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Relevant and Relatable
Love this podcast! Started working my way listening from the beginning. So much priceless and inspiring information for hairstylists looking to be intentional with their life, finances and up their career game. Thank you!

Encouraging and motivating!
Love listening to all of the successes and failures that led to the successes of the guests in here! I think what this is doing for creative professionals is epic! Keep up the good work!

Love listening in!
Great info to expand your horizons….thinking about your business all the time isn’t healthy ya gotta think bigger! Cash help to grow your visions in all aspects of your life!

Loved the latest episode about branding!
Such an inspiring episode hearing from a salon owner and educator. I do have a question…there was talk about an app you guys use to track your time. I would love to know what app you use, and also an episode on effective time management strategies and time blocking. Thank you again for another wonderful episode. Much love, Erika

Really enjoying the lessons given
This year Cash and Jordan are on top of my priority list when it comes to narrowing in on my mentor(s). I’ve been my own LLC, suite renter since 2021 (2 weeks after a 12 week maternity leave and 2 months before the world shut down). This journey has been a roller coaster! This year my focus is on understanding my numbers and systems BETTER! Really knowing what to ask, what to look for and how to think when it comes to the financial literacy of my business. Cash and Jordan have a lot of good information. As long as they keep things “dumb down” or hold my hand in understanding financial methods. I do find a lot their knowledge and lessons are really helpful and attainable. REQUEST: could you guys create a class option (for non members- waiting for the next opening) to teach and guide how to build a business proposal. How to plan for the financial aspect as well as options for finding the funding for a new business idea. I’ve had this reoccurring entrepreneurial idea/concept and at this point I’ve fought the idea more than I have considered it a possibility. It seems so out of reach to open up a business, a salon, bigger than myself and point blank I’m intimidated. However, as a stylist I have ALWAYS felt as though I have more to offer than just being behind the chair especially with all of the experience and knowledge I have gained in the past 14 years of my career. I am striving to be apart of something bigger whether I initiate the idea or I get the opportunity to be apart of something bigger! Sincerely, open to continuous growth and knowledge

Super informative!
This is a great podcast for any hairstylist wanting to learn more about money and growing their business.

Great Podcast
Real, honest, tangible information that can help all stylists and salon owners.

Great listen!
Would love to hear more women in the next season

Great podcast!
Love hearing all the insightful information, very inspiring. Some of the amazing journeys people are sharing are really motivating. There is a takeaway for anyone on every episode at any level of their career.

Worth every minute!
Thank you for sharing such valuable information. Our industry is long overdue in teaching business fundamentals.

Learning so much through this podcast!

A darn fine podcast!
If I do say so myself