Aug. 2, 2021

Morning Jitters

Morning Jitters

On today's episode, you will learn how to relieve those very 1st thing in the morning jitters so you can instead start your day off feeling calm and grounded and ready for whatever comes your way.

So…Does this ever happen to you? You are asleep in bed, your alarm goes off, you turn it off, and then pow! Anxiety sets in….

You feel your body immediately tense up

Heart starts to race

Jaw tightens

Breath becomes shallow

Start to sweat

And your mind is going a mile a minute…thoughts, more thoughts, more thoughts…hitting the ground running with thoughts beginning your 60K + thoughts per day right away…and I will bet that many if not all of those thoughts aren’t happy thoughts…full of worry, “I have to’s”, “why’s….why am I so tired, why do I have to get up, why do I have to do that”….lists….

If so....I used to feel exactly like you and I am going to share with you a short "stay in bed" routine which includes focusing on your 5 senses and adding an affirmation so that you can instead feel calm, grounded, focused and ready for your day! It totally works! 

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