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Nov. 2, 2021

Episode 136 - This Job Needs Me, I Don't Need It

Episode 136 - This Job Needs Me, I Don't Need It

Have you ever had a horrible boss that made you want to quit. Is your job now worth it. This episode we discuss a scenario found on twitter between a worker and the requests of their manager. We also talk more about gambling and how we've had some...

Have you ever had a horrible boss that made you want to quit. Is your job now worth it. This episode we discuss a scenario found on twitter between a worker and the requests of their manager. We also talk more about gambling and how we've had some recent wins.

And we like to give a special shoutout to those of you listening to the end

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Theme music can be found here: https://soundcloud.com/flyboicamp/entertain-prod-tony-heat