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March 15, 2021

Episode 106 - NFT: More Than A Crypto Abbreviation

Episode 106 - NFT: More Than A Crypto Abbreviation

NFT. While it's mainly an abbreviation for Non-Fungible Tokens, which we discuss, we also use it to explain some other talking points: Fights and Super Straight for example.

The 69 million dollar buzzword this week has been NFT. What exactly are these Non-Fungible Tokens, and is it worth it to us to get in the game? We talk about it on this episode. However, NFT has some extra meanings in this episode, for example: Not Fighting Teens. Jeff pitches a hypothetical fight scenario involving teens and 4th graders. The other NFT, we'll let you decide what it stands for as we discuss the new emerging term: Super Straight.

Topic Timestamps:

3:20 - Vaccinne Talk

7:00 - Marvel/Disney+

13:00 - Hypothetical Fights

25:00 - NFT (Art and NBA Highlights)

38:15 - Racism and Hot Mics

58:00 - Super Straight

Theme music can be found here: https://soundcloud.com/flyboicamp/entertain-prod-tony-heat