Aug. 2, 2021

5 to Thrive

5 to Thrive

In this episode I answer 2  common questions that I am frequently asked:

#1 -- What is self-care?
#2 -- Why do I need to do it?

I like to think of self-care as anything and everything that you do to keep yourself as healthy as possible. We can deconstruct and simplify this into what I call “5 to Thrive”-- 5 main categories drawn from both the work of Dr. Dean Ornish as well as Lifestyle Medicine— to keep you as healthy as possible not just survive and scrape by getting through each and every day but really thrive!

#1--Low stress levels (#1!! This should be #1 to infinity but we will keep it as #1 as this is like the “mothership” which dictates the decisions that you make in the other categories and why I am so focused on sharing with you how important it is to be stress-free from the inside out)

#2--Good night’s sleep 

#3--Healthy diet 


#5--Connecting with others 

You will learn about what chronic stress actually does to our bodies and minds: chronic stress affects all of the other self-care categories…it leads to poor sleep, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and isolation….and has been associated with most of the chronic diseases that occur in the US including adult onset diabetes, hypertension, obesity, heart disease, stroke, cancer…. and it even decreases your longevity at the telomere level (protective ends of your chromosomes)….which means you live a shorter life when chronically stressed! 

You will have an opportunity to put on a "nonjudgmental hat" and take a look at your  "your cup", what is actually in there, what would spill out onto others? And ask yourself how you can commit...taking just baby fill up your cup so you can live your healthiest, happiest, most fulfilling life!

For more info and to sign up for free self-care tips, check out StressFreeMD!

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