. No one wants to the sea or the men's legs. The woman comes in in cocktail dress, fucking sound [00:46:00] say. So things are different for, for both male and female, and it's about to underst.

[00:46:05] What those differences are and how we can utilize those to the best ability that we, that, that, that we can fathom based on where we current. Yeah, I, I love the story that you mentioned too about like looking in your own backyard, right? The grass isn't greener on the other side of the greener where you water it, right?

[00:46:20] Are you watering your backyard? Are you watering your grass? Are you watering the, the plants that you have planted in your sea, in your, in your farm? And a lot of the people, just as I said, they spend too much time in the looking and constantly staring at other people and pointing fingers. So you've been able to drop a lot of gems this episode.

[00:46:39] So, Where can we connect with you at? Where can we find you at? We wanted to go a little bit deeper into some of the topics we talked about today and some of the, the things we have going on. So I think for, for your, for your audience, uh, predominantly the financial advice side is the, for older people, like 55 and onwards, you have to, we do deal with younger people as well.

[00:46:57] We're looking to build wells, as we said. [00:47:00] Most of the time you need to have established roles before you do certain things with it. Yep. So for, for, for the younger crowd, it's more the coaching side of how to develop right attitude, how to take the risks, and how to get yourself at a good place mentally to give yourself the best chance of being a successful individual.

[00:47:16] I've got a few books on, well, I've got one book on sale. The call Personal Value, and as I said, it's about providing value. Become your value person first before you're gonna achieve anything in terms of income. And the second book that I've got coming out probably early next year is about asking yourself the right questions.

[00:47:32] So, John, where do you wanna be in five years time? What skillsets do you have that need to get utilized, et cetera. There's one every single day for a year and there's actually facing the box to write down your answers to help you plan your future. So the coaching strength, transformation coaching. So you can leave some, some links, et cetera.

[00:47:49] So if anyone wants to reach out, actually bring free coaching at the moment as well. Part of the Christmas little deal. Cause as you said earlier, in. Your mission sim sort thing. For me, I wanna help people to [00:48:00] broaden their best self because look, in fact, everyone is a better person. The world becomes a better place.

[00:48:05] Yeah, I definitely agreed a hundred percent. And so now it's time for the, still doesn't have a name to name this, but the last five questions of the episode, the questions that I asked everyone before we finish off, what is the most impactful lesson you've learned in life? For me, it's to become a person of value rather than chase success.

[00:48:22] As we all know, you have to become something in order to. To become a professional footballer, you don't just say, I wanna become a professional footballer. You have to be good enough to be a professional footballer. If you wanna have a beautiful girlfriend, you need to be someone who's traceable, who's attractive, who's wealthy.

[00:48:38] So you need to work on that in order to attract it and not say that life's unfair. So for me, it's about becoming valuable. What is the most admirable trait a person? . I think it would be a mixture of courage and optimism, because to be a leader, a leader is generally the person who's a calm, miss, and the most optimistic.

[00:48:57] Because if you were going to be on the battlefield [00:49:00] one, one of the, well, let's, let's use two examples. One, that the leader who says, it's gonna be a hard one, we're probably gonna die, don't worry about it. And the other leagues, that's, this is gonna be easy. We're gonna come out victorious. Yeah. And they're, and they're full of courage.

[00:49:13] Who are you gonna follow? The optimistic, courageous. If you had to change someone's life with one book, which book would you recommend? Probably, there's probably two books. One is Thing from Grow Rich makes a great book behind the Poon Hill. The second book would be the Book of Proverbs in the vi in the Bible, because most of the Bible is about obviously history and as you said, other manese.

[00:49:33] But the Book of Proverbs is actually a self-help book written into the Bible. What is the legacy that you're trying to leave? Well, I'm still working on this, just honest, just me. The legacy I want to leave is to, to give people the, the belief or the understanding that they need to deliver to the world, the gifts they have and all the rest of their life all can fix itself beyond that, and [00:50:00] for no matter who's listening right now.

[00:50:03] What is the first step to wealth that they could take right now that is practical, actionable, that they could right after they turn this episode off, go out and implement in their lives right now to make a massive change? I think you've got to want to do it. First of all, you've actually not to say, I want to be rich, I want to do this.

[00:50:22] You've got to really understand and believe it deep. First, that's the first thing. So you've gotta have the mindset of being someone who already sees themself as rich. If you don't see yourself as a a wealthy person, never can see yourself as a wealthy person. You will never become wealthy. That's the first step.

[00:50:37] Second step is how are you gonna get there? What are your major skills, goals about that are gonna help getting you there? And focus as much time as you can on that particular endeavor once you start to earn. Then it's a case of, well, how do I invest it? How do I use real estate? Who do I speak to? Yeah.

[00:50:55] And, and doing it on that basis. This, when that's all happening, that's when [00:51:00] you develop your other skills, when all that's all going on, your ability to be courageous, take risks to network, to be sociable. All of that comes as a, as a development parallel to your major money earning activity. You've now finished taking the first step.

[00:51:19] Now let us help you take the next one. Subscribe to our That's walk the number two so we can keep you moving on your journey. We'll see you on the next episode of Walk to Wealth with John Mend.